Shanghai Part 2

Originally we had nothing but free time planned for the daytime in Shanghai. Our guide suggested a couple of extra activities and we went ahead with them. A walk along the Bund or embankment of the Huangpu River. Again, this will be mostly a picture show.


A Snail, I have  no idea why it is there!shanghai-bund-views-3-copy

The Shanghai Tower on the Right and the Shanghai Eye(SWFC) on its Leftshanghai-bund-views-4

Buildings from the British Sector shanghai-bund-views-8-copy

Wall of Flowers

Marigold Design atop the Buildingshanghai-general-views-6General View from Base of Shanghai Eye

Our next stop was the Shanghai World Financial Centre which housed the Shanghai Eye, observation areas on the 94th, 97th and 100th floor. The 100th floor was partially floored with glass tiles! Unfortunately, pollution limited the photo opportunities, although the naked eye views were quite impressive.

swfc-shanhghai-eye-4 swfc-shanhghai-eye-16

Through the Glass Floorswfc-shanhghai-eye-17 swfc-shanhghai-eye-18

Next we went back to the Bund for an early evening meal before heading off on a night cruise along the river. When we got to the cruise terminal it was chaotic, with a capital C! You buy a ticket for the cruise, but your boat time is not assigned until you check in. Luckily our guide was an old hand at this and has a few friends to help her. An estimated hour wait was reduced to much queue jumping and about a 10 minute wait! Well done Becky!

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Shanghai Eye

Pearl TV Towershanghai-night-river-cruise-10-copy shanghai-night-river-cruise-16-copy shanghai-night-river-cruise-23 shanghai-night-river-cruise-31

The Marigold Design at Night.

The next day, Sunday, we were on our own so decided just to get a flavour of the rest of the city by riding the Hop-on-Hop-Off bus.


Day Time view of the Skyscrapers

Pearl TV Towerhop-on-hop-shanghai-55

Bridge over Huangpu River


Weather Tower for Originally for Mariners built by Jesuits.


Our Hotel

Public Gardenshop-on-hop-shanghai-8


Two for the Brits!hop-on-hop-shanghai-2

Waldorf Astoria Hotelhop-on-hop-shanghai-1

Top Deck of the Bus

This evening we are going to the Shanghai Acrobatic show, then its back to get as much sleep as possible before a 4AM wake call for our flight to Guilin!!

Posted in 2016, China, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

Shanghai Bound

I am going to do half a blog  tonight I am afraid! We’ve had another full, but pleasant day but to be honest the thought of spending a couple of hours putting the photos and blog together at the moment doesn’t appeal!

We had a leisurely start to the day, so after breakfast we headed out into the grounds of out Pan Pacific Hotel. They were quite magnificent.

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Main Hotel Building

From the hotel we headed out towards Shanghai, aiming for another water village, this one being Zhujiajiao 


Another Chinese “Gondola”


Hard to see, but above is a shop for foot massages, provided by te fish in the tanks (poor fish)zhujiajiao-water-village-7 zhujiajiao-water-village-11

Five Arch Bridgezhujiajiao-water-village-18 zhujiajiao-water-village-25 zhujiajiao-water-village-27

Meat Stall in  The Marketzhujiajiao-water-village-28

Music Store and Musician in Market

The rest of the day was spent in Shanghai, and I’ll add that to tomorrows missive.


Posted in 2016, China, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment


A leisurely start today, thankfully! Suzhou is a water city and we saw it both from the Grand Canal and the Ping Jiang Historic Walkway.


One of 8 City gates


Boats Waiting for Hirecanal-and-suzhou-6

We Had Our Own Private Boat!!


Buddhist Temple





Plenty of Bridges

In China they have “Pre-Wedding Photos” to put on the invites and outside the temple on the wedding day. Traditionally they wear red for this event. The Canal pathway is a popular spot for these photos.




Opposite direction Boat – not much room!

After we successfully passed the boat above we managed to side swipe a police launch, luckily the driver got no more than an evil glare from the police driver!


It’s Not Only the Roads Where There are Interesting Manoeuvres (3-ish point turn!)



Garbage Collection on the Canal (This country is so Clean)canal-and-suzhou-30

Interesting Place to Eat?ping-jiang-historical-walk-suzhou-19

Gondola (Chinese Style)

After the canal trip we took a walk along the Pingjiang Road


Lyn Likes Red  Lanternsping-jiang-historical-walk-suzhou-10 ping-jiang-historical-walk-suzhou-9 ping-jiang-historical-walk-suzhou-8

Dim-Sum (The real way!) Very colourfulping-jiang-historical-walk-suzhou-7 ping-jiang-historical-walk-suzhou-4

General Viewsping-jiang-historical-walk-suzhou-2

Asleep on the Job??

Next Stop Lunch


After Lunch it was off to the Humble Administrators Gardenhumble-administrators-garden-51

Sedan Chair

humble-administrators-garden-50 humble-administrators-garden-49

Pattern on Glass Matches Pattern on Ground!humble-administrators-garden-44

Lotus Flower


Lotus Plantshumble-administrators-garden-40 humble-administrators-garden-39 humble-administrators-garden-37Bonsai Garden

Zig-Zag Bridge built because Bad Spirits an Only Walk Straight Ahead!humble-administrators-garden-27 humble-administrators-garden-26

Small Plants Growing out of Roofhumble-administrators-garden-20


General View (couldn’t bring myself to say Bridge!)humble-administrators-garden-16 humble-administrators-garden-15

The above two pictures are of the same Silk Embroidery Painting taken from front and reverse sides.. amazing workhumble-administrators-garden-13


Bamboo Wlkway


500 Year Old Functioning Wellhumble-administrators-garden-7 humble-administrators-garden-6 humble-administrators-garden-5 humble-administrators-garden-3 humble-administrators-garden-2

General Vies

Silk Worms

Silk Cocoons

General Machinery

I’ll leave you to research how to make silk as I need a break from this!!!!! , be warned this has not been proof read for the same reason!!!!!!!!

After dinner we took a walk along to a bridge over the canal, on the way there we saw strange lights in the sky. it turned out to be a 3 ft triangular kite with a 20ft tail, all decked out in flashing LED lights. In a small square by the bridge there were about 50 couples ball room dancing to music from a speaker system. All very civilised!

Posted in 2016, China, Trips, Week 3 | 2 Comments

Here Endeth the Cruise

It was an early wake-up call this morning. During the night we had passed through the 5 locks at the Three Gorges Dam.

After breakfast we headed off to a bus to take us to the Dam Project. Although the dam is massive,  it is not the highest (Hoover Dam), nor the longest, somewhere in S. America, but it does produce the most electricity at 22.4 Giga Watts!

In addition to the two sets of 5 locks, there is a new (under test) boat lift. Whereas the locks take about 4 hours to transit, the boat lift takes around 40 minutes. The lift is limited to boats 3,000 tons or less and charges for use. The locks can take up to 10,000 ton boats and are free.

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three-gorges-project-2 three-gorges-project-1

The pictures above show the 5 lock system, one set upstream and one set downstream


New Boat Lift, this is taken at the upper level. The boat enters the chamber, doors are closed and the boat and chamber are lowered by the overhead gantry cranes.three-gorges-project-23

Car Carrier entering the new boat lift.


For Amanda to Identify, these were large Butterflies!

After the tour, we returned to the boat to pack while we passed through the third and final gorge, Xiling gorge. Because of the dam the water level is fairly constant, so buildings can be placed close to the water.

xiling-gorge-26 xiling-gorge-19 xiling-gorge-10 xiling-gorge-8 xiling-gorge-5 xiling-gorge-4

Finally, it was time to head downstairs to meet our guide and say goodbye to the people we had met on the trip and disembark at Yichang.

We met our guide fairly quickly, and were whisked off to a restaurant for lunch.Next it was off to the train station to catch our semi bullet train (max speed ONLY 220km/h) to Suzhou; a 7 hour journey.

We booked into the hotel around 2300 and pretty much hit the sack immediately!

Posted in 2016, China, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

The Gorges

We woke up to another hazy day, we were docked in Baidicheng, also known as White Emperor City. There was an early tour, which we declined!!

After breakfast we set sail for the first of the Three Gorges.

En-route we went to an on-board demonstration of Snuff Bottle Painting! This is an amazing art where the artist paints inside a small bottle about 2.5 inches high and about 1.5 inches across (originally used for snuff!!). The quality of the art work would be amazing if painted on the outside of the bottle, panted on the inside it is phenomenal.

bottle-paintingArtist Adding our Name in English and Chinese inside the Tea Pot

 We cruised along the Yangtze for a while, general views below.


All Docking is done at floating bargesleaving-baidicheng-1
leaving-baidicheng-3 leaving-baidicheng-4 leaving-baidicheng-5 leaving-baidicheng-6

In Winter the River will rise Almost to Bridge Level

Next we entered the first, and smallest of the Three Gorges, Qutang Gorge.


Entering Gorge, in Winter Water Rises to the top of the Light Area


Terraces for Cropsqutang-gorge-24 Traffic Sign, Tributary Entering From Rightqutang-gorge-23 qutang-gorge-22 qutang-gorge-21 qutang-gorge-20 qutang-gorge-18

Not Sure About This Sign!qutang-gorge-16 qutang-gorge-15 qutang-gorge-14 qutang-gorge-13

Caves, Many Coffins Have been found in Caves Like This – It is Closer to Heavenqutang-gorge-12 qutang-gorge-11 qutang-gorge-10 qutang-gorge-9qutang-gorge-1 qutang-gorge-8 qutang-gorge-7 qutang-gorge-6 qutang-gorge-5 qutang-gorge-4 qutang-gorge-3 qutang-gorge-2As the day progressed the weather cleared a little. We left the Qutang Gorge bound for the Wu Gorgeyangtze-between-gorges-7 yangtze-between-gorges-1 yangtze-between-gorges-3 yangtze-between-gorges-4 yangtze-between-gorges-5 yangtze-between-gorges-6 yangtze-between-gorges-2

Now into the Wu Gorge


Next stop Goddess Stream, named for the Goddess Rock shown below, the smaller rock sown to the right of center obviously looks like a Goddess to the locals!wu-gorge-part-one-31wu-gorge-part-one-32

Zoom in to the Goddess

We moored at a floating dock to take smaller boats into the Lesser Gorges Goddess Stream




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godess-stream-trip-3 godess-stream-trip-5

At the end of the Gorge we were treated to a singing and dancing show by our guides, The Goddess Stream is fed from mountain water exiting from a cave.



Back on board we headed along the Yangtze towards the third Gorge and a set of locks. Unfortunately, we will arrive at the locks sometime after midnight.


Tonight we had a farewell dinner, where we were served Chinese dishes rather than the usual buffet.

Posted in 2016, China, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

Relaxation (Part 2)

OK, today is the day I should finally get up to date.

We had a great nights sleep, although breakfast finishes at 0830 so we have to be up a little earlier than we would have liked. The morning was spent reading, resting and exploring the ship. We met up with our “table mates” at breakfast, a German couple, an Australian couple, an English Couple and an English doctor on his own.

Below are a few shots along the river, unfortunately the visibility is fairly poor. I am not sure whether it is pollution or, as my old met. teacher (Bert Marsden, for you Brits who may remember him from the BBC) used to call it “Anticyclonic Gloom”


Anticyclonic Gloom

Human Power at Work


Motor Power at Work


Boat to Ferry Passengers to Shore

In the afternoon we arrived at Shibaozhai and took a walking trip ashore to visit a 12 story pagoda. To get there we had to negotiate 100’s of street vendors, bur they weren’t too pushy.

The original village was lost after the building of the 3 Gorges dam when the water level rose about 90m, so a new one was built by the Government.

Village Gate

To get to Shibaozhai you had to negotiate the Drunken Bridge (as named by the locals). The bridge consists of 2×6 planks placed over 4 steel cables. It is far from stable with many people walking across it!! In the winter when the level of the Yangtze rises, the water is only a few inches under the planking.dsc01560

The Drunken Bridge

To Protect the Pagoda from the waters, a dam was built around it, which also serves as a walkway from the bridge.

The Damdsc01561

Carvings in the Wall

Without the dam the winter water level would come to about 3/4 of the way up the door

The Pagodadsc01578 dsc01579 dsc01580

Above are statues in the Pagoda, and yes we did make it to the top. It was a breeze after Tibet!!

On the way back to the boat we found a couple of ornaments that we wanted to buy, as we were looking the stall owner showed us the price on her calculator. 180 yen each. We figured 200 yen for two was a good place to start the “game”. She came back with 125 each. This seemed in the ball park that we thought was reasonable, so we decided to buy them. Unfortunately our combined resources were only 135 yen so we had to walk away and leave them. After two steps the stall owner shouted “OK, OK” and sold us both for 135!!!! Working on the theory she was still making a profit, that was one h*ll of a markup!

In the evening the ships crew put on a fashion show of Chinese clothing through out the ages.

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The pictures aren’t the best as they were taken from some distance without flash.

Finally I am up to date with the blog!!!

Posted in 2016, China, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

Relaxation at Last!!!!!

I am almost up to date, all previous entries have pictures and are now complete. By tomorrow I should be fully caugt up.

Posted in 2016, China, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment


We woke up to a warm humid morning, headed down to breakfast then out to meet our guide. Today was Panda day. We were worried the inclement weather may cause the pandas to seek shelter, and we wouldn’t see them.

We arrived at the research station, and followed the pathways user an arch of bamboo trees. It didn’t take too long to find our first panda perched up in a tree.


A few minutes later another panda arrived, and then a few more. We had timed it perfectly, the pandas had just eaten and it was rest time. Pandas eat upwards of 40kg of bamboo per day, it takes about 16 hours to find and eat this. To allow it to digest they need to rest, evidently pandas are not lazy, they are energy efficient!!

We saw an number of pandas of different ages from 1 month through to many years. It is worth reading about what happens at the research station, through their efforts they have turned the decline of the panda population in the wild into a small increase. Currently there are only around 1500 in the wild, 300 in captivity including 140 or so at this research facility. Once finished with the pandas we had lunch and headed out to the railway station four our trip to Chongqing to join our cruise. Once on board we had 3 questions to answer, were we vegetarian, what’s our next destination and would we like to upgrade to a suite (very good price sir!!). We succumbed very quickly to the offer after he showed us the cabin we had booked. The new one was twice the size with a work area, sofa and bath tub!!



Food, Glorious Food


Time to Digest
Where’s my Back Legs?


Mother and Cub


Same Mother and Two Cubspandas-3

Panda Kindergarten Four of the Pandas are 3 month old, the one in the pink box is 1 month old.


Red Panda


Random Couple with Panda

We traveled on the high speed “Bullet Train” cruising at 295Km/h

High Speedwe

We were picked up at the station by our guide and driver, and driven off to the port. Unfortunately both entrances to the port are closed for construction, meaning a 200m walk to the boat. As this provides such an inconvenience for us poor tourists the tour company hired a porter to carry our cases!! I was a little too embarrassed to take a photo, but instead of using a trolley the porter had a 5ft bamboo pole and hooked the cases to either end and carried it across his shoulders!

Although the boat did not sail until 21:00 we were allowed to board around 17:00 which gave us plenty of time to freshen up.

The downtown area of Chongqing was beautifully illuminated as the pictures below show.

sailing-fro-chongqing-14 sailing-fro-chongqing-1 The Blue Lines are Cranes at Construction Sites

sailing-fro-chongqing-3 The Green Building is in the shape of a boat (at least it is in the imagination of its German Architect. The building changes colour, and as we moved away the shape of a boat could be seen from certain anglessailing-fro-chongqing-5

Following in a Nautical Theme… Sails on Apartment Buildingssailing-fro-chongqing-9 sailing-fro-chongqing-10 sailing-fro-chongqing-12

Being an American based cruise company there is a lot of English speaking people on board, much easier on the ears!! The boat is the largest on the Yangtze river at 10,000 tons and 400 passengers.

Posted in 2016, China, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

Back to the land of Oxygen

We finally departed Tibet, true to previous experience we were 3 hours late in departing. Our original flight was 1315, this was changed to 1615 and then cancelled last night. The next flight we were put on was at 1310, progress a 5-minute gain! This flight too was cancelled and we were put on a 1610 flight after two of our flights were cancelled. I am beginning to develop a healthy disrespect for internal Chinese flights. When we arrived at the airport the flight departure was showing 1610, which is what we were expecting. Shortly after a further delay was announced, the flight had been delayed until 1610 (that was not a typo!!), go figure. Anyway due to other commitments by our driver and guide we finished up spending 5 hours at the airport, it wasn’t too bad as there was plenty of time for people watching. Lunch was a bit of a disaster, it came s a package including a soft drink, coke for Lyn, Sprite for me. No Coke no Sprite! Water for both….. no water! OJ for both, no OJ! Finished up with Hot OJ…. Not good.

Yesterday was our last tour day in Tibet, which was probably good as we were both feeling the effect of altitude. In the morning we went to the Drak Yerpa monastery. The nice thing about this place was its location, about 1 hour north of the city and well into the countryside. We went through a small pass on the way there, and like all good Tibet high spots it was festooned with prayer flags.




All good monasteries are inevitability located on a hill; this one was no exception, further up the hill are a number of caves where early kings and Dalai Lama(s) would go to meditate. The longest meditation was believed to be 3 years 3 months 3 days and 3 hours! However, to get to these caves required walking a distance of 1.5 miles with a vertical component of 1650ft (500m) this walk started out at around the 15000 ft. mark. Despite having just developed a cold it wasn’t too bad but I doubt if I’d volunteer to do it again.






The Last Two Pictures are of the Caves

One disappointing thing was that all the palaces, temples and monasteries contained virtually the same items, statues (all in the same style), wooden blocks from which the scriptures are printed, butter wax candles and fistfuls of money being left as offerings, although it must be said that the most common denomination of these notes was 1/10th of a yen which translates to around 2 cents. However, it was still worth the trip to each one.

On the way back to the city we stopped off at a fairly isolated farmhouse to see how the country folk live, the answer is fairly basically except for the 32” flat screen satellite TV! Other than that they raised their own animal, grain and vegetables, not my preferred lifestyle as the nearest computer store would be over 100km away!



Living Roomcountry-family-home-6


Eating Area in Kitchen


Housecountry-family-home-1Crops Drying in Courtyard


Ceiling Decorationcountry-family-home-7

In the picture above we were offered a traditional snack made from barley, butter and cheese. The three ingredients are served in the bowl and you mix them by hand! Our guide told us it was pretty strong stuff and may give us “loose movements”. He had some, we declined. He spent the afternoon looking for washrooms, we didn’t!!

After lunch we had some free time so we looked around the shops and then headed off to our favourite coffee shop.

summit-coffee-shop-lhasa-2 summit-coffee-shop-lhasa-1

In the afternoon we headed off to the Sera Monastery to watch the monks debating. For some reason, known only to the monks, cameras were not allowed but you could take pictures on cell phones, my camera may have accidentally self activated a few times. Although we understood not a word of what was being said, the physical actions presented plenty of entertainment!



Back at the hotel I collapsed like a sack of potatoes rice for a couple of hours, then we took a walk around the corner to one of the local restaurants that had an English sign outside. We had a good meal and our last fill of Yak.

We arrived at a rainy Chengdu around 1830 and as we got off the aircraft we experienced the good old Chines tradition of fitting 200 passengers on a bus designed for 100. Not pleasant. We arrived at our hotel about an hour later. Our plan was to lounge around for a bit then go to bed and sleep off Tibet. Because I have a hotel frequent stayer card for this chain they forced me to accept some tickets for free, alcoholic, drinks from the bar! How could I refuse? We got to the room and it was all decked out in a Panda theme.

chengdung-panda-dotel-room-2 chengdung-panda-dotel-room-4 chengdung-panda-dotel-room-6 chengdung-panda-dotel-room-7

Sorry there are no photos but I can either spend an hour sorting them out and uploading them or I can try to sleep off the cold and Tibet. You lose, temporarily.

Tomorrow we have a couple of hours on the bullet train(there wasn’t) there maybe WiFi there, then we have 3 or 4 days on the boat, again I am not sure of the WiFi situation(sometimes there is, sometimes there isn’t), so it may be a few days before I get anything posted. I can still write the blogs in Word, but I can’t embed the pictures unless I am online.


Posted in 2016, China, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

Nothing Nada Zilch

No Blog today due t matters not entirely beyond my control. I started developing a cold last night, then this morning we visited a monastery which involved walking 1,5 miles starting at 15928′ and finishing above 16500′. Of course what goes up must come down, so a fairly strenuous day. All we have tomorrow is a 2.5 hour flight which will land approximately 12500  below the height it took off from!

Posted in 2016, China, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment