Splish Splash

Well last nights storms weren’t tornado producers, but they did unleash plenty of rain. Some parts of South Dakota got over 8 inches (20cm) overnight. This morning it had cleared where we were, but the temperatures had dropped.

After breakfast we headed out to the town of Deadwood about 70 miles away, unfortunately the temperatures continued to drop and we drove back into the rain. By lunch time we were down to 8C (47F) and torrential rain with strong winds.

The scenery was superb, despite the weather, and the driving was fun on mountain roads with many turns and hills. Good MGB roads!!

As we didn’t need to be in Deadwood until 1400 we stopped off at a Mans Store …. Harbor Freight and another quilt store!

Deadwood was added to the itinerary as we had a very short trip to our next stop. It was a typical Western themed tourist trap, with 95% of the stores being gift shops. The “highlight” of the day was to be a gun fight in Main St. at 1400!

Main Street Deadwood SD

There was nowhere close by to park so we bit the bullet (sorry!!) and headed out of town towards Hill City SD. The scenery was still good and the weather started to brighten up. We climbed up to 5700′ before descending a little into our destination. We drove over a large dam, to one side was a river on the other Paktola Lake.

Paktola Lake.

We made it to Hill city mid afternoon, but too early to check into the hotel. As the rain had now stopped, we left the car at the hotel and took a walk along the main street. We desperately needed some exercise to burn off beer and desert induced calories.

The main reason for the stop here is that there is a steam engine rail trip that we will take tomorrow morning. As there was a train due in we extended our walk to the station to get some pictures.

The forecast for the next few days looks promising, climbing up to the 30’s (Mid 80’s) by midweek, IF the forecasters are to be believed. After the train trip tomorrow we head out out to Rawlins, Wyoming for a night stop, then down to Utah, our main destination.

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Where Does Time Go OR That Was a Little Too Close!

Usually I am stuck for titles but today I have two!

The second refers to last nights weather; we had storms throughout the night with some good lightning shows, but it appears that these storms intensified as they headed east resulting in three tornadoes touching down in Sioux City Falls SD causing a lot of damage. We had driven past Sioux City just a few hours earlier.

We had planned to visit a sculpture after dinner as it was lit up at night and was meant to be worth a trip. That plan was scuttled for a couple of reasons, one being the weather and the other being the “large” beer we ordered at the restaurant. Normally (to me at least) a large beer is a pint and a small beer somewhat less than a pint. Here is Lyn dealing with the large beer.

After breakfast, we headed up to the sculpture. The sculpture is called “Dignity” and is of a Native Indian lady with a quilt on her back, it is 50ft tall and was built to commemorate South Dakotas Native heritage.


From the other side. View of the Mississippi from the statue.

Next stop on the list was back into Chamberlain as there just happened to be a quilt store there!

The Quilt Shop Chamberlain SD

At least it had a small man cave there!

Interesting, since we left Chamberlain (and the Quilt store) the credit card has been randomly declined. Hopefully it has been sorted after a call to MasterCard.

Our next stop was The Badlands, about 100 miles west. Again it was Interstate and pretty straight and flat for long stretches. We also crossed into another time zone, Mountain, hence the first part of the title. I feel jet lag coming on.


Badlands is a National Park, so our annual pass got its first use. National Parks charge around $25 – $35 entrance fee so the annual pass at $80 should be a good purchase.

As in previous blogs I will provide a link that describes an area we have visited rather than type it all in, after all I am on vacation! So info is available here:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badlands

A collection of pictures:

NoNo Kidding

As usual photos don’t do the views justice, particularly as it was an overcast day. We drove around this area for some time before heading a few miles north to the town of Wall. We had been seeing sign posts for various activities relating to “Wall Drug”, for a couple of hundred miles. Back in the ’30’s a drug store was opened in the town of Wall, but they weren’t getting many customers so they advertised free iced water, and the crowds started to arrive. The “Drug Store” now occupies 1 city block and consists of many stores based on a Western town of the late 1800’s. It’s interesting in a tourist trap kind of way, but at least their coffee is only 5c a cup!

The rain started as we headed off to the hotel, and as I am writing this there is torrential rain and thunder outside, but it seems the twisters have taken a break for now.

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Only 1 Left

Well, despite the pies that were forced upon us last night an excellent nights sleep was had. In fact if you allow for the fact we crossed into the central time zone we slept til 0945 body tine, 0845 local. After breakfast we headed out on a warm and sunny morning, destination Chamberlain South Dakota. Hopefully this is our last “travel day”. Today’s trip is the shortest of the 3 so far at “only” 750Kms (465 miles).

The further west we went, the flatter the land got and we went from forested areas to farm lands.

The title refers to the fact that after today there is only one US State I haven’t visited, Hawaii. North Dakota has been conquered!

The Conquest of North Dakota

I have now visited all Canadian Provinces and Territories and 49 out of 50 US States, not bad for a Brit!!

Once in the Dakotas the land flattened right out and dairy farming and corn fields were the norm.

Who Stole the Hills?

On the upside, the Interstates were quiet and it was perfectly legal to drive at 80MPH (130Kmh), which we did! As we approached our destination the sky ahead turned an ominous dark grey and about 10 miles from the hotel lightning appeared. We made the hotel before the rain, but we were greeted with sirens going off. We thought at first it was a tornado warning, but a quick check with the receptionist confirmed that it was only a severe thunderstorm siren, tornado ones play a different tune.

If the rain eases we may head out after dinner as there is a 150ft statue of a native with a quilt just down the road that is lit at night and is meant to be worth visiting.


Posted in 2019, Trips, West | 1 Comment

Getting Better

This year there is no exotic overseas travel for us, we thought we’d take a holiday from all the planning!! Instead we are driving out west in the US to visit some of the sights we missed when we were last out that way due to having the trailer tagging along behind us.

We figured we were traveling business class again as our seats are fully adjustable, we have good leg room and there are inferior seats behind us!

We set out yesterday morning, during which there were a few OMG moments, the first before we even left the house. Our final check before leaving is ensure we have passports, anything else we have forgotten can be bought en-route. As Lyn did the mandatory check a look of panic spread over her face, there was only one passport and it wasn’t mine!! The passports had somehow got separated and they finished up in different bags. OK, time to leave. We made a quick breakfast stop and then started out westbound. About 20 minutes later Lyn had another OMG moment when she feared she may have left the overnight bag at home. A quick pull off the highway and the bag was located in the trunk.

The first part of the journey was to Sault Sainte Marie in Michigan, a stones throw away from Sault Sainte Marie Ontario. Same name, more or less the same location but two different countries. It was as we approached the border that Lyn had her third and final OMG moment of the day when I asked her for the passports. They weren’t to be found. Evidently there are enough hiding places in a woman’s handbag that even a pair of passports can hide undetected for a number of minutes! We made it through immigration in under a minute, which I think was a record.

Now it was my turn for an OMG (or more like a WTF) moment as I plugged the next leg of the route into the GPS. It came back with a trip time of 17+ hours, which couldn’t possibly be correct, what was wrong with the stupid machine. After careful investigation the machine was cleared of all blame as I realised that I may have possible made an error in my planning. I had booked the first two nights hotel about 10 days after I had done the initial planning, unfortunately with my great memory I managed to forget the second stop and book the first two nights hotels for what in reality should have been the first and third nights stops.

After a 9 hour driving day I wasn’t in the best of moods after discovering that. Anyway, bookings and re-bookings were made, and all was finally sorted.

Typical of the Scenery in N. Ontario

We had a good sleep and woke up relaxed for day 2 of the trip. We had a little business to attend to before getting on the road proper. We had ordered a few things on line and had them delivered to storage address in the US, just down the road from the hotel. For then non-Canadians reading this, stuff that can be ordered from the US can sometimes be cheaper than the same items in Canada BUT shipping to Canada is prohibitively expensive in most cases. The cost of shipping can easily outweigh the savings, in fact if the parcels are sent UPS or FedEx you can often find yourself with a $40 broker bill just for getting the goods through customs. We ordered essentials, US National Parks Pass, SIM cards for the phones in the US, a LARGE roll of quilt batting (30 yards x 8ft) and some spares for the MGB. After breakfast we headed down to the store to pick them up, they had 3 out of 4 in their computer, but no SIM cards. I had a horrible feeling today was going to start as yesterday finished, however a very helpful clerk said hat sometimes envelopes slip through the system and he would try to track it down amazingly he found it in about 30 seconds, a good omen!

Once on the road we made slow progress to start as there was thick fog, probably around 50 yards visibility. Luckily this all burnt off after a few miles and the sun came out. This was good news as we had 850Kms (530 miles)to go today compared with a paltry 800Kms (500 miles) yesterday. Again the scenery was mostly wooded, although we spent a good deal of time very close to the shore of Lake Superior. Many of the trees were beginning to change colour and a few were already bright red.

Red Leaves

We drove out of Michigan, through Wisconsin and into Minnesota. In Minnesotoa the sun disappeared and was replaced by rain, heavy at times. For the first time in my life I experienced aquaplaning while driving a car, it sure is a good way to catch your attention. It is just like driving on ice, you are completely helpless. Luckily in the three time it happened it was very brief and we stayed on the road. My mind went back to Air Traffic college days where we learned that aquaplaning  was  function of tyre pressure and speed (for the nerds among us cars are prone to aquaplane at 10.4 x the square root of the tyre pressure) so by slowing down by a few MPH the issue went away.


The only other issue we had was that the final stretch of road, about 10 miles from our hotel had been closed and a 10 mile detour was required. It appears that in Minnesota they don’t just close one lane for resurfacing they close the whole road.

These two days and tomorrow are just travel days, the touring starts after tomorrow. After a couple of long days driving I don’t have the inclination to proof read this so there are bound to be mistakes.

Have to go now, as much to our dietary disgust we found out that Monday night is free pie night at Perkins Restaurant where we had dinner. They wouldn’t let us leave without a slice each!


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On the Road Again!

Due to an enormous brain fart the first entry may occur tomorrow.

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The End

Sitting in Beijing now after a 12 hour flight from Sydney, managed to sleep for a good portion of it. My spare parts for the MGB that I bought in Sydney caused a bit of an issue in the Beijing security check and held the line up for quite a while. When neither of you speak a common language its hard to explain that a bag of brass parts is a repair kit for a British sports car carburetor! Any way we survived that and are now in the lounge for six hours waiting for a 13+ hour flight to Montreal, at least a shower helped freshen me up a bit.

So, thoughts on Australia: We are really glad we did the trip, at the end of it we had no complaints at all, with the possible exception of the lack of filtered (Canadian style) coffee. Aussies are really big on their steam frothy machine style coffee (Thanks for the tip Ted, our coffee supply ran out on the penultimate morning!). Driving was a breeze, Australian drivers never seem to be in a rush to get any where, speed limits are obeyed meticulously, they stop at red traffic lights and there are no attempts to run amber lights.

Life is a little more expensive here than Canada, but it is affordable. Tipping is not a way of life, neither is it expected. Australian service industries pay their staff a decent wage, so subsidies are not needed. Why can’t N. America adopt that policy. The nearest the industry gets to tipping is an increase in prices on holidays and Sundays to allow them to pay the staff extra for working those days.

Taxes are built into the advertised price, if a sweater is advertised for $30 then that is what you pay, not $30 + GST +PST. Again N.America take note. One additional cost we did come across was the addition of 1% on many credit card sales to cover expenses imposed by the Credit Card companies. This was mostly charged by the small Mom and Pop type stores, not the big stores.

Talking of big stores, there is NO Walmart. This means towns still have main streets with a variety of thriving stores. 

Cell phone plans are cheaper in Australia, but beware of the coverage. As we found out Vodafone works fine in the large cities and along the major highways, but is useless in the back country. Telstra has far better coverage, but at a cost. 

Just back from a walk around the Beijing Terminal, walked about 2500 steps from the plane, through security to the lounge and another 5200 walking once around the terminal!

Back to Oz, there was plenty to see and do, and we did almost all that we had planned with a couple of exceptions. The weather didn’t co-operate for our trip  to the blue mountains, we got fogged out. The whales didn’t read the tourist book schedule and stopped their migration early and finally an uncooperative boulder leapt out into the middle of the road, striking Lyn on the head and knocking her off her scooter. Other than that the only other issue we had at times was the heat/humidity.

We purposely avoided cities because we don’t like them, we’d much rather see rural life and scenery, there plenty of that to see. We have learned from previous trips not to go, go, go to the last day as we return home kn&($ered, hence the slow trip south from Cooktown.

A return trip is not out of the question, finances, health and time permitting.

Future travel is uncertain at the moment, there will be the usual snowbird trip to Alabama in January with the possibility of a road trip to Utah, Montana etc in the fall. 2020 was planned to have a South America cruise around whatever Cape it is down there, with a side trip into Peru. That may now get sidelined as Lyn’s aunt will be celebrating her 90th in March that year, so a trip to S. Africa may happen for another family reunion. Perhaps we’ll be reckless and do both!

Hopefully toy enjoyed the blog, the next one should be in the fall of 2019.

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Our Last Day of Exploring

You can all breathe a huge sigh of relief, today was our last full day of traveling, and possibly the last blog entry, apart from a wrap up one I’ll publish on the way home (internet permitting).

Tomorrow we are planning a visit to an aviation museum, then it’s off to Lyn’s cousins for a couple of nights. Hopefully we will also meet another cousin from S. Africa who  has been visiting her children in China and Australia, as well as a cousin who may be flying up from Tasmania.

This morning we headed our after breakfast to a boardwalk that was on the “hummock”. The hummock seemed to be the nearest thing resembling a hill, for miles around. As well as providing a view and some exercise, there was also a cache waiting for us!

Water Tower Painting

At the lookout there is a Memorial to Squadron Leader Bert Hinkler, the first person to fly solo from  England to Australia in 1928, taking 15½ days!

Bert Hinkler Memorial

We found some (yet to be identified) red flowers on the tack.

Although the photo below doesn’t show it too well, the soil in the areas was very red in colour.

Red Soil

We took to the back-roads to avoid the Bruce and to see more of the Australian (populated) countryside. I have to apologise to Australia as the bakeries were open today, evidently things are a little more progressive in the larger towns. Certainly couldn’t let the opportunity of possibly the last cream cake slip away (again!).

Driving was through some nice twisty, hilly countryside with cane sugar and mangoes as the main crops. We stopped for more geocahes and got 4 out of 5. Lunch was fairly easy to find for a Sunday, although I did have to trade my standard meat pie for a kebab!

We continued on to the hotel through a couple of heavy rain showers which brought the temperature down to 22 for a while, but then it climbed back to 25. One nice thing about the rain, it filled the air with the scent of eucalyptus. 

We arrived at the hotel just after 4PM. As I said above, depending on the degree of socialising that takes place over the next couple of nights there may or may not be a blog.

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We Found Water!!

Another great nights sleep after a good meal at the motel last night. The one disadvantage of staying at a motel with a restaurant is that they don’t supply a toaster or cutlery or plates, they want you to buy their stuff!! Therefore we forewent the the toast this morning and had bread and jam. At least the bread has substance to it compared with the aerated stuff we get at home.

We continued eastbound after breakfast through miles of even more nothingness than previous days, for miles it was just scrub land with no crops or grazing. Even geocaches were not to be found. We tried one geocache and all I got was quite a shock as when I moved a piece of bark on a tree this thing dove out.

We think it was a huntsman spider, evidently it’s not particularly venomous, but an ice pack and medical assistance is recommended if you do get bit.

There were plenty of kangaroos and wallabies, unfortunately they were all horizontal and not moving😢. We did have some success in the cream cake department; reasoning that Australia closes down on Sundays itwas best to ensure we got a cake today.

We had a late lunch, that’s when we found out that the shutters go down at 2PM on a Saturday, we finally found some found at a petrol station on the Bruce. Talking of petrol, prices inland and up north peaked between $1.65-$1.70 / litre, they are now back to ~$1.40.

After lunch we headed off to the town of 1770 (that’s right it’s numbers not letters for the town name), so called because Cpt. Cooke discovered the place in 1770. We got about 10k along the road and saw a lot of smoke ahead, another brush fire. This one was different in that the smoke was drifting across the road reducing visibility. There were a couple of cars stopped on the road and a firefighter was explaining that they were dealing with an accident just passed the fire, once that was sorted they would work  on the fire so there would be an unknown delay if we wanted to go that route. We opted to skip 1770 and route direct to our destination.

Our re-planned route took us down the Bruce to Gin Gin (we didn’t stop to sample any drinks) where we headed off towards the coast. We finally made the motel around 4PM.

The motel is one block from the coast so we took a walk along the beach to get in some much needed exercise, and a couple of geocaches.

Tomorrow we continue southbound, and tomorrow night will be our last motel night.

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Eastbound Today

Today was another longish trip, but the direction changed from Southbound to Eastbound as we head away from the inland route back to the coastal route of the Bruce. 

After breakfast we headed out through a mix of country side yet again, there were less mountains but plenty of gently rolling hills and table lands. Yet again we were unable to find a bakery, or any other establishment for our morning coffee. In reality that was probably a good thing, in the last few week we had been getting a reasonable amount of exercise. With all the driving and the heat and humidity the exercising has dropped of whereas the cream cake intake was on the rise for a while.

Luckily we met the herd of cows a few days ago and learned the secret of getting by them…… just drive! We met another herd on the road today, this time there was no cow person in sight and no other vehicles to follow. If it wasn’t for the meeting with the cows previously I’d probably still be sitting there waiting for therm to move. Pulling forward at 5-10kph seemed to get them moving, there was a strong temptation to use the horn to see what effect that would have, but I was worried about the amount of paperwork that might create when the car was returned.

We also passed through coal mining country again, marked by large slag heaps.

We a number of fields where we couldn’t identify the crop, but we now think it was cotton.

Although we didn’t get a picture Lyn managed to spot a kangaroo off to the side of the road, I would have pulled over but, for one of the few occasions on this drive, there was vehicle right behind me.

A little further on Lyn spotted another creature off the side of the road, this time I was able to stop. After a little research once we reached the hotel it was Identified as an Australian Bustard, Australia’s largest flying bird.

We managed to find 3 geocaches today, which helped to break up the trip. and give us a little exercise. We are also back in the land of Vodaphone so my original SIM card works, as does voice and texts.

Tomorrow we should be seeing the Ocean again.

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Finally, we had to brake for a Kangaroo!

These blogs may be getting boring to read, but we are not getting bored traveling around. Much of the scenery could be described as “blah”, but to us it is all new. It’s just hard to put into words what we have seen.

After breakfast we left our 3 bedroom bungalow after making the discovery that something had gobbled up most of our data, I suspect it was one of those (insert expletive here) Microsoft updates running in the background. That has now been foiled!

The roads were pretty straight, both horizontally and vertically although we did come across a hold up on the way south.

There’s always one!

A properly equipped cowboy cowgirl, no ATV’s here. A bit further back we did see a cowboy herding on a motocross bike!

Not knowing what the local custom was for cars encountering cows we slowed to a stop. The guy behind waited about 30 seconds before overtaking us and forcing his way through the herd. The large tractor with double trailer gave us about 10 seconds before laying on the air horn. When in Rome etc. so we pushed our way through, the cattle seemed to accept this.

Continuing south we picked up a geocache and then hit the teeming metropolis of Capella.

Capella Main Street

There was a large war memorial in town, complete with a nearby geocache.

Capella War Memorial
Capella War Memorial

Despite everything, there was a coffee shop / bakery there, so all was not bad.

Another thing we hadn’t noticed before was the bottle tree. The wide trunk develops after 5 years or so and is used to store water.

Bottle Tree
Bottle Tree

We got excited a few miles out of town when there was a sign for a Scenic Lookout. This was going to be interesting as the land around us was as flat as a pancake!

Scenic Lookout

After we recovered from the breathtaking view from the lookout, we headed into the town of Emerald for lunch. This was one of the best towns we had been in for a long time. There was a good variety of stores, a fabric store for Lyn, an electronics store for me and a hobby store for both of us.

After a late lunch we went in search of another geocache and then headed down to our motel in Springsure, passing a sapphire mine on the way. We then hit (not literally) the highlight of the days journey. We had to brake to avoid hitting a kangaroo crossing the road. This was the first time we had seen a kangaroo in what we call its natural environment.

Springsure was another small town similar to most that we have seen on this trip, the town and motels are pretty full of miners for some reason. This is the first motel I have stayed in that has a notice in the room asking “all guests to kindly shower and change their clothes before going to the bar or restaurant” we could be in for a classy night.

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