A Day of History

Today we headed north to visit a couple of historical sites, the first was the Hofwyl Broadfield Plantation. This was the site of a 1250 acre rice plantation that started in 1807 was in use until 1915. After that it was used as a dairy until the mid 40’s. From then until 1973 it was the home of one of the owners descendants, and on her death it was left to the state. All of the furniture, tools etc were the original ones, rather than pieces bought to make the house look right.

Next stop was lunch at Mudcat Charlies, it was recommended by the guide at the plantation, and we had to go there for the name alone! It was a great place right on the river with great seafood.

Next stop was Fort King George which was a reconstruction of a British fort that was originally built in 1721. The site became a sawmill in the early 20th century, which destroyed what was left of the original fort. The fort has since been reconstructed from drawings and descriptions found in old records.

Both sites were well worth the visit, and what suprised us was cost  (or lack thereof) for admission. Parking was free and admission was $5 each!

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 7 | Leave a comment

One down one recovering

I’ve almost got rid of the cough/cold, now Lyn is coughing away merrily.

The lack of gas situation has been resolved, the site sells Propane so it was easy! Whats more the price was good, fI illed 2x30lb tanks for $39, as opposed to $11 at Costco for 10lb.

Lyn got all the Christmas cards written today (my contribution was printing the labels!) and we mailed them locally. Saved quite a bit as it is only 98c for Europe vs $1.70 something in Canada.

Starting to think about packing up now, we booked the storage this afternoon so all we need to do is work out what we want to bring back (and where to put it) and what to leave and where to put it!

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 7 | Leave a comment

Gas helps keep the furnace warm!!

So, it’s 0C outside heading down to -3, and the furncace died! This was a little disconcerting as this afternoon I replaced the el-cheapo thermostat with a digital one. Anyway, a little snooping around pointed to a lack of gas as the problem! Guess I should check the tanks more often.

Today we headed south to the Georgia – Florida border to a place called St Mary’s. Turned out to be a very picturesque little town on the river that is the State boundary. There were many 19th century mansions there all in good repair and the place was already decorated for Christmas. Something is not right when it is sunny, relatively warm and there are Christmas decoraations on Palm trees.

There were plenty of antique shops for Lyn to wander around, and we did a little more Christmas shopping before we left. Thankfully we get a large duty free allowance coming back into Canada.

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 7 | Leave a comment

Air Conditioning and Furnace

Yesterday we were cooling the place down, then last night a strong cold front went through, we got a little bit of rain and very strong winds. Further inland there was more serious weather with flooding and even tornadoes. This morning it was down to about 5C, with a high of around 11 which was about the same as Ottawa. The temperature is now down to 2C with a “Freeze” warning in effect, which means the temp will drop below 0C for 2 or more hours tonight. You just have to love global warming.

We drove to St Simons Island this morning, as Lyn realised we would be leaving soon and that she had better do a final check of the quilt shops! We also checked out the ocean hoping that the strong winds had whipped up the waves. This wasn’t the case though as the island provided shelter from the wind. In fact it was too cold to do much walking until we got to the beach, so we took a farewell stroll along the sand.

We were driving the truck the other night, and I noticed a number of the buttons on the Climate control were not lit, guess we hadn’t noticed before as the truck has seldom been driven after dark. After raiding 2 of the local radio shacks for spare bulbs, I managed to strip the unit down, remove the old bulbs and solder in new ones. Total cost < $10 and a few expletives! Cost from a GM dealer ~$600, as they just strip out the old unit and put in a new one. I knew there was a good reason to bring the toolbox(es) with me. Maybe I should start a new business, it’s easier than building basements!

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 7 | Leave a comment

Finally…… “She” speaks

A quiet, at home today here listening to a local radio station which is playing a lot of Xmas music. It just doesn’t seem possible that it’s that time of year, we’re still wearing shorts and T-shirts and  the air-conditioning is on because the temp. in the trailer is 27C. Where’s the cold and snow? We’ll have that pleasure next week when we drive home to Ontario

The campsite has really emptied out now, probably about a dozen vehicles left, I think they’re probably all here on a long term basis like ourselves. Seems this park isn’t too well known, it’s only into its second year of operation.

Barry has almost recovered from his cold, and getting back to his usual annoying self!


Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 7 | Leave a comment

When is Christmas in Canada?

Since we have been down here I have graced Lyn with my presence during the weekly grocery shopping expeditions (back home I am not allowed to attend due to my impulse buying if unwanted items!). Today, at the check out the cashier asked if we were all set for Thanksgiving (on Thursday), we said that we had already celebrated the event. This confused the cashier, so we explained to her that we were Canadian and that in CanadaThanksgiving is celebrated in October, after many seconds of deep thought she responded with “D’yall celebrate Christmas on December 25th or is it on a different date in Canada”

Made me chuckle anyway

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment

Sunday – A(nother) day for doing nothing

Again the title says it all! Did some reading, the new NOOK is great. Did some computing, the new NOOK is Linux /Android based so is begging to be modified especially as I now know the “secret” way to restore the factory settings regardless of how bad I get it wrong (barring physical abuse!!). Also did our usual walk.

The place has really emptied out, although it’s meant to fill up for US Thanksgiving which is this Thursday

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment

Market Day

Decided to treat ourselves to breakfast, and a visit to the Brunswick farmer market. Unfortunately it is not really the growing season now, so the farmers market was pretty small. We also toured around the older residential area of Brunswick which had some nice properties, much like the type I was expecting to see in Savannah.

Came back to the real world with a trip to Lowes and WalMart!!

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment


The trailer has finally been washed, it may have taken a month, but it is now clean. Well that’s not exactly true as the area where I started a month ago is now showing signs of being not so clean. Keeping this beast clean will be a bit like painting the Forth Road Bridge (i.e. a never ending task).

For those of you who know the trailer, you will recall that the TV rises majestically out of the work surface at the rear of the living area. This is all well and good IF you have all the cables well secured. With all the toys that we have connected to the TV, that is a lot of cables. When we first arrived I managed to pinch one of the HDMI cables in the mechanism, took a bit of intricate work to fix it, but fix it I did. This resulted in the TV remaining in the up position temporarily until I secured the cables. Four weeks later, after securing (I thought) the cables, I tried again. This time I snagged the other end of the HDMI cable! I also managed to fix that one, and finally got everything secured. TV now goes up and down with no further damage.

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment

Something New

First order of work today was to continue to search for the elusive leak in the storage area. Pretty much the only thing I hadn’t checked was the water inlet for the black water tank. This isn’t as bad as it sounds, this particular connection receives a garden hose and the water is routed to a series of fine nozzles inside the septic waste tank to allow a thorough cleaning. Previously you had to stick a hose down the toilet and wiggle it about (where are emoticons when you need them). Any way this was the cause of the leak, so I need to do a little plumbing to sort this out.

We made up a picnic lunch, chucked the bikes in the back of the truck and headed out to the beach at St Simon Island. it was low tide, and this meant the beach was 30-40m wide, with about half of that being damp, hard packed sand. Ideal for bike riding, neither of us had ever been bike riding on the beach before (only horseback riding). The going was very easy, unless you wandered into the soft sand. All in all I figure we cycled about 5 miles.

When we got back I went to the office to pay for the rest of our stay, the owner being the nice guy that he is gave us a pro-rated monthly rate for the next couple of weeks which saved us some $$$$ and means we will now stay here til Tuesday the 9th.

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 5 | 5 Comments