Summer Returns

Blue skies and up into the 80’s today.

One of the things I have been meaning to do on the trailer for months was finally done this morning. Underneath the trailer is a red water pipe and a blue water pipe (hot & cold). These pipes were each capped with a screw on cap, which had to be removed to drain the hot and cold water lines. Being under the trailer they were not the easiest to get at, and the caps had to be on VERY tight to prevent leaking. Yesterday I finally found two taps that could replace the caps and make life a little simpler. They were fitted today.

After lunch we went to Weeks Bay where there was a board walk out to the waters edge. Although wildlife was again noticeable by its absence there were some pelicans on the water. It must have been bird lunchtime as the pelicans would take off, climb to about 50ft, circle around for a bit and then dive into the water for fish. At least it gave us something to watch for a while.

The campground has been a hive of activity for the last few days. Many of the people who were down for the winter have left, a lot of them leaving their trailers here to be stored over the summer, at the same time a number of the summer residents are getting their trailers out of storage. To add to the confusion, this week is spring break for the Alabama schools, so there a number of short term visitors. At times it’s like Piccadilly Circus with all the trailers moving around.

Posted in 2012, Folely, Al, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

More of the Same

Another grey day up to 23C.

After breakfast the sky got very dark and the rain started. We had a much better thunderstorm today than yesterday, together with about 3/4″ of rain.

After lunch we went shopping to the local hardware store.  Amongst the items bought, not by me, were 2 packets of water balloons. Lyn then explained that now she had the balloons she needed to buy two pairs of flip flops!! If you need more info contact Lyn direct.

The last jam session of the season was held in the club house so we went along to listen.

I am trying to book the tickets for Europe, but Air Canada in their usual customer oriented way have had me on hold for an hour, what a pathetic way to run a business.

Posted in 2012, Folely, Al, Trips, Week 3 | 2 Comments


Pretty much a nothing day today. A little cooler around 24C.

The heavy rains forecast yesterday did not make it here, but in a few places just north of us there was over 5″

We headed off to do the weekly shopping, and on the way there the emergency broadcast system came over the radio stating that there was a tornado watch in effect for the next 6 hours, together with flash flood warnings.

Once back from shopping we had lunch and later took a walk around the resort and up to the office. Just as we reached the point furthest from the trailer the rain started. It wasn’t too bad and we made it back to the trailer just as it got heavier.

There was some extremely bright white lightning and thunder that seemed to be off in the distance, but the bass effect was amazing, the thunder wasn’t really loud, but you could definitely feel it!

Showers and isolated thunder continued for the rest of the afternoon so we just stayed at home.

Posted in 2012, Folely, Al, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

Where’s the Wildlife?

A little cooler today at around 23C whereas Ottawa made it to around 28C! We had mostly overcast skies and the odd burst of rain. Overnight and tomorrow are forecast to have thunder storms and up to 2″ of rain.

This morning was cleaning morning, then after lunch we headed down towards the coast to a nature area. On the way down we saw a billboard sign for Sweetie Pies, this was a good and bad thing. Last year we discovered this place and it sold fantastic home made pies by the slice. We thought that it had closed down as we couldn’t see the store sign from the road. Definitely worth dropping into on the way home.

We found the nature area and walked about a mile down a sandy track to an observation tower. Unlike Texas there was no wildlife to be seen around the waters edge. On the walk back we saw a couple of tiny lizards scurrying across the track in front of us. We also saw an Alabama blue flowered pine cone that had fallen onto a bench.

Blue Flowered Pine Cone

The next place to go was a track down to the beach known as alligator alley. There are a couple of ponds off to the side of the road that are a known “hang-out” for ‘gators. Unfortunately there were none there today. We continued down the track to the beach, but the wind was picking up, and the rain starting, so we just sat in the truck and watched some fairly active wave activity.

On the way home we stopped in at Sweetie Pies, the store was still there!! Unfortunately there was nothing inside, the place closed down just after Christmas 🙁

Posted in 2012, Folely, Al, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

The Wind Returns

Cloudy and around 25C today.

Tuesday is laundry day, so while Lyn was busy with that I went outside to do some work on the awning. In Texas it was too windy to have the awning out, but the wind here has been pretty calm for the last few days. We started off with the awning out only when we were around during the day time, but we’d retract it at night and when we were away (such an inconvenience having to hit a switch to roll it in!!).

Well this morning I figured the wind was behaving well enough to leave the awning out all the time. In this situation I screw a couple of anchor pegs into the ground and loop a strap over the two corners of the awning to stop it from flapping around too much if the wind gets up. In addition I put out some wind ornaments, including the beer can bi-plane, which hang from the awning roller. About an hour later the wind starts to gust fairly strongly, and someone came around advising that a high wind advisory has just been issued. Thank you Mr. Murphy. The awning is once again retracted.

This afternoon was Lyn’s craft time, so I spent a bit of time researching our route home. As we won’t have the trailer with us we are able to take a more touristy route rather than the freeways, so the initial plan is to take the freeways up to the start of the Blue Ridge Mountain Parkway and follow it for 400+ miles into Virginia.

Posted in 2012, Folely, Al, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

The Walk That Never Was

No change in the weather, up to around 27C today.

I continued to sort out all the stuff that I have brought down in the hope of freeing up some space. Lyn had a problem with her sewing machine, seems the tension wasn’t tensioning. A quick search of the internet produced a possible solution, which worked. Yet again I was a hero (for about 30 nano-seconds).

After lunch we said good-bye to our neighbours who were heading back to Ohio, then we set out to find Graham Creek Wild life park which had some nature walks. We found the park, and headed off towards the trails. 20 yards into the trail it petered out into a small, overgrown track through the trees. We turned back and went to look at one of the maps back in the parking area. It looked as though we were in the right area, but a second attempt got us no further. We decided we’d just take a walk around the edge of the woods. About half a mile on we saw a trail marker pointing towards the trail we wanted. We took the trail and almost immediately we were confronted with a small stream, someone had put a series of rocks in the water to walk across but on the far side was deep mud for about 30 yards so we gave up!

We continued around the edge of the woods, then headed back towards the parking lot. About a hundred yards from the parking lot we found the start of trail marker! It would have been a good idea if it was placed just a little closer to the parking lot. Any way we got a good walk in, albeit in the open rather than through the woods.

We took a drive around the local area which surrounds a bay, there were a number of nice looking sub-divisions, must have been the posh part of town.

Back at the resort (can’t call it a campground as that associates our activities with camping which gets my sister all riled up!) the mail had come which included the conversion kit for the trailer lights. Fifteen minutes later we had a pair of LED side/stop/turn lights at the back of the trailer.

Posted in 2012, Folely, Al, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

Why Are We Down Here

The weather has stabilised nicely. Up to 80 during the day and down to 60 at night, however looking at the weather back home it’s just about the same temperature. Why are we down here?

Today I spent some time sorting out the toolboxes and making an inventory of their contents as well as other hobby totes I have. Hopefully that will make it easier to keep track of what stuff is where, and will prevent me leaving some vital stuff at home as I did this time.

I also shortened the satellite dish cables from around 60ft each down to around 20ft, not only did it reduce the amount of cable hidden under the trailer, it improved the signal!

Lyn decided it was time the inside of the truck had a vacuum and clean out and when that was finished she whipped up a new sleeveless top from scratch. So much for a day of rest. We had lunch outside and saw a bird we had seen a few times before but had not been able to identify. It was bright blue on top, the top part of its breast was red and the lower half white. Turned out to be an eastern bluebird.

Although we have all the windows open the trailer really heats up around 4pm. The sun is low enough that the awning no longer gives any shelter, but strong enough to heat up the place. It’s now 2230 and the door is still open, as well as the sound of crickets there are bullfrogs over in the lake making their own special sound.

Lyn just looked through the latest pictures on Noah’s blog and is now suffering sever Noah withdrawal.

Posted in 2012, Folely, Al, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

Oh the Pain and Embarrassment

Misty this morning but that burned off to another beautiful day with temperatures in the 80’s.

This morning I got serious about booking sites for next January. Many of the enquiries I made showed that there was no availability until next April!! I contacted one of the places we visited yesterday as they had about 8 sites available for our time frame, when I contacted them this morning  at least 5 of those sites had been taken. We paid the deposit and we will be able to store the trailer at the site until we return in January. The site is only a few miles North of here so we will be in the same general area. We were also able to book a site in Brunswick, Georgia for 6 weeks starting in February.

After all the booking we headed out to the town of Fairhope, about 20 miles NE of here. They were hosting their 60th annual Arts and Crafts Fair. The downtown area was closed off and we had to take a shuttle bus from one of the local malls. The area cordoned off was about 6 city blocks, full of artisans and their wares.

Wood Carver, Fairhope Al.

As you can imagine there was a fair bit of walking involved, that’s where the pain came in. My nose got a little too much sun on the boat trip and got a little sore with continued exposure to the sun. The embarrassment came in when I bought something (a leather belt) and Lyn bought nothing!!

Posted in 2012, Folely, Al, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment


Warm and sunny again, up to 80F

Lyn spent the morning sewing, and was on the phone trying to sort out some issues with credit card companies, oh joy! Also had a look at the camera system I fitted to the trailer and truck so that I could see behind the trailer form the truck cab. I installed it last year, but it wasn’t a great success. Took a look at the wiring and found a bad solder joint, so far that seems to have cured the problem.

We went over to the office to collect mail, and to try and book a spot for next year. The intent is to leave the trailer down here for the summer rather than drive it back now and back down in January. It is cheaper to store it down here, plus we’ll save a lot on fuel costs. With the UK and NZ trips this year there won’t be time for camping anyway!! Problem is they are fully booked January through March, although we can go on a waiting list, it doesn’t help us too much. We looked up a couple of local sites on the web, and went out this afternoon to look at them. One was a no go, the other one looks promising. We have another one to visit over the weekend, then it will be decision time. We’re retired, we don’t do decisions!!

This evening it was Jam session time at the club house, so we headed over there for an hour of musical entertainment.

Posted in 2012, Folely, Al, Trips, Week 2 | 3 Comments

Splashed by a Dolphin

Another warm sunny day in Southern Alabama. Much prefer the climate here than Texas, you can walk around without getting blown over.

Today was dolphin cruise day. One of the resort residents organises a special rate for the cruise and lunch afterwards. We went on this trip last year and enjoyed it, so thought we’d try it again.

Before we headed out Lyn told me that there was no cold water in the bathroom. A little perplexing as there was hot water. Everywhere else in the trailer had both hot and cold water except the bathroom sink! I hate water problems.

We got down to the marina and were a little disappointed to learn that the general public would be joining our group. The disappointment was not because we had to mix with the riff-raff, but because only one boat would be going out. One of the ways to get the dolphins to come and “play” is to run two of the tour boats close (20ft) together and create a large wake between them. This gets the dolphins all excited and they start jumping about.

Come boarding time, most people headed for the bow area, but from last years trip we learnt that the stern was the best place.

We headed out into the bay and a couple of dolphins were spotted on the surface, the skipper positioned the boat closer to them and gunned it so we had a reasonable size wake. Sure enough the dolphins followed us jumping behind the boat.

Above Water Dolphin

There were 3 dolphins and they played around in the wake for about 5 minutes. We then cruised around the bay, but no more dolphins were sighted. We were a little disappointed as we had seen more activity last year, at least we had seen some dolphins though.

After about 30 minutes cruising a couple more dolphins were spotted, and the boat was brought closer to them and off we went again. This time there 6 dolphins following us, and they were close enough to the stern that we got wet when they jumped and landed back in the water, they were probably about 10 feet behind us. As well as jumping they spent a lot of time just under the water following us.

Underwater Dolphins

Underwater Dolphins

These six dolphins stayed with us for close to 15 minutes. In the end we got a much better show than the previous year.

Once the cruise had finished we went into the marina restaurant for a shrimp basket featuring local shrimp. Very tasty!

Back at the resort it was time to tackle the pesky water problem. I took the taps out then removed the cartridge, blew through all the pipes, put it together and it worked. Must have been some debris in the system blocking the flow.

Next stop was the pool as the outside air was in the 80’s. The pool was “refreshing” i.e. not heated, but once in it served its purpose and cooled us down nicely.



Posted in 2012, Folely, Al, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment