Haven’t Lost my Touch

Today was the first not so good day weather wise. Cloudy, drizzle and about 20C. We’ve been here 2 weeks now and we’re still both alive….. shot a few peoples predictions down!

Another antenna arrived today for my Ham Radio set up, unfortunately it was a bit too windy to risk going up on the roof, so I strung it up in the bushes next to the trailer. Plugged it in, and it worked like a charm!

Spent the rest of the day hooking the transmitter up to the computer, I was pleased to see that I hadn’t lost my touch when it comes to making a mess all over the trailer with tools, cables etc…. just like home!

The wind has been gusty all day, now it is getting strong enough to start rocking the trailer, although at 10,000 lbs it shouldn’t move too far!

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment


Finally, the remote control WE left behind has arrived. Now we can start watching the movies and TV episodes that I downloaded without having to boot the laptop into Linux, connect to the external hard drive, copy to the windows area of the laptop, boot into windows and connect the laptop to the TV. Kind of took the enjoyment out of watching the programme. Thank-you Catriona.

Today was a shopping day, groceries in the morning, and off to explore the larger stores in the afternoon; Target, Lowes, Michaels (couldn’t avoid it, but I got suckered in by Lyn pointing out that there was a Circuit City right next door, unfortunateley the only thing Circuit City about the store was the sign, the rest was an empty shell).

In future my sister Hazel, has volunteered to provide titles for the blogs if I can’t come up with a suitable one……. should be interesting!

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 2 | 1 Comment

How to cut cables

The hardest part of writing this blog is coming up with a title each day!

Another warm and pleasant day, time to clean more of the trailer. To do today’s cleaning required I put one of the slides in. No big issue, just move a couple of the chairs and make sure there is nothing in the way. Slide in, clean the outside and slide out. All went well, apart from a few pieces of cable lying on the ground.

When I put up my radio antenna a few days ago, I coiled up the excess wire and hung it under the slide out. Said coil of wire got rather intimate with the slide out mechanism! Spent the next two hours rewiring the antenna.

Went for a walk this afternoon to the lake. Took along some old bread to feed the resident coots. Found plenty of coots, but every time we threw out the bread, they flew away! At least the fish were thankful for the extra food.

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 2 | 1 Comment

Really Lazy Day

After all, it is Saturday so a lazy(ier) day was in order. The cooler weather continues, so I took advantage and washed a bit more of the trailer. Another 5 days and I should have it finished…. no sense in rushing these things.

Lyn’s computer went on a go slow, so spent some time speeding it up, then off for a bike ride around the local sub-divisions.

Finally tried my hand at some baking, every time  I go back to the UK mum makes bread pudding for me, I got the recipe many years ago in the hope that Lyn would make one…… I am still waiting. Anyway, apart from a slightly burnt base, not sure if that was due to the small oven or my inability to select the correct temperature, it tasted OK, not as good as Mums but OK

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment


Thankfully the hot and humid spell broke last night. It fell to around 13C overnight and reached around 24C today with a much lower humidity.

Today we took off to St Simons Island, which is about 10 miles away on the coastal side of Brunswick. Unlike Jekyll. Is this one was “Free” It is obviously a place for those with money, large well kept houses and property in many areas and an airport full of expensive toys, Gulfstream IV and V’s citations etc. No control tower though, wonder if I could start one up and charge a reasonable rate for my services??

As I mentioned earlier there is the Georgia – Florida football match this weekend, which is accompanied by the “Worlds Largest Open Air Cocktail Party”, which coincides with the Fall break at Georgia U. We went for a quiet wander down the beach, only to find hundreds of students and their associated beer coolers already entrenched on the beach. Now we know why there was a large police presence as we entered the parking lot! On entering the beach the coolers were inspected by the police, not as  I originally thought for booze, but to ensure there were no glass containers. The police were also handing out garbage bags to encourage the students to clean up themselves. The students and police seemed to get on very well.

We then went in search of a quilt shop that Lyn had read about on the web, unfortunately we found it. On the plus side the store was only about 50m from the runway at the airport.

One thing that has surprised me about the blog is how many hits it gets, around 50 per day. Only about 15 people were given the address of the site, so I guess it must be on some search engines, not an issue, just an observation.

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

Disaster Strikes!

That title probably caught your attention. Well, yesterday afternoon Lyn was ironing some of her quilting fabrics with the A/C on and lo and behold the power went out. We only have a 30A circuit to the trailer and the breaker popped.Reset the breaker and all was well.Actually all wasn’t well, we went to watch the recording of Coronation Street last night and it wasn’t there!! Seems the Satellite box gets a little temperamental when the power goes out.

Today was another hot and humid day, it seems that this is unusual weather and in fact a new high for this day was set. We did some local grocery shopping this morning, the size of the fridge / freezer requires a couple of trips to the store each week. After lunch we went off to the pool for a swim (the pool has warmed up considerably since our first visit) then back to the A/C. Later this afternoon a couple of heavy showers went through, and the temperature dropped from 30 to 23 over a couple of hours. Hopefully we can now open the place up and get some fresh air inside

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

Hot and Humid …..Still

Another hot and humid day, seems this is their equivalent of an Indian summer. Tomorrow has thundershowers in the forecast followed by a drop in the temperature to about 21C.

The place is beginning to fill up, 1 ON and 3 QC rigs arrived today. This weekend there is a college football game of some notoriety taking place, and some ardent supporters have arrived complete with a potful of decorations including windsocks, windmills, blowup mascots, lights etc. The game is between Florida and Georgia and has been going since 1903…. seems they get quite passionate about it.

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 2 | 2 Comments

One Week

Hard to believe we’ve been here for one week! Much like yesterday, the weather is hot and humid. It’s more comfortable to stay in the trailer with the A/C on!!

Having said that, we braved the elements and headed into Brunswick, unfortunately the best thing I can say about Brunswick at the moment is that they have a great PR guy writing up the description of the town! We were expecting well kept large plantation type houses and quaint shopping streets. In reality we found a fairly run down main street and small houses that really didn’t look too well kept.

After much driving around we finally found Wal-Mart, so we could get a few items we needed.

It seems that there is a fairly large tidal swing here, probably 6 or so feet form high to low. Many of the areas we passed the other day that looked like dried river beds were fully flooded today.

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment


Seems it does rain here. Temperature has been up in the high 20’s (C) and humidity in the high 90’s giving a humidex of around 38C. There were a couple of short sharp showers, and in the early evening a fantastic light show courtesey of a lightning storm.

Another day of rest and relaxation!

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 1 | 1 Comment

Day of Rest?

Well, all of the major setup work has been completed. Actually washed the truck today. The humidity is starting to rise giving a humidex of 34C, the A/C got a good workout throughout the day!

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 1 | 1 Comment