
A warmer wake-up temperature of 8°C. We appeared to have had a fair bit of rain overnight judging by the puddles, but I guess we slept right through it.

As usual the morning was spent in and around the trailer, nothing ever seems to be achieved, at least by me, but time doesn’t drag either. Lyn on the other hand is busy churning out quilts and the like.

After lunch the temperature had made it up to 16°C, warm enough to head out. We wanted a few things for the trailer so we headed up the road a few miles to Camping World, a large RV and parts dealer. While we were there we took a look around a few motor homes, the smaller ones aka Class C, were way too small to ever be considered. The  Class A motor homes (the ones that look like coaches) were better, but they start at around $125,000 so until the lottery win comes along we’ll stick with the 5th wheel.

Of course geocaching was also involved, we found one cache close to Camping World and then headed north to a small town called Robertsdale and spent some time finding 3 more caches there.

Despite the cool (cold?) weather down here, the bushes and trees have started blooming. I’ll try to get some pictures in the next few days.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

This is Getting Silly

Woke up to a warmer temperature than it was when we went to bed last night, 2.1°C. It remained a cold, blustery day climbing up to 5°C by late afternoon, together with the wind we had rain and sleet, those a few miles further north got freezing rain and snow.

Given the lousy weather we brought our weekly shopping day forward and headed up into Folely. Not too much had changed, there was some new construction in the retail area, so maybe they are recovering from the financial meltdown that seemed to hit the south quite hard.

Today is Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) down here,I always knew it as Shrove Tuesday, a day for pancakes, lemon juice and sugar when we were kids. It seems to be a big thing as the kids get two days off school for it. There are plenty of parades to mark the event, but we decided to leave them all to freeze their butts off this year!

After lunch Lyn headed over to crafts and got a warm welcome from people she met last year. I hung around in the trailer working on electronic, computers and model aircraft.

Tomorrow’s temperature is forecast to be 62°F, hopefully the forecasters will get it right.

Happy Birthday Barbara!!!!!!

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Trips, Week 1 | 1 Comment

Reverse Temperature

Woke up to a pleasant 19°C, overcast and a little blowy. After putting the awning out yesterday I’m glad I took it back in late last night. The wind has been gusting around 30 MPH throughout the day.

As the day wore on, the temperate dropped, getting down to around 7°C in the early evening. That isn’t meant to happen, damn cold fronts.

After breakfast Lyn did some more quilting, and I did a bit of work on the truck as it keeps giving me a “Change Fuel Filter” message. Finally worked out what fuel and air filters I need and ordered them from the web. Got to look after the truck, it’s going to have some serious miles (kMs) put on it in the next few years and the warranty ran out last week!

After lunch we headed out for a walk and some more geocaching in the local area. We were 3 for 3 today and spotted a miniature frog in the process. One of the caches was hidden under the “skirt” of a lamp post in a parking lot.

DSC03317The cache is actually the 35mm film container. On the right side of the picture you can see a nut and a “blob” to the left of it, that is the frog… about one inch long.

DSC03316By the time we got back to the resort we had covered just on 2 miles.

A view from the picture window at the back of trailer, open space and a bit of privacy. We don’t need to keep the blinds closed!




Posted in 2014, Alabama, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

No Traveling Today

A clear and warm morning, around 17°C to start with. As usual after we have traveled for a couple of days we hung around the resort today. A few things still needed doing around the trailer, the wind seemed less blowy around here so we decided to put the awning out and see how it went. Now Lyn can hang out all the “twirly” things.

One thing that has bugged me with the trailer is the mass of wires that accumulate with all the electronic toys, so I am trying to work out how I can change the setup so that most of the boxes and wires can be hidden. I should have a solution by this time next year.

After lunch Lyn headed over to the laundry and I pottered around the trailer doing….. not very much. After the laundry was done we headed out for our walk. Of course we also had to try some geocaching, luckily there was a cache within walking distance. We finished up walking just under 2 miles and managed to find the cache as well. Unfortunately walking around the resort is not going to be too interesting as the local road is dead flat and straight with a couple of houses and a few unused fields.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

Back in Alabama

Although the hotel room was fine, and newly furnished, it was lacking a few essentials. The internet has already been mentioned, but this morning we discovered there were no shower towels! Oh well, we can always open the truck windows if the air gets too bad.

We headed out on a clear bright morning, we had 245 miles to go. The interstate was pretty quiet being a Saturday so we just cruised along at our best economical speed. We averaged just under 13 MPG(US) or 15 MPG (Imperial) for the trip.

Having not driven the trailer for over a year I was somewhat apprehensive before the trip, but soon got back into the swing of it, even reversing in the gas station and driving through the outskirts of Pensacola wasn’t a problem. There was only one obstacle left, reversing into the site. The last couple of sites have been pull-throughs, so you go in forwards and leave going forwards. I got it right, and the trailer is parked where we wanted it.

It is nice to be back here, the resort is physically very similar to where we have just come from, but in terms of campers it is totally different. Here about 95% of the campers are long term, whereas in Georgia about 90% were just there for 1 or 2 nights. People certainly seem to mingle more here, and there is quite an active social calendar.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

Note… Check-lists are There for a Reason

Cool night, dipping down to about 3C, then a nice clear morning climbing to the mid-teens. After breakfast I started on disassembling all the electronics and satellite stuff. I couldn’t possibly do that last night as someone wanted Grey’s Antimony to be recorded!!

Once that was done, I left Lyn clearing up the inside, and I went outside to stow the water hose and electric chord. Once that was done the hot water tank was drained. Now it was time to raise the stabiliser jacks at the back and put the wood support chocks away. Meanwhile Lyn had finished inside and the kitchen and living room sliders were motored in. All (we thought) that was left was to connect up the trailer.

I backed in the truck and got the trailer hitched up, then raised the front legs. Lyn checked around the trailer to make sure nothing was left, and then did a check of the trailer lights. As I started to pull off our site Lyn suddenly yelled for me to stop. Turns out we had left the bedroom slider out, and neither of us had noticed.

Once that little faux pas was sorted out, I checked the brake controller was working, this is a little box that recognises when the truck brakes are applied and applies a proportional amount of braking to the trailer wheels.

All ready to go so off we went. We made a quick stop at the office to say good by to Madonna, the office boss, and then hit the interstate.

I must admit I do like the American road system, less than a mile to the interstate when we left, and less than a mile off the interstate for our overnight stop. We headed south on I95, looped around Jacksonville Florida on the I295 then joined the I10 to Tallahassee for the night stop.

About 20 miles out of Tallahassee we got our next reminder that check-lists have their used. For some reason I suddenly realised that I hadn’t connected the breakaway cable. This is a small metal cable that comes from the trailer and needs to be secured to the truck. The purpose of this is to automatically apply the trailer brakes should the truck and the trailer part company.

This blog is late because the internet at the hotel is dead! Lyn is more upset about the lack of internet than I am. Oh how times have changed.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Trip There, Trips | Leave a comment

Last Trip Out

Back to being a little chilly this morning, single digits in fact at 9.7°C.

After breakfast it was time to work on getting the trailer ready for tomorrow. Time for some of the gorier stuff now, I have to deal with it, there is no reason I shouldn’t write about it. We have 4 tanks under the trailer, each with 84 gallons capacity. One is fresh water which we never use as we can connect direct to city water. One is grey water from the bathroom, one is grey water from the kitchen and finally is the black water tank.

The two grey water tanks are usually left open and the contents flow directly into the sewer system. The black tank is normally closed, this keeps all the solids and liquids in the tank until it fills up, then they are all flushed out together. If the tank was left open all the time the liquids would flow out and the solids would take up residence… not good. Anyway, I decided all the tanks need a good clean out, so the black tank was emptied and flushed with clean water. All tanks were then closed and filled with about 10 gallons of fresh water. Together with today’s waste each tank will be about a quarter full when we set off tomorrow. The plan is that the sloshing around in the tanks while traveling  will give them a good cleaning. If there is enough interest I’ll give a blow by blow account of how it works out when I drain the tanks :-).

After a bit more cleaning up outside we had lunch, and, as the weather was better than expected, we headed out to Jekyll Island for one last visit. Of course geocaching figured into the trip, and we went out on a good note getting 4 for 4. We went up to the north end of the island towards the North Beach.

This tree looked a little stunted in its growth, with all branches starting out at a flat spot few feet off the ground


One of the caches was near a pond, with the normal warnings down here.



Walking along the beach we were overtaken by one of the large car carriers, it came pretty close to the shore.DSC03302

The ship will shortly make a right turn and go under the Sidney Lanier bridge in the background.

DSC03303Back at the resort we finished packing as much as we could, so it shouldn’t be too much effort to finish up and head out in the morning.

Early evening saw a rather colourful sunset, although the picture doesn’t really do it justice


Posted in 2014, Georgia, Trips, Week 7 | Leave a comment

Wet ‘n ‘orrible

Woke up to cool wet weather. The rain started sometime overnight and continued through to early evening, not a pleasant day. Thankfully the forecast for the next two days is for sun and warmth, so we should be able to get the packing up done in comfort.

What else is there to do on rainy days other than shop. This morning it was the weekly grocery shop, and this afternoon Lyn made her final pilgrimage to Jo-An fabrics. I fear that store is going to see a huge downturn in sales after today!

That’s about it for today, there may be a few short blogs for the next couple of days, and normal service should be resumed by Sunday.


Posted in 2014, Georgia, Trips, Week 7 | Leave a comment

Starting to Pack

No change to the weather, warm air and blue skies. Life is so difficult.

As is usual the morning is spent waking up, quilting, computing etc! Once that was done we headed off to walk the “big loop”.  In previous stays here we had always joked we would take this walk, but never felt fit enough to actually do it. Today it was just another walk, no stress!

After lunch, which we have been having outside for the last few days, Lyn headed off for her last crafts meeting. While she was away I headed up to the roof and started to dismantle all of the antennas I had put up there. As the afternoon wore on the temperature increased and working on a white roof got pretty warm. Finally all the bits were down and packed away, and all the cables were wound up and stowed away.

I forgot to put a couple of pictures in yesterday showing it truly is spring down here, antirrhinum and flowering cabbage.

45 Spring in Feb!!!

and an unidentified blooming bush.

46 Spring



Posted in 2014, Georgia, Trips, Week 7 | Leave a comment


Another warm night, although quite overcast when we got up.

After breakfast Lyn did some quilting while I hit e-bay looking for a replacement for our super-duper-does-everything remote for the entertainment systems. It has been getting a little finicky lately, and doing odd things in the middle of watching TV!

After lunch we headed out to the USCG (Coast Guard) station near Brunswick. There was a nature walk there, together with a geocache site. The walk was a fairly short one for us (would have been a fairly long one last year), but it had some interesting information on wildlife , trees and shrubs in the area. We saw what we thought were some type of mushroom growing on the ground, but we haven’t managed to identify it, any answers?

DSC03275There were also a number of southern red cedar in the area, this looked a lot different from other trees as the trunk splits into multiple limbs close to the ground.

DSC03276Further round the trail we headed down a boardwalk to a flat marshy area. This type of area is very common within about 10 miles of the coastline down here. If ever global warming takes hold (after this winter that’s a big “if”) a lot of this area will be flooded out. The vast expanse of greenery (brownery) is sea grass. In the background is St Simons IslandDSC03282The flatter area towards the front of the picture had hundreds of small crabs wandering around until we went to join them, then only a few were left the rest having disappeared down holes. These crabs were around 1.5 inches long.

DSC03280Before we left we managed to find the cache as well.

We headed over to Jekyll Island for what may be our last trip as the weather forecast for the next few days isn’t too good.

We managed to find 3 out 3 caches on the island so that was a good way to spend our last afternoon there. We did see one of the more superfluous signs we had ever seen on the edge of a golf course. The nearest water was the coast about a mile away.

DSC03293On the way back to the RV we stopped at two more caches and found both. We also stopped at the supermarket for a spaghetti squash. This squash was later to earn fame as a new weapon of mass destruction.

Despite Lyn having put numerous vent holes in the squash before putting it in the microwave, it still managed a pretty good explosion while cooking.






Posted in 2014, Georgia, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment