Not Only More Sun, But a BBQ as Well!

No fog this morning, just clear blue skies. Being as we are in the desert the temperatures do tend to drop quickly overnight once the sun goes down. Wake up temperature was around 8°C, peaking at 21°C this afternoon.

After breakfast (the home made variety, NOT the free waffles) Lyn headed over to a craft meeting. I settled down to try and clean out my cupboard area. Some time back I cleared out my “corner” of the trailer, although it made the place far more presentable, it was done so in my usual fashion… find somewhere with door, chuck offending articles in and close door. Well the cupboard is much tidier today, and all articles have a home.

Lyn came back from crafts having signed up for two new activities; glass fusion and metal flower making!

After lunch we headed out to discover the area, we went to the ruins of Casa Grande from where the town gets its name. Unfortunately the camera neglected to come with us. As there were some good views of the desert and cacti, as well as the ruins I’ll put the trip in a later blog. The good news is, the admission to the ruins and museum is good for 7 days, not bad for $5!

It was warm enough this evening to fire up the BBQ for the first time in quite a while.

Another warm day is forecast for tomorrow and the next day and the next ……..

Posted in 2015, Casa Grande, Trips | Leave a comment

Sun, Eventually

When we woke up this morning we were expecting to see bright sunshine. We were disappointed, there was a thick fog outside. Eventually this burnt off, and the promised sun and blue skies arrived. We got up to around 20°C in the afternoon.

Today, being the first of the month meant that there was a lot of traffic coming and going, this place seems pretty popular. The actual resort is pretty good, being Arizona there is no grass around, the individual sites are deep gravel with a concrete patio. There are a couple of pools and a hot tub. There also a number of games courts and games rooms with pool and table tennis. There are free waffles and OJ every morning, and there is a resident chef who cooks meals most nights. The food situation here could be a problem as far as weight loss is concerned!

The flap in the vent to the range hood decided to die recently, so I spent some time trying to work out what size replacement I need.

After lunch we went for a walk outside the resort, where coincidentally, there were a number of geo-caches close by. 2.5 miles and 5 caches later we were back at the trailer.

One thing thips lace does not have is a picnic table for the patio, luckily we carry our own! We have only used it at one other site, and it has sat in the storage bay for the last couple of years. It is now back in use. We set up our chairs and the BBQ on the patio, then we were all set.

We also met our neighbours, they come from Ottawa… just a couple of miles from us. He was also an Air Traffic Controller!

Back in the trailer I am busy fighting gremlins in the internet setup, one day this set up will work as advertised. Then again, that would be boring!

Posted in 2015, Casa Grande, Trips | 2 Comments

Rain, Rain and some more Rain

Well, the rain stopped long enough for us to set up last evening, but returned later on. It continued throughout most of the day before stopping in the late afternoon. We headed out to do some food shopping this morning, many of the roads were flooded which probably made the locals happy as it seems they need the rain.

We just hung around the RV for most of the day. Mid afternoon there was a knock on the door, it was a friend that Lyn had met in Georgia. She’s from BC and is spending her first year at this campground. It seems there may be a lot of crafting and crafting trips taking place over the next four weeks.

The rain finally let up around 4:30, and people started emerging from their RV’s, particularly those with dogs! We took a walk around the resort, and dropped in on a couple from Kemptville that we also met in Georgia. This is probably the most cosmopolitan place we have been in as far as the number of States and Provinces represented.

The forecast for the foreseeable future is wall to wall sunshine with temperatures climbing from 20°C at the beginning of the week to 27°C by next weekend.

Posted in 2015, Casa Grande, Trips | Leave a comment


Up early (for us) and packed up and on the road by 0830. Although there was some rain overnight it stopped long enough to put the rest of stuff away this morning. The temperature dropped down to 4°C as the morning went on, and we climbed up to 5000 feet crossing the Continental Divide.

A few miles north of where we stayed, the land became more fertile with a lot of dairy farming. Shortly after that the landscape became very flat with dry grass and small bushes growing out of the sand. We could drive and see for miles, but at times there was no sign of any life, animal or human. As we approached the Arizona border, the views became similar to the Scottish Highlands.



There was one area where there numerous large boulders dominating the view, unfortunately the camera wasn’t handy and by the time Lyn got it ready we had almost left the area.


You can even see the trailer in the mirror!

We continued north through Tombstone, with the rain getting heavier and the spray restricting visibility in places.

Eight hours after leaving we arrived at our new home for the next month. Again the rain gods were kind to us and the rain held off while we set up.


Posted in 2015, Casa Grande, Trips | Leave a comment

Getting Ready

The sun decide to leave us today, and with the overcast sky the temperature only reached about 17°C. Lyn had some laundry to do and I went out and fueled up the truck and then got the tyres up to pressure. The new compressor continues to be useful.

The weather forecast is for rain this evening and right through tomorrow. It seems that the rain is planned for the days we move out. As there is no freezing temperatures in the forecast I decided that I would disconnect the sewer pipe and get all that stuff packed away. As we want to get away early tomorrow I also decided to connect the trailer to truck and pack away the all the wood blocks that go under the stabilisers.

Later in the day the satellite dish got packed away, as did all the other outside stuff. All that is left to do outside tomorrow is to pack away the hydro cable and the water hose.

The trip tomorrow will get us to our next campsite in Arizona, unfortunately it looks like it will be a very wet trip.


Posted in 2015, El Paso, Trips | Leave a comment


Another warm and sunny day, I could get used to this! We made it up to around 24°C. After breakfast we headed to downtown El Paso to find one of the crossings into Mexico. Lyn had originally seen a trolley tour that would take us over the bridge, but the trolleys would only run if there were a minimum number of people on board. Not wanting to get stranded we decided to walk across.

Caminamos por el puente, al otro lado del poderoso Río Grande, que por lo menos tenía un poco de agua en, hacia México.

Sin pasaporte u otros documentos fueron obligados a pasar por la inmigración! La ciudad de Juárez fue similar a muchos otros pueblos de la frontera, bastante deteriorado, aunque hubo una gran cantidad de trabajos que se realicen para revitalizar el lugar. A menudo he ridiculizado algunas de nuestras normas de salud y seguridad estúpidas, pero México realmente necesita adoptar algunas las básicas. Abrir las tapas de alcantarilla medir 4 pies x 2 pies y 5 pies de profundidad en realidad debería tener algunos signos de advertencia en ellos.

Finalmente encontramos la plaza del pueblo con su gran Iglesia, también hubo una pequeña banda tocando allí.




Trajes Regionales

México parece ser un lugar para sentarse alrededor de la mayor parte del tiempo, cada lugar de bebés disponible estaba ocupado. Lyn tenía la esperanza de encontrar algunas tiendas de telas, pero estaba fuera de suerte. Nos las arreglamos para encontrar algo para comprar, sin embargo, un jarrón de cerámica. En realidad no había mucho más que hacer o ver, y aunque no habíamos comido, se considera que es más seguro para comer de nuevo en el lado estadounidense de la frontera.

Back over the bridge (50¢ to go USA – Mexico, 30¢ to come back) it was a quick trip through passport control (documents needed this time) we wandered through downtown El Paso, back to the car. El Paso is extremely Spanish, most of the stores put Spanish signs ahead of English ones, and the majority of the people speak Spanish.

Driving out of El Paso, the road runs along the border marked by a large and ugly fence. Between the border proper and this fence is a large concrete culvert, high power lighting and many electronic gizmo’s to keep out the unwanted. This fence and associate paraphernalia cost $2.8 million per mile


Back at the camp site, I finally settled down to do something I should have done weeks ago, book our flights for the upcoming cruise. After much searching I finally got them booked, although getting back from Alaska to Ottawa proved a little challenging as we wanted to avoid an overnight flight.

One disadvantage of traveling is when you out a large purchase on the Credit Card, alarm bells start ringing, and the purchase gets declined. Luckily it is fairly easy to sort out on the phone.


If your Spanish is not as good as mine 😯 then I suggest you use the following translator: . Others have been known to give weird translations, any reference to babies with other translators should be ignored!

Posted in 2015, El Paso, Trips | Leave a comment

This is Better

No heating needed last night, and a warm day climbing up to 22°C.

This morning was spent securing the camera wiring underneath the trailer now that the inside wiring is complete and working. Lyn got the sewing machine out and continued with the quilt. All was well until it was time to sew in a red piece to the quilt. Every time a red piece was sewn the air turned blue, something to do with the red pieces mysteriously shrinking!

After an outdoor lunch we headed out to do the weekly shopping, and also visit a large “antique” warehouse. The antiques, in most cases appeared to be peoples cast offs and will probably still be in the store a hundred years from now.

Back at the trailer it was time to unpack the radio control helicopter. It was so long since I had flown it I had to read the instruction book first! After I got the batteries charged up I went outside to a large open space just across from the trailer was. The flying went pretty well, and everything remained in one piece.

Tomorrow we’re off to Mexico.

Posted in 2015, El Paso, Trips | Leave a comment

Crossing the Rio Grande

Not as sunny this morning, but the warming trend continues.

As the day progresses we will have crossed the Rio Grande but not entered Mexico; the crossing did not involve using a bridge, or any form of vehicle, yet we didn’t get our feet wet. How did we do that?

After breakfast I headed out to see what the problem was with the rearview camera which died on the trip from San Antonio. After much searching and removing many bolts to reveal the areas where the cable runs the problem was found. Most of the cable was protected as it was above the base of the trailer, in a couple of places the cable was exposed to the elements, in one of these areas the cable had been damaged. I am guessing a small stone hit it at speed and damaged the outer cable as well as severing the powerline. With this repaired I tried out the setup, only to find that it still didn’t work. Further investigation revealed an intermittent connector on the camera, once this was fixed all was good. All I have to do now is put it all back together.

Meantime Lyn was working on her quilt, all must have gone well as there no mutterings today.

After lunch we headed out for our first serious geocaching expedition this year. We headed about 10 miles north, and first went into the Post Office for some stamps. We found a couple of caches close by, then headed about a mile west and drove along a levee on the edge of the mighty Rio Grande. All around this area are acres and acres of pecan orchards, at the moment all the trees are without leaves, but in the summer there will be millions of pecans on them.

DSC04152Pecan Orchard

A series of caches had been placed along the levee, and we found the first one very quickly. The next one was on an island in the middle of the river, this could pose a problem.

DSC04151The Mighty Rio Grande

As you can see from the picture above the river is totally dry, the island is showing on the right. In fact at this point the river only gets filled during the summer, I would guess from the heavy rain storms down here. Also at this point the Rio Grande no longer defines the border with Mexico. Just outside El Paso the Rio Grande heads off to the North West but the border swings west overland.

Further along the levee we came across a very different cache.

DSC04153It was a bird box with a number of screws bolts and nails in both sides. One of these screws / bolts / nails on each side was connected to an electrical circuit. When the correct pieces were touched a buzzer went off and a code was displayed in a small window in the front of the box. This code then had to be used to open a combination lock, which then allowed the base of the box to open, revealing the log book. Very nifty!

Posted in 2015, El Paso, Trips | 1 Comment


A little warmer again last  night, and clear blue skies this morning. After breakfast we headed out to do some exploring of the local area. To start we headed south back into Texas and then took a road the crossed over the Franklin Mountain Range.

We climbed up to 5,300 ft at the peak, and had a good view over El Paso and Mexico about 5 miles to the south. There was still some snow at the higher elevations.



We went down the other side of the mountain, looking for the Tigau Tribe Indian Cultural Centre. This was a small museum outlining the history of the tribe, in addition there was some native dancing performed by younger members of the tribe.



The Eagle Dance


The Buffalo Dance


Mural on Museum Wall

Following this visit we headed back towards El Paso to another part of the Franklin Mountains State Park. There was an aerial tramway that went up the mountain, this was out destination. Unfortunately, when we got there the tramway was closed due to weather! The temperature was 17°C, calm and sunny. I’ve no idea what weather conditions are required to allow the tramway to run so I asked that question to the Texas State Parks in an e-mail!

It wasn’t really time to head home yet, but we had completed out itinerary. Lyn had a backup, so we headed out to a small botanical gardens, archaeological site and wetlands just on the outside of the city. This is a relatively new area that was discovered by the army corps of engineers about 40 years ago when they were doing some work in the area. The site is believed to that of a 4,000 year old village, probably the oldest sign of civilisation in the US.



Above are a couple of different types of cactus, in the background of the lower picture is part of a stone wall that bordered the area. These walls are quite common around properties down here.


Posted in 2015, El Paso, Trips | Leave a comment

First Day

It was cool overnight, in fact it was warmer back in Ottawa when we woke up. Got to find a way to get the trailer across to the Caribbean Islands where it seems be be consistently warmer. After breakfast I went out to check the propane tanks, not surprisingly one was empty. We hadn’t filled up the tanks since we left Alabama so that wasn’t too bad. Unfortunately the camp site doesn’t have propane filling facilities so we had to go into town to fill up.

After a very lazy morning, which included Lyn mumbling away at her quilt again, we had lunch and headed out in search of  propane and a Camping World store. We headed south from the campsite into Texas, we passed through the local town of Anthony which has the State line dividing the town in two; that must make for interesting administration.

We filled up the propane tank and then filled up the truck with diesel and headed off to camping world for a couple of things. The scenery around here is different to anything else we have seen so far on our travels. It’s pretty much desert with no grass, very few trees but a lot of low bushes. To the west it is flat as far as you can see and to the east are the Franklin Mountains that rise up to 7200′.

Once back at the trailer I had one of those afternoons where little things kept going wrong. The temperature was up around 13°C so I decided to give the trailer a quick wash to get all the grime off it from travelling through the snow, half way through the hose connector to the tap broke. At least I got the back window cleaned which let a bit more light into the trailer! Just after that had happened Lyn announced that there was no hydro in the trailer! It turned out to be a bad connection in the campsite junction box. On Thursday when we started the truck after lunch the rear view monitor flashed a couple of times and the picture faded. Today I decided to track down the problem. I have got as far as discovering that there is no power to the camera, it seems as though the wire may have got pinched somewhere and this has shorted out the power. Only problem is, the wire is 40ft long and runs under the length of the trailer. I may wait until we hit the warmer climes of Arizona before I tackle that one.

Later in the afternoon we walked around some scrub land at the back of the camp site. It looks as though there may be some space back there to fly the helicopter, assuming I remember how.


Posted in 2015, El Paso, Trips | Leave a comment