The Storm After the Calm

Well, all good things have to come to an end. Although I have been talking (complaining) about the the cooler weather, we have now emerged into downright COLD weather. Overnight was just around freezing with a high today of 5°C. To add insult to injury, we have had our first rainfall since we came down over 3 weeks ago. Last night and this morning were blustery, cold and wet, so we hunkered down with computers sewing machines and soldering irons. Unfortunately the internet was somewhere between dead slow and stop, as I guess everyone else was using it as well.

After a warming lunch of hot soup we ventured out to the town of Daphne, about 30 miles away. It seems that a fabric / craft store up there had a sale! As we drove north the weather started to clear, but the temperature stayed the same. On the way back we took the scenic drive for a while that followed the eastern shore of Mobile bay. By now the cold front was well past and the visibility was great, and the skies began to clear.

Not much else to say, hopefully the temperatures will start to pick up again. They can’t get much lower, at least not this far south.


Posted in Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 4 | Leave a comment

Freeze Warning

This morning was overcast but warm, around 65°F with some humidity. I fear this may be the last of the warm weather for a few days as there is a freeze warning out for tonight. West of here in Texas, where the weather is coming from, they had daytime highs of 8°C.

This morning Lyn did some more sewing, and I started the next stage of the camera install. The camera needs to be connected to a transmitter, which ideally would be placed at the back of the trailer close to the camera. The problem with that is, the trailer has an aluminum frame so the signal from the transmitter will be quite weak by the time it reaches the receiver inside the truck. To get around this, a cable will connect the camera to the transmitter, which will be placed right at the front of the trailer. Most of the wiring will just run along the frame outside, but I need to get it from underneath the trailer up through the back of the living area to the cupboard behind the camera. This took best part of the morning to finish, but now there is no sign of the cable.

After lunch we headed south to a new trail that runs along a hydro right of way, and also houses a few caches. These caches were more evilly hidden than most (4 out of 5 on the difficulty scale) but after a little hunting we found them all.

After that we headed out to a fresh seafood store we had been told about that was on the banks of the Bon Secour river. This was only about 5 miles off the main road we travel a lot, but we had never been there before. Once there we were confronted with a multitude of shrimp. I always thought a shrimp was a shrimp, but I guess not. In the end we departed with some fresh giant shrimp which were destined to go straight onto the BBQ.


Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 4 | Leave a comment

Calm Before the Storm (or Heat Before the Cold)

Another beautiful clear and warm day. The humidity was more noticeable today as the temperature climbed up into the high 70’s. If the forecasters are to be believed we are in for a few cooler days in the mid 50’s at the end of the week.

We had originally planned on going down to a place where they sell fresh fish at the riverside, and then do some geocaching. We decided against it as we weren’t sure whether they would open on Remembrance Day. Instead I finished up waxing the the rest of the car, and Lyn did some waxing on the trailer. I hadn’t totally finished the trailer as there is an area under the front cap which is better suited to shorter people waxing it!

We’ve owned the trailer for around 4 years now, but we have never measured its height. Instead we have avoided going under anything with less than 14ft clearance. Today was the big day, I headed up to the roof with a pole and a chord and Lyn stayed below to mark where the chord touched the ground. In case you are wondering what the pole was for, the roof has a number of attachments that sit on it, vents, ladders, air conditioner etc. In addition the roof is not flat it is arched, so I placed the pole (parallel to the ground) on the higher points of the attachment and Lyn determined which one was the highest and marked it on the chord. Back on the ground we measured the chord and came up with the height of 12′ 8″. So anything with a clearance of 13′ or taller should be safe.

This afternoon Lyn went off to the craft session, after last weeks meeting with 7 people, there were only three today. While Lyn was away, I continued with an ongoing battle I am fighting with some programming, so far the programming is winning as I am dealing with sin,cos,tan,atan and all those evil things that I never understood at school, and understand them even less now.

Tomorrow we will try the fresh fish store and some caching.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 4 | Leave a comment

Back to Shorts

Another beautiful clear sunny morning / day. The heating still came on this morning but not for as long as it has done recently. We’re just past the halfway point of the trip; in three weeks we’ll be on the road heading north.

An executive decision was made, and shorts were donned for the first time in quite a while.

Monday was laundry day for Lyn, so I bravely stepped into the alien world of car cleaning. I figured that if I could wax the trailer then I should be able to do the same for the car. The outside was fine, but then I got carried away and started to clean/degrease/wax the areas inside the doors where all the grease collects. Next time I’ll work on the theory that grease provides as much protection as wax, it just doesn’t look so good!

This afternoon Lyn headed off to visit a few shops, my second executive decision of the day was made; stay at home. I did a little more cleaning of the trailer, the underside of the awning was dirty so I tried to give it a clean, it is not the easiest of jobs as there is very little tension in the awning fabric so it is hard to put enough pressure on the brush to clean it effectively. It’s a little better, but not as good as I’d like.

The final task of the day was to put together the inside of one of the storage cupboard where I had brought the wiring through for the rear camera, it was simple in theory, but difficult in practice.

Hopefully the warmth will continue, and we’ll head off to one of the trails tomorrow for some exercise and geocaching.


Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 4 | Leave a comment

A Day for Planes

A clear sunny morning when we woke up, it was still cool enough for the heating to kick in for a while, but the temperature is on its way back up.

After breakfast we headed off to Naval Air Station (NAS) in Pensacola Florida, about 28 miles East of here. This weekend was the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Naval aviation combined with the last display of the season by the US Navy Blue Angels display team.

We got to the airfield around 11 A.M. and there were plenty of people ahead off us, but there was little delay despite the traffic. We got our exercise in by walking from the parking lot to the public area, about 1 mile. There was a static display as well as a flying display. We hadn’t been to a flying display for over 20 years, and things have changed a little. There was no BIG aircraft either on the ground or in the air, the largest we saw was the Blue Angels support aircraft, a C-130 Hercules called Fat Albert.

Fat AlbertThere was also the lightest US fighter on display, both on the ground and in the air, the    F-35 Lightning.



There were also a couple of new concepts that I had never seen, nor heard of, before. One was a glider, powered by a jet engine! This is the Super Salto, you can see the small jet on top behind the cockpit.



Next was a modified 1929 Waco Trimwing with a jet engine slung under it.

There were other older aircraft there in the form of Boeing Stearman

Boeing Stearman

The star of the show of course was the Blue Angels Display Team.

Blue Angels 1 Blue Angels 2 Blue Angels 3

Although the team was impressive from the point of view of sound and speed, I was little disappointed with the routine. I have been brought up watching the RAF Red Arrows and Canadian Snowbirds. Both these teams use slower jets, this means that the disply is performed in front of the audience for most of the time. The Blue Angels will do a fast, noisy manoeuvre in front of the crowd and then disappear off and regroup. The other difference I noticed was that the display would often fly low and fast over the crowd, which was good for effect, but has been banned in most countries as a safety hazard. There nothing like an F-18 on afterburner sneaking up behind you just under the speed of sound at 200 feet to get your attention.

All in all, a good trip out.


Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 4 | 1 Comment


Another cool night, and a cool cloudy morning. After breakfast the weather remained pretty much the same, so I couldn’t really come up a good excuse not to finish waxing the trailer. That, and the weekly clean out of the tanks kept me busy for a couple of hours.

After lunch we headed out for a walk around the resort, it has filled up fairly well with weekenders, in addition to more long term visitors arriving.  Today was the first “social” event of the season. In previous visits there were “jam” sessions on Friday nights where any musicians in the resort could get together and perform. This was the first session of the year. Although neither of us play any instruments we have been go over to listen. I still find it amazing that people who sometimes don’t know each other can get together and play tunes that they have played before just by watching and listening to each other. Then again if your a musician, this may not be a big deal.

Anne, sorry to hear about your shovelable (new word) humidity, but if it makes you feel any better we also had a small amount of the white stuff down here.


OK, so it’s not really snow, it’s where I painted the rear-view camera white the other day.

Tomorrow it’s off to the US Navy base at Pensacola for an air show.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 4 | Leave a comment

South of 60

NO, the title does not refer to the latitude (as in the TV programme of a similar name) it refers to today’s temperature. Last night cooled down a bit, and we woke to the sound of the furnace. It was a bright sunny day which is was good as the trailer heats up nicely with sunlight.

We headed out to do the weekly shopping this morning, on the way there we filled up with gas for the first time since we’ve been here. Considering we last filled up about 300 hundred miles north of here 3 weeks ago, that wasn’t too bad! Gas prices were down to $2.74, hopefully they will continue to fall when we get the truck down here.

After lunch little was done, we were both feeling somewhat lethargic for no apparent reason. Lyn did some sewing, and then decided she should go back to Hobby Lobby to get the material she forgot yesterday. This time she remembered!

I finally got off my backside and did some more waxing of the trailer, this seemed to wake me up a little.

Hopefully one more cool night and the temperatures will start climbing. At least it is still warmer down here than it is up there!

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 4 | 2 Comments

Quiet Day at Home

This morning was warm and overcast when we woke up, with an overnight low of around 60°F. After breakfast conditions were much the same although the temperature had climbed into the mid 70’s. Unfortunately these were good conditions to wax the trailer in, something I had been putting off for a few days. The waxing went a lot better today than when I had tried earlier in the week.

Lyn, as usual settled down to some quilting, she was going to do the border on the quilt she finished yesterday, unfortunately she didn’t have enough fabric of the right colour, so it was off to Hobby Lobby for her. When she came back she had a bag of goodies with her, unfortunately she seems to have got over excited and bought materials for other projects, but forgot to buy the material for the quilt!

After lunch we headed off for a walk around the park, we stopped and chatted with a couple for a while, Lyn had met the wife at the craft group earlier in the week. We did our usual 1.5 mile route, then back to the trailer. I did a bit more waxing on the trailer and another of Lyn’s craft group dropped by for a chat.

Again it was humid by mid afternoon, but the forecast for the rest of the week is cooler dryer air, hopefully the emphasis is on cooler rather than colder.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 3 | 1 Comment


Back to the good old temperatures, low 60’s overnight and high 70’s during the day. This morning was a little cloudy when we woke and the clouds continued to build throughout the day. By the end of the day it was quite humid and overcast.

First order of business was to take one of the propane tanks down to the office to get it filled, the use of the furnace over the last few evenings used up the gas in one tank. The trailer has two 30 pound gas tanks connected together by an automatic switch-over valve. This valve gives a visual indication when it has switched over indicating that one tank is empty. The good news here is that I take the (light) empty tank to the office, and they bring back the (heavy) full tank to the trailer.

Lyn brought out the quilt again this morning, so in order to protect my delicate ears I went outside to work on mounting the rear view camera. The plan was to mount the camera and minimise the number of holes drilled into the fibreglass. As it was I managed to get away with only drilling two small holes for the mounting screws. Behind the marker lights at the top rear of the trailer was a hole large enough to pass the camera wires through, so all I had to do was remove the light fitting, cut a small notch in its base, pass the wire through and replace the fitting with copious amounts of caulking. Two small holes were drilled for the mounting bracket, the holes were filled with caulk and the bracket screwed on. Easy!! Whats more it worked.



By the time I got back into the trailer Lyn had finished the quilt top.


After lunch we headed back down towards the coast for an afternoon walk and some more geocaching. By the end of the afternoon the sky was quite grey and the temperature was up to 76F with more humidity than we had experienced previously.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

That’s More Like It

Standard wake up conditions! It was a lot warmer last night, and we were back into the 70’s this afternoon.

After breakfast we took our daily exercise strolling around the site for 1.7 miles. We picked up the mail,Lyn was happy as she had ordered a “surprise” package from one of her quilting stores and it had arrived. Seems the package was full of usable goodies!

Back at the trailer I decide it was time to take off one of the wheels and check out the bearings. The reason for doing this was that I had read a number of reports of issues with the bearings not being properly packed with grease when they left the factory, this could lead to two unwanted conditions. One is lack of grease causing the bearings to overheat and fail, the other is too much grease which gets forced out onto the brake pads.I got the trailer jacked up and then took the wheel off, when I got down to the wheel bearing I was expecting to find a grease fitting which would allow me to add more grease if needed. It wasn’t there! A little bit of research on the web showed that our trailer was fitted with an upgraded set of bearings which were sealed and needed no maintenance, let’s hope that is true. The wheel was put back and the lug nuts torqued to the correct value, hopefully we are all set to start travelling in January.

Today it was warm enough to eat lunch outside again, things are definitely looking better. After lunch Lyn headed over to the clubhouse for the first craft meeting of the season. Even this early in the season they managed to attract seven people, so they were quite happy.

While Lyn was busy socialising I set about preparing, and then painting, the rear view camera I am planning on putting on the trailer. I wanted a camera that was housed in a weatherproof box, rather than the type that required a large hole to be drilled into the fibreglass body. Trouble is, these cameras only came in black housings, unless you wanted to add $100 to the cost. I figured a $3.49 can of spray paint would solve the problem. The final product looks pretty good, the next challenge will be to mount it and make sure the end result is weatherproof

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment