I Hate Camping

Well, we survived the setup last night, or so we thought! We didn’t have the trailer fully level but thought “it would do”. After walking around for a while, and noticing doors closing on their own, it became obvious that it wouldn’t do! In addition, the fridge wasn’t working too well…. took a long time to cool down both on gas and hydro.

This morning was a continuation of yesterday, wet,wet and more wet. It was decided, for better or worse that we would not pack up the trailer to level it, rather we would jack up the axles on the offending side and place big “lego” blocks under the wheels.

This was a great plan, until a hunt through the trailer AND the instruction book failed to locate a jack! Ummm, must be a jack in the truck, sure enough there was. It had never been unwrapped or used, but looked like a good hydraulic jack. This should be easy!

Foiled again, aforesaid-mentioned jack looked like a hydraulic one, but in reality it was a wind up one. This should be fun to use under the trailer. Anyway, it all worked out in the end, the jack worked, the wheels got blocked, the place got level, the fridge cooled down and I got wet.

Once that got sorted, it was time to work on the WiFi. The campground has a WiFi hotspot and the signal just about reaches our site if there is a following wind. Last night we had about 15 minutes of signal which was just enough to write the blog. Today nothing. At the hotspot all was well with an excellent signal, but not so in the trailer. No problem, we previously bought a 3G dongle to use cell phone access to the web so that we wouldn’t be reliant on campground WiFi, just top up the account and off we go…. easy!

Wrong, after 20 minutes arguing with Virgins automated moron named Alex I finally upset him enough that he connected me to a human agent who proceeded to take all my details so I could use my credit card to top up the account. Ten minutes later he came back and told me I have a Canadian Credit card, correct says I, we don’t take foreign credit cards says he, )(*(0@@%@$!# says I and hang up.

By now it’s lunch time, I am a wet and not too happy a camper, Lyn is hiding somewhere, away from flying objects and expletives,  reading her book and we have no food. Time to cleanup and go shopping. Just as we are about to leave my memory wakes up and remembers we have the remains of last nights pizza in the fridge…. a good and wholesome lunch!

Finally hit the road in search of a Radio Shack where I can buy a Virgin top-up card with my foreign credit card. Radio Shack wasn’t to be found, but Staples was. Unfortunately Staples don’t sell the right top up card, but they did sell the Iconia Tablet I was looking for…. things are looking up at last. We discovered that radio shack was hiding in the mall across the street. On the way there we stopped off to do the grocery shopping …… a relatively non event. Found RS and got the top up, headed back to the camp site and discovered the booze store…. MA is like Ontario in being rather backwards with its booze selling.

Finally made it back to the campsite with two more jobs to do, set up the WiFi and set up the Satellite TV. I was dreading setting up the TV as we are in a heavily wooded area, but much to my amazement it was set up in under 10 minutes with the best signal strength I have ever seen. Things are getting better! Next came the WiFI, that only took 5 minutes…. on a roll now.

Time to go play with the tablet, maybe camping isn’t so bad after all!!

Posted in 2011, Massachusetts, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

On the Road Again

Well, here we go again. Up at the unearthly hour of 6:30 AM. Finished the packing, and out to get some breakfast. We had everything hooked up and on the road before 8AM.

Weather looked OK, high overcast which is good as driving into the sun gets a bit too warm for the long haul. Unfortunately, shortly after crossing into the States, the remnants of Tropical Storm Lee  unleashed themselves upon us. We finished up the last 7 hours of the trip in heavy rain. At least the truck and trailer got washed.

We arrived at the campsite a lot earlier than expected, remind me not to trust mapquest again! We were also introduced to the tolls on the New York thruway, $32.50 later we left NY and joined the Mass Turnpike, another toll road. We did half the distance on the turnpike as we did on the thruway, and got charged one tenth of the price.

We arrived at the camp ground and got setup (in the rain). From what we have seen the campsite should be pretty good with fairly large, wooded sites. Haven’t yet set up the TV so not sure whether the satellite signal will make it through the trees, but at least there is some WiFi, haven’t tried the phone out yet, so not too sure how good it is.

By the time we had the place set up, it was too late to go shopping, specially as the local supermarket was taken out by a tornado back in June, and hasn’t yet been rebuilt!

We went into the local town of Monson, and had a pizza… the shopping can wait til tomorrow.

Posted in 2011, Massachusetts, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

The Last Supper

Woke up to cool (13C) temperatures, which was actually good as we had a day of cleaning and packing ahead. It’s amazing how much stuff we had accumulated since January.

Lyn worked on the inside while I took down the antennas and drying rack form the back of the trailer. Next, time to check all the fluids and pressures on the truck. By lunch time the inside of the trailer was pretty well done, all the electronics (with the exception of the satellite receiver) were packed away. After lunch it was time to pack up  a lot of the stuff into the belly of the trailer, remembering to leave enough room for the hoses, cables, blocks of wood, support pads etc tomorrow.

All this was done by late afternoon. In the evening we went out to a restaurant on the intra-coastal waterway called Lulu’s. It’s an interesting place, almost a mini theme-park and very busy. Lulu is the sister of singer / songwriter Jimmy Buffet, maybe this helps account for its popularity? The food was OK, not great…. more of a lunchtime menu than an evening meal.

Anyway, this 3 month trip has drawn to a close, we’ll be heading out mid morning and should be back in Ottawa Monday afternoon. I suspect I won’t add anyhing on the trip back, after 10 hour days driving the mind is pretty numb, plus (hopefully) there is nothing of interest to talk about when you are just plodding up the interstate.

Have a good summer!

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 5 | 1 Comment

The End is Nigh

Woke up to rain and thunderstorms that had been going on all night.

Did a little bit of organising, and when the rain stopped, went out and cleaned up the BBQ, then this afternoon we headed down to a large bookstore to see what they had to offer. Coincidentally this was near a cafe called Sweetie Pies, so we had to have one last sampling of their delicious pies. Other than that it was a nothing day. The calm before the storm of cleaning and packing tomorrow…. not a pleasant thought!

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment

Good Bye Beach

Much cooler today, the max around 20C.

Next years trip is now finalised as I managed to book January at a site near Brownsville Texas, right on the Mexican border. With that out of the way, I need to get thinking about fall 2012. I have a wad of aeroplan miles that have to be used by 2013 otherwise they expire (Thank you Air Canada 🙁 ). The dream of New Zealand isn’t dead yet, so some serious planning will need to take place!

The forecast for tomorrow is wet and thundery, so we decided to head down to the beach after lunch for a final visit. It was cool and windy, with some nice waves rolling in. We took a walk along the beech, it reminded me of Southend or Clacton in the UK a couple of times, people out for a day on the beach all wrapped up in towels and blankets! We didn’t venture too far as the wind was pretty strong.

On the way back we made a rare discovery in Southern Alabama, a Donut shop. Actually we had been to this place before but it was closed for the winter. Good thing too their donuts were fresh and large!

Had our first bad reception with the satellite TV tonight, there were/are severe thunderstorms directly along the line of the sat dish.

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 5 | 1 Comment


Warm and humid again!

Today we headed off to the Naval Air Station in Pensacola Florida to visit the Naval Air Museum. As we turned out of the campsite there were a number of bushes in full bloom, these have been filling out in the last few days, months ahead of when we can expect to see them back home.

We took the coast road to the base and went through security, the MP looked at my driving licence, asked if I had any weapons in the truck and waved me through!

The museum was excellent, a very large indoor facility with aircraft everywhere, on the floor and hanging from the ceiling. The aircraft ranged from the early 20th century through to the early 21st.

Of particular interest was the Wildcat, which Dad used to work on when he was in the Fleet Air Arm on Aircraft Carriers

Another great facility to visit, and to put the icing on the cake, no parking fee, no entrance fee.


Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 4 | Leave a comment

An Assignment for YOU

Hot and Humid!

Another extremely lazy day although I did get two things done; the outside windows got washed and I managed to book a campsite for next February just outside Corpus Christi, Texas. One more to go!

Other than that little was accomplished.

Now a request, as I have been do all the hard work here (writing) for the last 6 months, could those of you that have been reading the blog leave a comment, just so as I can get an idea of numbers, and whether to continue next year.   At the bottom of this entry click on “Leave a Comment” and follow the instructions. Thanks


Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 4 | 8 Comments

Hot & Humid

It was already 20C when we woke up!

Today was hot and humid, there was a reasonable breeze which helped, but definitely a day for doing even less than usual. We went to the usual Saturday morning breakfast, but there were only about 10 people there, a sure sign that the winter season is winding down here. The park is probably about a third empty now, with more moving out every day.

Spent a lot of the afternoon trying to arrange campsites for next year. Most of the ones that looked reasonable wont take monthly bookings until much later in the year, by which time it may be too late to find anything else if they have no room. Ah the trials and tribulations of a trailer dweller!

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 4 | Leave a comment

Nature Walks

Somebody turned the heating off overnight, we awoke to a cool 54F (12C) this morning……. what a shock, it climbed back up to the high 70’s though. Today we went back towards Fairhope, about 20 miles NW of here. There is an area could Weeks Bay, which is maintained by the Weeks Bay Reserve Foundation. The first place we stopped at was Weeks Bay Pitcher Plant Bog. This was a wetlands area with about a mile if boardwalk running through it, one of the more prolific plants there was the carnivorous Pitcher Plant, so called because of the “pitcher” that grows up beside the flower that fills with water and drowns insects for the plant to eat!

After our walk around the area, we headed off to find a smocking shop that Lyn had read about, and that we had been to a couple of weeks ago but it was closed. We found the shop, and I settled in to the truck for a long wait. I hadn’t even got comfortable when Lyn returned, looking none to happy. Turns out the shop was nothing like what she was expecting / hoping for and the visit was declared a “complete waste of time”.

After lunch we headed back to another part of Weeks Bay, and another board walk experience. We checked into the reception area and were given a brief overview of the place, then armed with a small book they lent us we hit the boardwalk. At various points along the way trees or plants were identified, and a description of them could be found in the book. It was a great way to learn about the local trees and plants.

The State of Alabama seems to have it’s act together with these refuge areas, they are all well laid out and informative; what’s more entrance and parking are free!

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 4 | Leave a comment

Went to a Restaurant and They Threw Food at Us!!

Woke up to 70F temperatures adn clear skies, the humidity of the last few days has gone.

Another lazy day, spent mostly playing with electronic gizmos, although we did do the weekly shopping. Also took the truck in for an oil change, and as usual there are always a couple of extra things that the service manager feels you should get done. One of these was a leaking front differential cover, it could be fixed for just under $600, but wasn’t urgent. Declined his offer and drove home. After parking the truck, I decided to look underneath and lo and behold there was oil on the concrete under the area of the front diff! This is the first time in a year that there has ever been any oil dripping from the truck —- Coincidence??

Got out some paper towel and ran it along an area just under the diff, there was a lot of oil there… and it was nowhere near where they would have been changing the engine oil. Cleaned it all up, and so far there has been no sign of further leaking. Don’t think I’ll be going back to that dealer.

Tonight we went out for a meal (no comment Hazel) to a local “must visit” restaurant. The place was full, but we managed to get in pretty quickly even though there were about 25 people ahead, out of those 25 there was a party of 19 so we jumped ahead them. The restaurant seating was wooden benches and tables, reasonably close together which made it fairly noisy. Once we were seated and drink orders were taken, a couple of guys came round with hot bread rolls. Seem that if you want one you put your hand up and a roll is thrown across the room at you! That was a first, even though I have been to many restaurants on many continents.

While we were waiting for the food to come, people were circling the rooms with various southern “delicacies”; Fried Okra ( deep fried zucchini), boiled cabbage, black eyed peas, apple butter with molasses (for the rolls) and macaroni with tomatoes.

All in all a different, but good experience.


Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 4 | Leave a comment