I Got Gas

Overnight the winds dropped and so did the temperature. We awoke to the sound of the furnace and the outside temperature was 50°F, climbing to around 55°F as the day progressed. Seems just about everywhere is plagued with bouncing temperatures.

First order of business after breakfast was to get one of the propane tanks filled, all that can be done on site which makes life easy. As you can see I am again desperate for titles!

Thursday as usual is shopping day, so we headed out before lunch to replenish the empty shelves. It says a lot for the available storage in the trailer that shopping is only needed once a week, although Thursday evening does see the fridge and freezer at bursting point.

After lunch we headed out for a walk around the site, even had to put a jacket on as the wind was cool. After that is was back for a coffee and some hobby time.


Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

Getting Warmer

Wake up temperature was a balmy 73°F, rising to 81°F (27°) by early afternoon.

We decided to head a few miles up the road for our daily walk to Blythe Island Regional Park. We had been there before and decided to go again as it is more interesting walk than going around the concrete roads of the campground.

The walk starts off going along the edge of the South Brunswick River, about 5 miles down river is a huge parking lot. This lot is filled with cars coming in from Europe for distribution in the US. The cars come in by ship and then are hauled out either by train or truck transporter. Not a particularly good picture below as the camera has focused on the palm leaves rather than the boat.

Car Transporter

Car Transporter

At the start of the walk on the rivers edge there was a strong wind, strong enough to create 2ft. waves and whitecaps on the river, just a few feet inside the forest is was calm.

A little further along the path Lyn stopped and said “come look at this” in a very casual voice. “This” turned out to be a Southern Black Racer snake. As most of you know Lyn is not a great fan of snakes!

Southern Black Racer

Southern Black Racer

The pathway was marked by small palms, and overhead were sheets of Spanish Moss hanging from the tress.

Palms and Spanish Moss

Palms and Spanish Moss

After lunch Lyn headed out to do some shopping and I stayed back at the trailer keeping my brain active with Sudoku, much of the time was spent outside where the strong gusty winds made it feel a loot cooler. Wind Chill does have its uses!

Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 1 | 2 Comments

A Blah Day

Again a warm wake-up, but the temperature remained close to 62°F All day. We had light rain for most of the morning so no great incentive to do anything! There has been an almost continuous stream of weather disturbances coming off the Gulf of Mexico for the last few days,  with the severest of the weather passing about 30 miles north of us. We’re not getting the severe storms, just the “anticyclonic gloom”; one of the few phrases I remember from my met. course 40 years ago!

After lunch Lyn headed off, with some trepidation, to the meeting room at the site. When we got here there was no organised activities so she decided to see if there would be any interest in a craft group. She made up some signs to put in the office and laundry areas on Sunday, today would be the moment of truth. Two other people turned up, the promise of more to come next week! Success!

After the craft meeting we headed out on our walk around the campground and the spent the rest of the day doing hobby stuff inside!

Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment


A warm wake up again at 65°F climbing to 81°F (26°C) by mid-afternoon.

A lazy morning was spent with a walk around the grounds followed by watching the comings and goings of rigs to and from the park, with the occasional dive inside when the wind dropped. There are quite a few of those evil no see-ums flying around, and although they don’t sting they can give you a bit of a start when they dig their teeth into you. As soon as there is any sort of wind they disappear but when the wind drops they strike with a vengeance.

After lunch we headed into the big city of Brunswick. Lyn wanted to get her hair cut, and also cost out some quilt batting from Jo-Ann fabrics. I  filled the truck up with diesel at the only place where it is less than $4 per gallon. The price has risen about 40¢ per gallon over the last week – not impressed.

While in Brunswick I heard some distant thunder, but it didn’t come to anything, most of the heavy weather is staying to the north of us. It seems we left Alabama at the right time, it has been pretty rough there the last few days.

Back at the trailer it was warm and a little humid, I was tempted to put the A/C on, but resisted!

Going back to yesterdays blog, turns out the beach we went to was driftwood beach, I guess that explains all the drift wood!

Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

Off to the Beach

A warm wake up at 65°F with a high of 72°F later in the day. Lyn went off to do the laundry this morning, although it was a warm and breezy day, this campsite has a strict no washing line policy, so much to Lyn’s dismay the tumble dryer had to be used.

After lunch we headed about 10 miles down the road to Jekyll island. We had been there before when we first visited the area a couple of years ago. To enter the island a $6 “parking fee” is required to be paid. Last time we were here this was collected at a small wooden hut after you crossed the bridge onto the island, now there is a new automated collection point on the causeway before the bridge. The good new is that the machine takes $50 bills without question, unlike some of the stores!

A lot of cosmetic work had been done at the entrance to the island with new roads and vegetation in place. It looks very good. We drove around the island, and although somethings are new such as a convention centre, many of the beach front shops that had temporarily been moved into porta-kabins when we were last here were still in their temporary location.

We headed up to the North end of the island where there was a wildlife area and small beach. Apparently wildlife equated to fishing, so we took a walk along the beach. As we started out there was a local fishing boat returning to port. To the left of the boat is the start of the bridge into Brunswick.

Fishing Boat

Fishing Boat

There was a lot of driftwood on the beach ranging from small logs to fully grown trees.



No day at the beach would be complete without an ice cream, so we completed the day!

Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

Got Carried Away

Woke up to a nice sunny day for the first time in a while. The temperature made it up to 68°F.

After breakfast I decided that I really should go and debug the front of the trailer. In this context debug has a literal meaning which is nothing to do with software. On the trip from Foley we managed to reduce the bug population of the Gulf coast by many hundreds, 95% of which remained firmly attached to the front of the trailer. Unfortunately these little critters don’t just wash off with soap, water and a hose, it normally requires a special cleaner  and elbow grease. Having done the front, and with plenty of washing solution left something strange happened, I had a yearning to wash the rest of the trailer. It must have been the clear day and warm weather that affected me, I even went so far as to change into shorts.

Later in the morning the “repair crew” came to fix our picnic table. The table was suffering from loose nail syndrome. It had been constructed with straight nails, and I guess someone had been less than gentle with the table and many of the nails had been pulled out. After half an hour or so most of the nails had been replaced by screws and the table was as solid as a rock.

After lunch we went for a walk around the site,  there were quite a few Ontario rigs as well as one from BC and one form Nova Scotia. The site was much fuller than our last stay here which is good to see from the owners point of view. Evidently most of the people that come here do so on recommendation of previous visitors, there is very little advertising.

Now the weather has brightened up we put out the awning and the decorations we have, so we are officially “at home”

Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

One of Life’s Little Mysteries

The strong winds died down over night and we woke up to an overcast 53°F. The forecast was for the cloud to disperse and the temperature to climb to 73°F, the sky cleared late in the afternoon but the temperature never made it above 63°F. At least it is warmer than back home!

We continued getting the place set up, and I worked on improving the internet. The internet here has strange characteristics  if you are downloading a file or movie it is reasonably fast, but if you are surfing the web it can be painfully slow. I am sure there is a logical explanation somewhere out there in electron land!

After lunch we headed out to the local supermarket for the weekly supplies and a quick look around the local area. Not too much has changed other than the addition of a Dunkin Donut store about 5 minutes away; this is both good news and bad news.

Later on in the afternoon I decided to see if it was possible to put up one of my amateur radio antennas. The antenna was stored in a plastic toolbox, the type that has a removable tray inside and a hinged lid. I opened up the lid and removed the tray, in the bottom of the tool box was about half an inch of water. The tray was perfectly dry, and there was no sign of water damage to the contents. The outside of the toolbox was dry, as was the area it had been sitting in in the storage compartment. So…. where did the water come from, answers on a postcard please as I don’t have a clue.

Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

Back in Georgia

We had breakfast in the motel, then headed straight out to the Interstate. One thing about driving in the States is that there seems to be an Interstate to get you from where you are to where you want to go.

We headed west to Jacksonville Florida, then North to Brunswick Georgia. We arrived here about 1:45 just as the rain started! Set up was fairly easy and we got settled in. During the afternoon most of the heavy weather skirted just to the north of us, but now (9PM) there is a strong gusty wind with moderate rain. This is the tail end of the storm coming up the east coast to give you guys a little snow!


Posted in 2013, Brunswick, GA, Week 1 | Leave a comment

Time Travelers

Woke up at the usual time, it was already 65°C outside. We were in no great rush so we just took our time after breakfast getting the inside and outside of the trailer ready.

We left around 1040 and headed North to Interstate 10. Travel was slow initially (35 MPH) until I found a gas station with a decent air supply. We found one after a few miles, but still only managed to get the tyres up to 77.5 psi, but at leas all 4 trailer tyres were now at the same pressure. I hadn’t really thought of finding high pressure air a problem before, probably because I have inflated the tyres at home with my own compressor. With air in the tyres it was time to push the speed up to the dizzy heights of 55 MPH

On the interstate I played around with the speed to try and find the most economical cruise speed, when towing 12 MPG is about the best I can get at a reasonable speed. At 56 MPH we got 11.8 MPG and going to 57 MPH dropped the fuel down to 11.0 MPG and it continued falling rapidly after that, so 56 MPH it was. The truck passed 100,000 KM on the clock a couple of days ago, so it probably appreciates the rest. Actually it is not unusual for this particular engine to go past 750,000 KM with no major issues.

Somewhere between where we started out and our destination for the night in Tallahassee, capitol of Florida we changed time zones. For some reason they never put signs up to let you know you have just lost (or gained) another hour in your life.

Once at the hotel, we settled in, then walked down the road for a seafood meal, as usual filling and tasty!

Posted in 2013, Folely,AL, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment

The Final Day

Woke up to a damp start at about 52°F climbing up to 64°F.

The clouds broke up as the morning progressed which was good as we wanted things to dry out so that we could start packing them away. By Lunch time most of the outside stuff was packed, the ladder hung on its new support and the bikes secured to the rack.

Last night I stopped to get some diesel and inflate the rear tyres. When we are not towing all 4 tyres on the truck are inflated to 50psi, with the trailer in tow the rear wheels go up to 80psi. The air machine at the gas station had a problem going above 75psi. This morning I decided to see if my small portable air compressor could top up to 80, in a gallant effort (and much time) it made it to 79.5.

Next check was the trailer wheels that had dropped down to 60 while in storage, they should be 80. On again went the compressor, this time it took a lot longer just to get to 75, after 10 minutes on the second wheel a very nasty noise came from the air compressor; it was the death rattle! Now I have to drive carefully and quickly find a place that can pump high pressure air before we get too far tomorrow.

All that needs doing tomorrow is to disconnect the water, sewer and hydro and secure loose objects in the trailer and we will be on our way.

We were thinking of doing the trip in one day, it is around 485 miles, but we didn’t want to rush things in the morning and still arrive in the dark to setup; plus we lose an hour as we cross time zones. Tomorrow night will be spent in Tallahassee Florida.

Posted in 2013, Folely,AL, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment