
A little warmer today, getting up to around 24°C this afternoon.

Today we decided to head south down the Pacific Coast Highway. The name is a bit of a misnomer as the PCH got nowhere near the coast on this trip. The area to the south of us is very agricultural with a lot of vegetables being grown. I have never seen so much activity in fields as I have here, there isn’t much automation beyond basic tractors, but there is a lot of manual labour.

Our destination was Lompoc, a town that has a large number of murals on building walls. On the way there we drove past Vandenburg Air Force Base, which is part of Space Command. Vandenburg launches a number of military satellites, unfortunately none were due to launch today and there was nowhere to get a good view of the area.

We arrived in Lompoc and went walkabout looking for the murals. Below is a selection of some of the photos we took. Some of them feature Vandenburg.

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Monarch Butterflies are Prevalent in the Area

Below are a series of garage doors featuring local flowersDSC04739



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The two murals below really transformed a plain brick wall into a building.DSC04737


DSC04735 The mural below depicts the founding women of the town who were against alcohol, hence the man trying to push them back.DSC04730

DSC04723 The two murals below were fantastic, they really had managed to project a great 3D effect, both in the bow area of the large boat as well as in the wooden area. Unfortunately my photography left a lot to be desired as part of the boat is missing.DSC04722

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A Novel Use for DrumsDSC04734

A Street in Lompoc

We came home via a different route which went through vineyard country. There were miles and miles of vines, probably the greatest concentration we have ever seen.

DSC04757Trailer on Site

Posted in 2015, Pismo Beach, Trips | 1 Comment

A Lazy Day

Cool again this morning with overcast skies. We made it up to 21°C this afternoon at the trailer.

Today had been declared a lazy day, I played around with some programming on the computer. This was something I had been avoiding for the last few weeks as I really wasn’t too sure how to do what I wanted to do. In reality it all went well, so more programming is on the horizon.

Meantime Lyn was busy trimming 128 pieces for a quilt.

After lunch we headed out for a walk around the area. Pismo Beach is one of the places that the monarch butterflies stop at on their migration. There is a group of eucalyptus trees about a mile from here where the congregate.


Eucalyptus TreesDSC04711

Eucalyptus Trees

Unfortunately all of the butterflies have left now, if we were a couple of weeks earlier we would have seen 10’s of thousands of them.

We continued our walk along a boardwalk with the intent of finding a few geocaches. Unfortunately we only found one, most of the others had been reported as missing, at least we got some exercise.

We left the boardwalk and came back along the  beach at the waterline where we found lots of sand dollars.

DSC04712A Stack of Sand Dollars Found on the Beach

DSC04714Sand Dollar With Embedded Shell

We left the hard packed beach and continued walking on the soft sand of the dunes; that gave us quite a workout! We finished up walking about 2¾ miles, the temperature down on the beach was noticeably cooler than it was back at the trailer even though it was only a couple of hundred metres a way.

Posted in 2015, Pismo Beach, Trips | Leave a comment

A Prizeless Competition

Another coolish, overcast morning with the temperature struggling to rise to 20°C along the coast. Today we planned on heading north along the scenic PCH (Pacific Coastal Highway) aka Highway 1. This road runs along the coast from California, through Oregon and Washington states to the Canadian border.

Once away from the beaches of Pismo the coastline became a little more rugged.

DSC04673We stopped near the village of Cambria and took a walk along the cliff tops, there were a number of wild flowers there that we (Lyn) couldn’t identify. My flower identification gets as far as yellow = dandelion and red = rose!  So if anyone can identify any of the following please let us know.






As we were driving north, a number of cars were pulling off to the side of the road, for no apparent reason. There was a small rise at the edge of the road with a large field beyond. We climbed the rise and saw a sight we were not prepared for in California, or even the American continent. In the field there were about 20 zebra!

DSC04694Evidently there used to be a zoo in the area, and the zebra were part of it. Nowadays they live wild in the fields.

From zebra we went onto elephant seals. There is a large colony that call this coastal area home. We were lucky, as in a couple of weeks all the seals will have left and gone out to sea for a few months. The beach area was full of seal pups, with only a couple of adults

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Three Pups and a Male

There was also an adult female on the beach, who was much larger than the pups, but much smaller than the male. Males can grow to 16ft in length and weigh up to 5000 lbs. The females reach about 12 ft and 1200 lbs.


One the way back we saw a couple of guys on surf boards using kites to propel them through the water.DSC04706

Talking to people along the way, it seems we are lucky at the moment; normally Pismo is besieged with strong winds and blowing sand. So far we have been lucky with hardly any wind. Long may it continue.

Posted in 2015, Pismo Beach, Trips | 2 Comments

Sunday…. A Day of Rest

A little cool this morning, around 15°C, climbing up to 24°C under sunny skies later in the day.

After we’d got sorted out after breakfast we set out for a walk into the town of Pismo Beach, about a mile away. The town isn’t quite a Wasaga Beach (or Clacton), but it does seem to be a city dweller tourist area with a slightly hippy influence.DSC04666

 There is a pier in the town which was fairly popular with fishermen,

DSC04671and also offered a good vantage point to watch the local surfers.

DSC04665 DSC04669 DSC04663 DSC04668We managed to pick up one geo-cache on the way. The second one we were looking for was on the pier, but there were two many people around to log it. Maybe during the week it will be quieter.

The campground emptied out quite a bit today, presumably everybody is going back to work (whatever that is) tomorrow.

This afternoon we just hung around the trailer enjoying the warmth and the fresh air. Lyn was having problems with her Android tablet not connecting with Pinterest. After an hour or so of gnashing of teeth and muttering, the problem turned out to be the date. The tablet thought it was 2009, when I reset the date to 2015 all was good!



Posted in 2015, Pismo Beach, Trips | Leave a comment


Woke up to a partly sunny day around 16°C. After breakfast it was time to head into town to get some groceries. We headed to Wal-Mart as they normally have a reasonable food selection. Just as we were about to enter the store we saw a hairdressers a couple of stores down; we both needed a haircut so made a quick diversion to get that done.

Back to Wal-Mart, but it’s food section was pathetic so we headed to another store in town to get the rest of what we needed. Back at the trailer we had lunch, and Lyn headed off to the laundry. While she was away I spent some time (too much in reality) tracking down a bad Ethernet cable.

We spent the rest of the day just relaxing at the trailer, the temperature on the coast is a lot cooler, 26°C than it was in the town when we went shopping, 33°C.

We Skyped with Paul and family, it was odd to see them in our house! For those who don’t know, they have moved in with us for a while. They are having some minor renovations done to their house; digging a new basement, relocating the house to the new basement, adding a second level and other trifling things!!

Tomorrow we’ll try walking into town to see what it has to offer.

Posted in 2015, Pismo Beach, Trips | 2 Comments

Settling Down for a Week

We headed across the road from the motel for a decadent breakfast (omelette for Lyn, eggs and sausages for me, plus maybe a few hash-browns), have to do a little more exercise to get rid of that lot!

After that it was into the truck for the final trek to the Pacific Ocean. Shortly after we left Mojave we started to climb up to around 4000 feet to cross over yet another mountain range. As we headed west we left the desert and the scenery became much greener.



This was a trip where there were no Interstates, a lot of the trip was on more twisty turny two way roads rather than divided highway, with quite a few steep climbs and descents. I had to work for a change. I did discover a new feature on the truck I hadn’t seen before; I knew if I pushed a button called “Tow” while cruise control was on, the truck would try to keep at the set speed while descending by down shifting. I also discovered if “Tow” was on without cruise, when I used the brakes to slow down on inclines, the truck would assist  by down shifting…. very clever!

As we descended from the 4000 ft ridge we entered a large flat plain at around 1000 ft. This area was home to acres and acres of citrus groves and vineyards. The grapes appeared to be grown for eating rather than wine making, as there didn’t seem to be any wineries in the area. The temperature here rose to 30°C (86°F)


We had another smaller range of mountains to cross before finally descending down to sea level about 10 miles from destination.

The campsite is just about on the beach, separated only by a line of sand dunes. This is more of a family site, rather than the old fogies sites we are used to. This means there is species of creatures around known as kids! Hopefully they’ll all go back to school on Monday.

We are here for a full week, which will make a pleasant change from the shorter stays of the last couple of weeks.

Posted in 2015, CA, Pismo Beach, Trips | Leave a comment

In the Mojave Desert

Woke up to a sunny 18C this morning. We had breakfast and starting packing everything up. We were away from the campsite by 1015; we bypassed Las Vegas and headed out across the Mojave Desert. We had a few ups and downs , climbing back up to 4000 as we crossed the mountains. The temperature peaked at 26C in the desert.

General Views:

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We played tag with this train for quite a while, we were both travelling around 55 MPH and it took quite a while before it disappeared from view.DSC04653


Coming into the City of Mojave we were greeted by another aircraft boneyard. Unfortunately, with the trailer on the back I didn’t feel up to getting much closer than the main road.DSC04654DSC04655We are spending the night in Mojave then heading of to the coast tomorrow.


Posted in 2015, Las Vegas, Trips | Leave a comment

Vegas & Hoover Dam

A combined blog for yesterday and today. Yesterday climbed to 26C while today was overcast and 22C.

We headed off to the Vegas strip mid afternoon, the idea being to see it both in daylight and at night. I was last here almost 20 years ago, and it has increased in size quite a bit since then.

Free parking is readily available along the strip, whether you can get into the lots is another matter. Leaving when we did, it wasn’t an issue and we found plenty of room 1 block off the strip.

We headed to the Luxor (Pyramid) end of the strip and walked up one side and back down the other, for a total of about seven miles. Again this blog will be mostly pictures.



Next stop New York

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Solid Chocolate LibertyDSC04587

View Along the Strip


Optical Illusion or Falling Down?


Hilton and Harley Davidson DSC04600

Next Stop ParisDSC04602

Flamingo with Big Wheel in Background

At Bellagio, there was a fantastic display of water fountains set to music, the picture doesn’t do it justice, but I managed to take some video which is much better. DSC04608

Bellagio FountainDSC04606

Duckling on Bellagio Pond


Treasure Island at NightDSC04625

VeniceDSC04627Caesars Palace

After our trip down the strip, we were glad to get back to the truck and get the weight off our feet and onto our butts! We didn’t win our fortune, maybe because we didn’t do any gambling!

After a good sleep, we woke up to a cloudy day. Our plan today was to go and visit the Hoover dam, which is just a few miles down the road from here. A few facts:

Approximately 4,360,000 cubic yards of concrete was required to build the dam.
An Interstate Highway from New York to San Francisco could have been constructed with the concrete required to build Hoover Dam

Cooling tubes were used for curing of such a huge mass of concrete; otherwise with traditional methods of curing, it would have taken 100 years to build the dam.

Weight of the dam is more than six-and-a-half million tons!
Height of the dam is 726.4 feet.
Thickness of the dam is 45 feet at the top and 660 feet at the bottom

The maximum power output from all the 17 power generators (water turbines) can be around 2.08 Gigawatts.

The Hoover dam road bypass project involving construction of a bridge whose arch span stretches 1,060 feet and whose deck stands 900 feet above the river,
is also one of the wonderful projects of this century.


Colorado River Upstream from the Dam

Monument to the WorkersDSC04637

Bypass Road BridgeDSC04644

View Straight Down the Dam WallDSC04641

Hoover DamDSC04640 DSC04639

They Can Build a Dam but can’t get the Pylons Vertical

We headed back to the trailer for lunch then headed out to get a couple of geocaches. After that we headed back to the trailer to start packing up some of the outside stuff in preparation for moving out to California tomorrow.

Posted in 2015, Las Vegas, Trips | Leave a comment


Due to pounding the Las Vegas strip for 5+ hours, the will to write the blog tonight is somewhat lacking. I’ll combine it with tomorrow’s Hoover Dam trip.


Posted in 2015, Las Vegas, Trips | Leave a comment


Warmth has returned, no heating required yesterday evening or overnight! This morning it was about 15°C. After breakfast we hung around for a while then headed out to Red Rock Canyon Conservation Area. To get there we drove along the “Strip” in Las Vegas.

DSC04550 DSC04554 DSC04548 DSC04552Red Rock is an area with ….. red rock formations.

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The area has a one way road around it that runs for about 13 miles. Along the way are numerous viewpoints and trail heads. Unfortunately the trails were not very well marked, and useful maps were almost non existent. We did manage one trail about a mile long, it was along rocky path with a few small climbs and a short boardwalk.

General Views:

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Tortoise Crossing!!DSC04575 DSC04578Spot the Cell Tower

As we left the area we spotted this “camouflaged” cell tower.

As Lyn said as we were driving around, we should have visited the Grand Canyon last. Under normal circumstances the scenery here would have been fantastic, but after the Grand Canyon, it was “just” another picturesque drive.


Posted in 2015, Grand Canyon, Trips | Leave a comment