Better …… and Better

Feeling a lot better today, and the weather continues to improve…. a sure sign we will be leaving soon.

Wake up temperature was around 62°F, climbing to 81°F after lunch.

Lyn spent some of the day working on her last sewing project for the season while I had the less pleasant job of cleaning out the septic system. I was going to do it yesterday, but really wasn’t feeling up to it, but it really had to be done today before the system had an “accident”.

The rest of the morning I spent outside fixing a noisy trim on the front windshield of the truck. Hopefully we can now travel home in peace.

After lunch we headed out for a walk, the last couple of days have been very short walks of a couple of hundred metres or so, but today I was back up for around 1/2 a mile.

We’re up to around 7 Ontario rigs here now, in fact we have 3 in a row where we are located.

Today was the first time we had managed an evening meal outside on the picnic bench this trip… things are definitely improving.

Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment

Summer is Still Here

Another great day; warm, clear blue skies and temperatures into the mid 70’s. The good weather may have finally come to stay.

The cough and cold have pretty well gone, but the energy has not yet fully returned.

After lunch we headed out to Wal-Mart in Brunswick to get some stuff we needed to close the trailer down. We also needed to get a couple of large totes to carry stuff back as we are now leaving the trailer down here.

Back at the trailer we sat outside for while enjoying the heat and calm of the day.



Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment

Not There Yet

It’s getting colder again, down to the low 30’s overnight but at least we still have clear blue skies and sunshine.

I felt a lot better this morning and after breakfast we headed out for our Thursday morning shopping, which this week was a lot less than usual as we are heading out next Thursday.

The good feeling rapidly disappeared after we finished shopping, all the energy I had earlier had disappeared. Back at the trailer it was time to collapse again.

We had a couple of clowns staying next door….. literally. It was a husband / wifeteam who fully dressed the part, and had a car to match!

Clown Car

Clown Car

Also the obligatory shot of our trailer on site

Site 708

Site 708


Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment


A little cooler last night with the furnace coming on just before we got up. It was a nice sunny day with temperatures up in the mid 60’s.

The cough / cold has just about run its course. I have known worse, but being a male of the species I don’t do illness well, just ask Lyn. Actually she probably enjoys the way I deal with it, I just stay in bed and she gets to have a nice peaceful day.

Hopefully by tomorrow I’ll be back to my normal annoying self!

Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment

It Rained

A little better to day, it rained so it gave me a good excuse to stay in bed and recover!!

Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment

Pulling a Sickie

Lyn has been suffering with a cough / cold for the last couple of days and now it’s my turn. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible


Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 5 | 2 Comments

Getting Warmer

Blue skies and 61°F at wake up time, which may have been later than usual due to the clocks going forward! By mid afternoon we were up to to 72°F.

After breakfast Lyn headed over to do the laundry, but returned in a couple of minutes because all the machines were in use. I decided to give the truck a once over to make sure all the fluids were present and correct.

Just before lunch Lyn tried a second attempt at the laundry and managed to get a machine. It was ideal weather for lunch outside, the wind had swung round to the south which meant that it was warm and also it didn’t bring the smell of the paper mill with it.

After lunch Lyn headed back to the laundry to move stuff into the dryer and we headed out for our walk. We met another Ontario couple, they live in Kemptville. This is second couple from there that we have met at this campground. We finally broke the 1.5 mile mark today.

After we got back Lyn headed out to pick up the laundry, and I started doing something I had wanted to complete before we left; an inventory of tools, cables and other electronic gizmo’s that reside in the trailer. Hopefully by doing this, and not losing the list like I did last year, I won’t finish up bringing stuff down from home that is already here!

With the change to daylight savings time it was nice to be able to BBQ in daylight, rather than under the lights from the trailer. It wasn’t quite warm enough to eat outside, but hopefully that will change before we leave.

Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment


Another warm morning with clear blue skies to start off the weekend. We managed to get into the low 60’s by mid-afternoon.

After breakfast and the mandatory check of our computers I decided to do some more waxing and polishing of the trailer. The weather was ideal, warm sunshine but a cool breeze to stop me from overheating. With a mixture of working and nattering with the neighbour I finally finished the whole trailer; completed almost two weeks ahead of schedule and under budget. Projects are easy to manage when you can set your own time lines and budget, bit like being back at work really.

After talking and working I took a well deserved break, after all it is the week-end.

After lunch we took our daily walk and dropped into the office to check for mail, yes I know it is Saturday, but unlike Canada Post, the US postal service have a Saturday delivery. A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I had ordered something from e-Bay that had been sent to our previous campground, this package was forwarded to me 10 days ago from Alabama but had not arrived. Well it was in the office today; when I got back to the trailer I ran the tracking number through the computer and it turns out that the package had been mailed out from Foley, got as far as Mobile, was delivered back to the old campground at Foley where it was once again redirected to us in Georgia! Anyway, all that counts is that it made it before we left here. Talking of leaving we will be home in two weeks, please arrange it so there is no more snow and cold weather after our arrival.

Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment


A blue skied sunny day again. Still not the warmest, but dry and sunny. We made it up to 60°F.

One more part of the trailer got waxed and polished today. Two more parts to go, then the truck may even get a coat of wax!

After lunch we headed out to Jekyll Island again. This time we went to a small exhibit run by the University of Georgia. On display was some wildlife that had made the shoreline its home. There was a mix of turtles, terrapins, snakes and fish including small shark.

After visiting the exhibit we headed over to the beach for our daily walk. The wind was doing its thing off the ocean making it a cool and bracing exercise. Next we drove up to the far end of the island to buy something that Lyn had seen previously for Noah. The store was at driftwood beach, where we visited a couple of weeks ago. At that time we walked through all the driftwood that had washed up on the beach, today we got there at high-tide, there was no beach to be seen, just the tops of the larger pieces of driftwood showing through the water.

On the way back we stopped off at the art gallery on the island so Lyn could go to look at an art and craft show. I was surprised when Lyn returned just a few minutes later. Evidently all she saw there was art but no craft.

Back at the campsite we were sitting outside drinking coffee when one of the craft group members came over to talk about the crafts at the art and craft show! Turns out the crafts were all upstairs in the gallery, an area that was closed last time we visited.

Later in the afternoon I got an e-Mail from one of my loyal readers(!) saying there was an issue with the site and the blog was not readable. Sure enough when I logged in the page was a jumbled mess of code. I did some snooping around, but could not find anything obviously wrong. As a final move I phoned my web-hosting company, fearing the worst. Twenty minutes later we were back in business, the support I got was great which is unusual these days. It turns out one of the control files for the blog had got hacked into earlier in the afternoon. For those of you prone to internet paranoia, logging into this blog when it was “misbehaving” would pose no threat to your computer!

Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment


I really can’t keep up with the weather, we climbed up to the mid 60’s today and by by mid  afternoon it was very pleasant sitting out in the sun.

Thursday, as usual, is shopping day so we went to the local supermarket this morning. The only problem with shopping is the fact that once we put all the goodies in the fridge and freezer they are both absolutely full for the next couple of days. Oh the hardships of camping with a small fridge!

After lunch we managed our longest walk yet at around 1.4 miles. At least walking up and down all the lanes in the park we get to see all the big RV’s and where they come from. There is a reasonable spread of states and provinces represented here. On the Canadian front we have rigs from BC, ON, NB and NS.

Following the walk we sat around outside in the warmth, content as usual in doing very little!


Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment