It’s Saturday

Today was a non day. Just sat around doing nothing, as a well trained retiree should. The day started warm and got to about 24C, but after lunch the deep freeze set in and temperatures plummeted to 20C.

The highlight of the day involved a bowl of strawberries, but I am not allowed to talk about it. Further information available from Lyn if you e-mail her!


Posted in 2012, Brownsville Tx, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

The Road to Nowhere

Cooler and calm again today, although we did struggle up to 24C by mid afternoon.

Lyn wanted to do some shopping in Brownsville so we combined it with a day out to the beach. Although we had been to the Northern end of Brownsville we hadn’t ventured closer into the city. From what we saw of it the city was clean and modern with all the amenities and stores you’d expect (except a doughnut store).

Shopping (successfully) completed we headed out on the Boca Chica Highway, which we believed would lead us to a beach. About 15 miles later we could see the Gulf and signs proclaiming that the paved surface would end. Well end it did, right on the beach. Again this was another beach that could be driven on, so we did.

Our Truck on Boca Chica Beach, Tx.

The beach went about 1.5 miles south where it stopped at the Rio Grande / Mexican Border and a few miles north where it stopped at the Brownsville Shipway, an entrance for boats and oil rigs to go inland towards Brownsville. Directly across the shipway is the Southern end of South Padre Island, unfortunately there was no way of crossing the shipway by car.

We went for a walk along the beach, but apart from a few seagulls, sandpipers and a stranded jellyfish there was little in the way of wildlife.

Once we got back to the trailer it was time for a little more upgrading. Last week I put a vent cover over the bedroom vent. Today it was the bathroom vent that got a cover. As this vent has a fan in it the installation was a little different, but it went OK. Now both vents can be left open without fear of wind damage or rain getting in.

Posted in 2012, Brownsville Tx, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

A(nother) Quiet Day

Woke up to a cooler, 13C, clear and calm day.

Lyn headed out to get a hair cut then we did the weekly shopping. After lunch it was crafts time for Lyn, and I played around with an astronomy programme on the phone  and tablet. After dinner when it was dark enough we took the phone outside to identify some of the stars and constellations. It’s quiet an amazing piece of software, you just hold the phone up in your field of view and it shows a labelled map of the sky that you are looking it. As you turn the display changes to show what you are viewing. It’s amazing what can be packed into a 5 x 2.5 x .5 inch box. It also makes phone calls!!

Posted in 2012, Brownsville Tx, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment


Lyn liked the laundry so much yesterday, she made a return visit today! My contribution this morning was to clean the stove.

After lunch we headed back to South Padre Island to visit the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre. The centre consisted of a number of above ground pools with rescued turtles in them. Some ot the turtles were just visitors waiting for injuries to heal before being returned to the water. Most injuries appeared to be the loss of all or part of a flipper(s). The most common causes of the injuries were shark attacks, boat propellers or fishing nets.

Others were there for the long haul as their injuries were too great to allow them to survive back in the ocean. There was one turtle there that had lost 3 of its flippers, which normally would be a death sentence, but this one was doing so well it was spared and is now being used to evaluate prosthetic flippers.

Turtle South Padre Island, Tx.

After we left the centre we moved on to a birding centre, although we didn’t see too much in the way of birds, a few pelicans and blue herons we did see an alligator sunning him/herself as we left.

Alligator South Padre Island, Tx.



Posted in 2012, Brownsville Tx, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

Not much to add

Today was a stay at home day. It was 21C, grey, overcast and very windy (as opposed to windy). This morning Lyn went to visit her friend the laundry while I continued to do research for the trip. Turns out that the points I accumulated from the hotel stays in Vienna about a decade ago are still valid. That and a new MasterCard for $75 / year will get me 4 nights at a 4 star hotel in Seoul and one night in a 5 star in Sydney.

We normally make lunch and eat outside at the picnic bench, today we got outside and turned right back around as the wind was so strong it was blowing the plates of rolls off the table. At least it’s a warm wind. Lyn spent the afternoon at a crafts class and I managed to do nothing!

Below is a photo we took yesterday, but I forgot to add it in. These cactii are all over the place in rural areas down here.

Cactus in Hugh Ramsey Nature Park, Harlingen Tx.

Posted in 2012, Brownsville Tx, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

It Rained!

Again a 20C calm and overcast wake-up.

Spent the morning researching accommodation in the Cook Islands, and helping Lyn with some graphics for a project she is doing.

After lunch we decided to head off to another wild life refuge just outside the town of Harlingen, about 10 miles away. This is a new refuge that is a work in progress. To date they have laid out a couple of walking loops, and made a few artificial ponds to attract birds. Unfortunately the birds don’t seem to have discovered the place yet as all we saw was a small hawk and a woodpecker. At least we got out for a walk!

On the way back the unheard of happened, it rained! Well there were about 20 drops of water that landed on the windshield over a 2 minute period, but it’s the thought that counts.

Posted in 2012, Brownsville Tx, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

Off to Buy Fleas

I’m sure I’ve used that title (or something very similar before), but I am running out of titles.

20C and calm at wake-up time.

We headed off to the west today to go to Donna for a large open air flee market that Lyn had read about. As it turned out it was a little further than anticipated, as on the way back home we passed the turn off for the bridge we used to go to Mexico earlier in the week.

To me this was just another flea market, I really can’t get too excited looking at stuff that’s been in someones basement for decades (don’t tell Lyn I said that).  What did surprise me though was the amount of French being spoken, Texas seems a haven for Quebecers.

Lyn bought a few things, but the highlight for me was finding a vendor selling fresh mini-doughnuts! I’d been doughnut-less for two weeks. The doughnuts were made on site by a small machine and tank of hot oil that always reminds me of visiting the ideal home exhibition in Earls Court (London) as a kid.

To offset the doughnuts we bought a fresh pineapple; after selecting the pineapple it was skinned and cored on a nifty foot powered machine, all we had to do was slice and eat. The slicing eating was done later at home!

After a couple of hours at the place we headed back to the trailer. Rather than take the freeways we zig-zagged around the back roads. One thing that has surprised me in the rural parts is the mixture of housing. There doesn’t seem to be areas of poor living accommodation, there will be a wooden shack right next to a large brick built bungalow, then maybe a small ranch house then a trailer etc. What most houses do have is a fence, big and small expensive and cheap, the mast majority are fenced, even in the middle of no where.

On the way home we stopped for lunch and risked some Mexican food, coincidentally Lyn’s stomach has been making orchestral sounds ever since.

Posted in 2012, Brownsville Tx, Trips, Week 3 | 2 Comments

A Mixed Day

21C and calm when we woke up. We had planned to go to the organised breakfast today, but neglected to set the alarm and missed it!

I spent a bit of time sorting out seats on all the flights we had booked yesterday and managed to get what we wanted. The trip will involve our longest flight yet at 13hours 40 minutes from Seoul to Chicago.

Next came some work on the truck. I have wanted to replace the wiper blades for sometime, and finally got around to it. I hate wiper blades!! Took me about 15 minutes to get the first one off and 15 seconds for the second one. It then took another 15 minutes to put the first one on and 15 seconds for the second. Tomorrow I could replace both of them in a minute, next year will take 30 minutes again!

The truck also got a good vacuum and the rubber mats were washed, then Lyn cleaned all the trim and glass inside. Poor truck doesn’t know what’s happening, a wash last week and a clean-up today!

This afternoon we went off to a wildlife refuge at Laguna Atascosa, a large (dried-up) wetlands area about 20 miles from here. The refuge has a few claims to fame, it is the home of the majority of ocelots in the US. The ocelot is a member of the cat family and looks like a scaled down jaguar (not the 4 wheeled variety). It also at the cross-roads of a number of bird migratory routes and over 450 different species have been recorded here. Among a few we saw yesterday were cardinals, green jays, blue heron, egrets and hawks. There was also an alligator that had adopted an old concrete tank which staff now keep filled with water.

There was a 15 mile loop you could drive around, unfortunately there wasn’t too much to be seen. We did see some coyotes walking along the road and a deer down by the shore

Deer in Laguna Atascosta Refuge

At one of the lookouts we also saw some graffiti, Texas style.

Texas Style Graffiti

About 90% of the area that should have been under water had dried up due to the prolonged drought conditions down here, and this limited the number of animals we saw.




Posted in 2012, Brownsville Tx, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

I need a holiday!!

Woke up to 21C and the ever-present wind!

For some time now we have been working on a way to burn up my Air Canada points before they all expire. We both wanted to go to New Zealand, so that was the initial goal. Well, if you’re going to New Zealand, you may as well stop off for a few days in the South Pacific, right? It’s a long way to New Zealand so you don’t really want to come back the same route do you?

The last part was our downfall. We explored return routes via Singapore, Beijing, Peking, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Johannesburg. There was always a problem with booking (did I mention a prerequisite to the trip was that we went in style … Business Class), only 1 seat available, only economy available,no seats available, the distance is too far etc etc.

Finally this morning I got on the phone hoping that a miracle might occur. It did, they picked up on the first ring! The guy seemed really friendly and helpful so we ran through a whole load of routings….. nothing! Tried another hopeful route and got cut off in the middle!

Luckily I managed to get hold of the same guy again, but that routing would’t fly (pun intended) either. At his suggestion we tried a routing I hadn’t even considered.. Bingo, it worked!

All this took 4 hours on the phone, but in the end it was worth it. We are now the proud owners of a trip that goes:

Ottawa, Toronto, Chicago, Los Angeles, Cook Islands, Auckland, Sydney, Seoul, Chicago, Ottawa

We’ll spend 5 days in the Cook Islands, a month in NZ and 4 days in Seoul.

After all that work my brain and cell phone need a rest!

Posted in 2012, Brownsville Tx, Trips, Week 2 | 4 Comments

Nothing much today

Cloudy and warm today with a perfectly calm morning. As the day progressed the winds returned. No chance of flying the helicopter at this place, but we did bring the kites so we will try flying those next time we go to the beach.

Thursday means grocery shopping day so off we went to the local supermarket, nothing exciting there! This afternoon Lyn went off to her crochet lesson and for once there was not DIY work for me.

A restful day!!

Posted in 2012, Brownsville Tx, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment