Home Sweet Home (NOT Sweet Home Alabama)

After a really good nights sleep, we were up and away by 8:15. Most of last nights rain had cleared out, but unfortunately a thick fog had rolled in. Probably the first 3 to 4 hours of driving was in in fog with less than 400m visibility, so it was a little tiring. For some reason fog doesn’t worry me too much, I got used to driving in it in the UK. I find if you build up a mental picture of the traffic that has passed and then tag along behind a group, keeping the last guy in sight you have a reasonable idea of what is going on ahead.

We left West Virginia, went briefly through Virginia, even more briefly through Maryland, into Pennsylvania, New York and finally Ontario. Gas prices rose from $2.37 in South Carolina to $3.29 in New York State.

Customs was a five minute breeze, the did surprise me with a new question though ” Have you been in Africa within the last 21 days?”  I guess ebola is still creating some panic.

Paul and Amanda texted last night and offered us dinner if we wanted to stop by, which we did as it was free food! and some free Noah and Dylan time.

We finally got back to a toasty warm house thanks to an app that allowed me to turn up the thermostat when we stopped for lunch in Pennsylvania.

That’s it for this trip, now it’s time for all of you closet readers to come clean and leave a message so I can see if any one is reading this stuff.

Merry Christmas

Back in January.


Posted in 2014, Alabama, Trips, Week 6 | 4 Comments

Started Out OK But…..

Headed out this morning in cool but clear weather, it climbed up to about 15ºC before plummeting to 1ºC as we headed further north. The roads were pretty clear until the final couple of hours where we hit rush hour traffic, dark and heavy rain.

We traveled from South Carolina through Virginia into West Virginia where we stopped for the night at Martinsburg.

One day go and if the weather behaves we should be home tomorrow evening.

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On the Way

Woke up at 7AM to a clear warm morning, typical, now we are leaving it decides to warm up. It was 23°C by 9AM. It took about 45 minutes to get the trailer closed up, the we headed out. About 20 minutes up the road Lyn remembered that the fleeces and geo-caching stuff were back in the trailer! Well they are still in the trailer!

We headed out of Alabama into Georgia and through the centre of Atlanta. We had a couple of slow downs in Atlanta, but it only added a few minutes to the trip. Next state was South Carolina, we are stopping in Anderson SC for the night, about 20 miles north of the GA border.

We averaged around 65MPH and 46MPG, so far the cheapest gas has been here in S.C at $2.37 per gal (70¢ CAD/Litre)

Time for a walk and food.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment

Giving into Temptation

Yet another clear sunny day and, as it gets closer to our leaving, the temperature continues to rise. We topped out in the low 70’s today.

After breakfast it was time to do a little clearing up outside in preparation for packing. The BBQ was stripped down and cleaned, it is amazing how much “stuff” accumulates at the bottom of the BBQ after a few weeks use. I also did a little work on the water tanks so that I can do a quick final rinse on Monday morning.

Lyn has almost fully recovered from her stomach bug, and luckily it stayed away from me!  The sewing machine was put through its paces for the last time this trip.

After lunch we headed off to a trail that we had walked previously, but not on this trip. We walked about 2.5 miles on a sandy track around a large lagoon, the sand was fairly loose in places so we got a good work out.

On the way home we managed to find 3 geo-caches and a Wal-Mart! We needed a few last minute things from the store, and this is where we gave into temptation Wal-Mart has some fresh baked donut and pies, so we decided to reward ourselves for our continued weight loos on this trip.

Depending how well the packing goes tomorrow there may or may not be a blog. Likewise on the trip home,  the blog will depend on internet access etc. I will definitely do a blog once we get home.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment

Over Indulgence?

Another clear and sunny wakeup, the temperature hovered around freezing point last night, but climbed into the low 60’s later in the day.

Lyn was suffering from a slight tummy bug last night and it didn’t get much better today, so we spent Black Friday doing the best thing we could, stay in and avoid the shopping crowds. Hopefully she’ll be back yo normal(??) tomorrow.


Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment


Again, a clear sunny start to the day, with temperatures climbing up into the high fifties. Being as today is a holiday we decided to do even less than usual.

Lunch was scheduled for noon, which is an hour earlier than we usually eat, plus it would be a full meal. How to confuse the body. As is usual here, if something is scheduled for xx o’clock, people start arriving at least 30 minutes early. Lyn cooked the sweet potato casserole yesterday, so it just needed heating through. We headed across just before noon and put the casserole on the table…….. along with 3 other almost identical dishes! Oh well, its the thought that counts!

The meal was great with about 44 people attending, although there was a great temptation to over indulge, the stomach filled up pretty quick and told the brain NO!

After lunch we headed back to the trailer for a while, then headed out to try and walk off some of the excess calories. I think my appointment with the scales may be delayed a few days.

The next few days will see us start to close up the trailer for an early start out of here Monday morning.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment


Running short of title ideas again! A clear sunny morning after a coolish night. The temperature climbed up into the high 50’s as the day progressed.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and there is a communal meal being hosted in the rec. room. The resort is providing the turkeys and each couple is asked to bring a dish with them to share. We headed out this morning to do our final grocery and get the items needed for our contribution. Lyn is making a sweet potato casserole.

These cooler evenings are taking a toll on our propane gas usage, the tank had to be filled again today. Unfortunately with a trailer that is not overly well insulated, and a furnace that seems to exhaust as much hot air as it circulates, we don’t have a very efficient system.

This afternoon we headed north to the town of Roberstdale in search of a liquidation store that Lyn had been told was selling crochet cotton at a very good price, and of course some geo-caches. We found the store, but they had decided to take the afternoon off in anticipation of Thanksgiving. Further north we found all six of the caches we looked for.

Back at the trailer it was time to sit outside and drink coffee, then onto the computer to sort out the route and hotels to stay at on the trip home next week.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment


An overcast morning in the mid-fifties. The sun didn’t bother to put in an appearance all day which I thought was a little anti-social of it. As I have said before, the sun really warms the place up, even if the outside temperature is cold. Today wasn’t particularly cold, but the heating was needed to keep us comfortable. I am pleased with the new thermostat, it comes on just for short bursts and gets the living area up to a nice level. Previously the thermostat would run much longer, heat the living area way up, then let it cool right down, into the “too cool” zone before heating up again.

Spent most of the morning playing programmer while Lyn tried to make sense of the finances for the past month.

After lunch Lyn headed over to her last craft group meeting, at least this week three people turned up. When she returned we headed off for our walk around the park, which is filling up with RV’s quite quickly now.

As I said, relaxation, no work was needed on the trailer. Life is SO tough.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment

Normality Returns

Although overcast when we got up, the temperature was close to 21°C. There was a touch of fog around which made everything damp. After breakfast I continued with a couple of computer projects and Lyn, who had previously cut out 300 pieces of material, started laying out her latest quilt.

We headed out to get some shopping, and even a Christmas present or two, before lunch. Again everywhere seemed just a little bit busier than normal. Thanksgiving isn’t even here yet, but the stores (and TV adverts) seem to be in full Christmas mode. Even out next door neighbours have Christmas decorations out!

After lunch we took advantage of the good weather, by now the fog had dissipated and the temperature was up around 25°C, by heading down towards the State Park for a walk and geocaching. We got in a good 2 mile walk and Lyn found her 200th cache.

After coffee back at the trailer, I finished off the brake adjustments that I had started a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully now there will be a bit more stopping power from the trailer. It wasn’t too bad before, but it wasn’t as good as when we first got it.

Posted in 2014, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment


Finally, the forecasters seemed to have got it right! It rained most of the night, with temperature rising to 23°C by the time we got up. One of the warmest nights for quite a while. After breakfast the skies to the west darkened considerably and it wasn’t long before we got a very heavy downpour.

I forgot to mention yesterday, when we were driving back form the beach the city workers were busy erecting temporary signs warning of flooded roadway ahead how’s that for being proactive), they were probably needed for a short while this morning.

Rain continued on and off for most of the morning with the temperature dropping, then climbing back up to around 21°C.

I spent the morning tidying up the thermostat wiring inside the cupboards, and putting the cupboard contents back once I’d finished. Although it was warm out it was too wet to eat lunch out, but as the afternoon progressed blue skies rolled in and we were able to take a walk around the resort, then sit outside for our afternoon coffee and reading / Sudoku.

Hopefully the weather will be better next Sunday as we will be packing everything
away prior to our trip home.

Late Breaking News

Literally, as I was typing the last line of text, a small explosion rocked the trailer! We both looked at each other in shock for a second before we said in unison “Spaghetti Squash!” Lyn had been cooking one in the microwave, and despite putting plenty of holes in it, it still exploded and blew the end off. The squash was cooked to perfection, perhaps we have discovered a fool proof way of telling when it is ready!

Guess there is going to be a messy cleanup job soon.


Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, The Trip Down, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment