Last Trip Out

Back to being a little chilly this morning, single digits in fact at 9.7°C.

After breakfast it was time to work on getting the trailer ready for tomorrow. Time for some of the gorier stuff now, I have to deal with it, there is no reason I shouldn’t write about it. We have 4 tanks under the trailer, each with 84 gallons capacity. One is fresh water which we never use as we can connect direct to city water. One is grey water from the bathroom, one is grey water from the kitchen and finally is the black water tank.

The two grey water tanks are usually left open and the contents flow directly into the sewer system. The black tank is normally closed, this keeps all the solids and liquids in the tank until it fills up, then they are all flushed out together. If the tank was left open all the time the liquids would flow out and the solids would take up residence… not good. Anyway, I decided all the tanks need a good clean out, so the black tank was emptied and flushed with clean water. All tanks were then closed and filled with about 10 gallons of fresh water. Together with today’s waste each tank will be about a quarter full when we set off tomorrow. The plan is that the sloshing around in the tanks while traveling  will give them a good cleaning. If there is enough interest I’ll give a blow by blow account of how it works out when I drain the tanks :-).

After a bit more cleaning up outside we had lunch, and, as the weather was better than expected, we headed out to Jekyll Island for one last visit. Of course geocaching figured into the trip, and we went out on a good note getting 4 for 4. We went up to the north end of the island towards the North Beach.

This tree looked a little stunted in its growth, with all branches starting out at a flat spot few feet off the ground


One of the caches was near a pond, with the normal warnings down here.



Walking along the beach we were overtaken by one of the large car carriers, it came pretty close to the shore.DSC03302

The ship will shortly make a right turn and go under the Sidney Lanier bridge in the background.

DSC03303Back at the resort we finished packing as much as we could, so it shouldn’t be too much effort to finish up and head out in the morning.

Early evening saw a rather colourful sunset, although the picture doesn’t really do it justice


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