
Another warm and sunny day, again climbing to 25°C. Today was the first windy day we have had since arriving, it was strong enough to force us to take in the awning.

Today was laundry day again for Lyn, and propane gas day for the trailer. At this resort the gas is delivered from a tanker by an outside contractor. This makes life easier as everything is done on site.

I finally got all the planning done for this trip; all the campsites are finally booked, one slight change had to be made. The trip from Vegas to California was right on our self set limit for one day of travel while towing the trailer. The Vegas site I finally booked was close to the Hoover Dam, on the east side of the city and added a further 25 miles to the trip. Given the last 75 miles or so of that trip is over hilly windy roads I decided to split it in two.

After lunch we headed out to do the weekly shopping, the store is only about a mile away which is convenient. After we unpacked the groceries we headed out for our walk around the resort.

Now this trip is finally planned, it is time to continue working on Alaska! After talking to the travel agent we found out it was best to take a coach from Whittier (where the boat docks) to Anchorage, as car rental from Whittier and returning it to Anchorage is not cheap! I also found out that if we hire a car from Anchorage Airport they charge an additional 11.5% on the base rate plus an additional $6.50 per day of rental. These (scam)charges are imposed to pay for the new car rental centre recently built at the airport. I think $15 for a cab fare to the downtown office will be a good investment.

I forgot to mention yesterday that we got some good news…… originally we were going to have to change to a different site on Sunday, fortunately (for us) there was a cancellation and the office staff were able to juggle things around and keep us on this site.

Posted in 2015, Casa Grande, Trips | Leave a comment

Planning, Planning, Planning

Another great start to the day, although it was cooler…. ONLY rising to 25°C in the afternoon!

We lazed around for the start of the morning, then headed out for a good walk around the resort. Lyn had a glass fusion class straight after lunch so I did some work on the truck. I got a few pieces of eBay so that I could tidy up the wiring in the truck now that the rear camera is working. Unfortunately, one of the cables I got was defective, so I couldn’t get too far. One thing I like about eBay is that if there is a problem a new piece is normally sent out straight away. Back to waiting for the mail man person.

I’ve spent a few hours trying to sort out RV sites in California. As we get closer to more populated areas we run in to the issues of more cost or less quality. When you do find the elusive good price / good review site it is invariably not available for one or more nights of the proposed stay. Finally I decided it was time to go for the higher price! In the end we changed our itinerary yet again. After Las Vegas we are heading to a resort right on the Pacific Coastline about 130 miles north of LA.  Still got to book Vegas and San Francisco. San Francisco will present a challenge as I need to try and find a site that is not too costly, not too far away from the city, close to one of the freeways that will lead towards home AND has storage for the trailer! Should be fun.

All in all another relaxing day at the resort.


Posted in 2015, Casa Grande, Trips | Leave a comment


Another fine day in the desert, again we climbed into the high 20’s.

After breakfast Lyn met up with a couple of friends and headed out on a craft shopping trip. I used the time to put the back end of the trailer  together after proving that the new internet wiring connection still worked after 24 hours of use. Now that is all done the internet wiring from the external antenna just goes into a socket on the rear of the trailer, no need to feed it through a small gap where the sliders come out. When the wiring is disconnected there is a small cap attached to the socket to keep it dry when we are travelling.

Just as I had finished the work I heard model helicopters being flown in the storage area behind us, so I got mine ready and headed over to join them. I was quite impressed with one guy who was effortlessly rolling his machine until I found out all he had to do was hit a button on the transmitter and the machine rolled all on its own! Could there be a new software project on the horizon?

After lunch we just sat around outside for a while, it’s a little too warm in the direct sun, but sitting in the shade of the trailer was very pleasant. Later in the afternoon our friends dropped by for some beer / wine and a natter… life is so difficult!

Posted in 2015, Casa Grande, Trips | Leave a comment

A Sh**ty job, but it had to be done.

Blue sky and sunshine yet again today, up to 28°C.

After breakfast Lyn headed over for the craft group meeting, and I tackled one of the more unpleasant tasks to date. A couple of mornings ago there was some water on the floor around the toilet, not much but enough to be noticed. Yesterday it was dry, but again today it was wet. I don’t think that poor aiming on my part was to blame! Like a lot of things in the trailer there was not much room to work. The easiest way to find out what was going on was to remove the toilet from the floor. To keep the story clean and short, the problem appears to be in the fresh water valve attached to the foot pedal used to flush. The toilet was fixed back on its mounts and a new part ordered. Can’t wait to do it all again in a couple of days.

After Lunch we headed out for some geocaching exercise. I had found a group of caches on the main web caching site that ran along a bike path not to far away. Unfortunately when we got there and turned on the GPS there were no geocaches showing in the area. We decided to walk along the path anyway for the exercise; a few hundred metres in we met another geocacher. It turns out that the caches we were looking for had only been placed that day, and it was a week ago that I loaded the caches into the GPS. Luckily I was able to get the coordinates for the caches and load them into the GPS, so the trip wasn’t totally wasted. Along the bike path we came across a number of orange trees in back yards.DSC04216Back at the resort, we found out that our neighbours weren’t having the greatest of days either. They had to replace 3 batteries in their motor home. As we were drinking coffee we were shocked to see an ambulance arrive and stop next door. It turns out this wan’t an ambulance, the company replacing the batteries next door was the “RV Doctor” and their works vehicle was very similar to an ambulance!

We finally got around to eating outside tonight, the first outdoor evening meal of the year.

Posted in 2015, Casa Grande, Trips | Leave a comment

Today it rained………..

Another sunny and warm day, with the temperature just reaching 30°C.

Being as this was a Sunday, we took it easy! I finally got around to flying the helicopter in the storage area directly behind us. There are only a few vehicles  in it, and it is probably the largest free space I have flown in.

Back at the trailer I continued working on the wiring I started the other day at the back of the trailer. I made up some new cables and tested them and all was good.

Once Lyn had finished her stuff we decided  we went for a walk around the resort for our daily exercise, while it was still coolish (<25°C) outside. We had planned to drop by our friends and ask them round for afternoon drinks, but there was no sign of them.

After lunch I went back to the wiring, got the socket all waterproofed and in position and tested it out. All was good again. Final task was to fill the area where I had been working with expanding foam to encase everything properly. Once the foam was in I did a final test, all was NOT good, nothing, nada, zilch etc. There was no power getting to the WiFi unit. I played around with every connection I could reach, with no luck. There was only one thing left to do, dig into the expanding foam and cut the connector out. Finally luck was on my side, the foam hadn’t fully dried and I was able to gently pull the connector out of it, and as a bonus the foam dried in such a way that the connector could be pushed back into position. To cut a long story short, something had got into the connector and caused the problem, It all went back together fairly easily, and continued to work after I put a final coat of foam in the gap.

To explain the title, Rain, slightly misleading as it wasn’t raining water it was raining eggshells! This morning we found half a birds eggshell in one of our outside chairs. While we were drinking coffee outside this afternoon there was a thump on the table; another partial eggshell had landed. We looked up into the tree above us and saw a dove sitting in a nest, I can only assume that as the eggs were old, she had found the nest and was cleaning it out.

Posted in 2015, Casa Grande, Trips | Leave a comment

An Even Smaller World

The usual sunny clear start to the day. Temperature climbed up to 29°C by afternoon.

Earlier in the week we visited the Casa Grande Ruins, but forgot the camera. We went back today, with the camera, and got some photos.

Casa Grande (Spanish for Large House) was built around 1350 by the Ancient Sonoran Desert People ( to give them their politically correct title). The house itself was 4 stories high, which was quite an achievement back then, it is built out of a clay like material, and has disintegrated over the years. In 1932 a large roof structure was placed over the house to slow down the deterioration.

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Like many older civilisations the sun and moon played a major role in their lives, Casa Grande was built to identify solar and lunar events as shown below.


The  Ancient Sonoran Desert People were also masters of irrigation and had been irrigating nearby land for nearly 1,000 years before Casa Grande was built. There are many smaller ruins surrounding the main house.DSC04201 DSC04207One hundred years after the Casa Grande was built, the area became uninhabited; no one knows for certain why. Theories range from droughts, floods and aliens!

While we were out we toured around some of the back roads, there were many cacti in the area.

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Not all cacti are green!DSC04209 DSC04208

Although most of the landscape is desert, in this area there are many areas of green fields, which seems out of place. There is a very extensive system of irrigation canals around the area to help keep the land fertile.

We also came across this house on our travels:



Below is a more “normal” house:




On the way
back we passed the local airfield where there was a largish plane that I didn’t recognise. We dove around the airfield trying to get a better view of it, but no luck. I found a picture of it on the internet though:

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(reproduce with the permission of John Olafson)

It is a WWII era Consolidated PB4Y-2 Privateer, which is a Navy version of the B24 Liberator. There is a war-birds and vintage aircraft restoration outfit based at the airfield, and they were doing some work on the aircraft.

Back at the trailer I started working on putting an outdoor Ethernet plug at the back of the trailer. Simple job of drilling a 1″ hole through the fiberglass and wood backing material. Wrong! Some evil worker at the factory knew exactly where I was going to drill and sandwiched a metal plate between the wood and the fiberglass. Wood spade drills  don’t go through metal. Suffice it to say, hammer, screwdriver (used as chisel) and some well chosen words got the problem sorted after a couple of hours.

With all this out the way we got talking to our Ontario neighbours again. The small world started to envelop us again. The wife, Michelle, was vice principal at Osgoode High where our two kids went and she recalls their names. They also know a number of our friends from the Osgoode area, and it is quite likely we have been at the same parties.


Posted in 2015, Casa Grande, Trips | Leave a comment

Another Small World Encounter

Guess what….. Another sunny start to the day! As the day went on it climbed to 28°C. Even this time of year the sun is strong, and shade is welcome. I dread to think what it would be like here in the height of summer.

Lyn headed over to the laundry this morning while I pottered around doing nothing in particular. Once the laundry was complete we headed out to a new chain of food stores for the weekly shop. The prices seemed better than in other States for most things. Talking of prices, diesel fuel is 69¢ Canadian / litre and gas is 46¢.

After lunch we had planned to go back to the Casa Grande Ruins, but neither of us was overly enthusiastic, so we took a vote and decided to put it off a day and stay at the trailer! I started taking inventory of the printer kit that arrived yesterday, might as well catch any missing parts while we are in the US.

Mid afternoon we went for our mile walk around the resort. As we were passing an Ontario registered car I noticed a Geocaching licence plate on it. We stopped to chat and found out that we knew the couple, not directly but through their geocaching exploits. They had recently moved from Barrhaven to Greely, and we of course had moved from Greely to Barrhaven.

Over coffee we revised out trip a little, we will now go to the Southern end of the Grand Canyon for a few days, then onto Las Vegas, Fresno and finally San Francisco.



Posted in 2015, Casa Grande, Trips | Leave a comment


The same start to the day, and looking ahead at the forecast it shouldn’t change for at least 10 days. Life is so difficult at times! Suffice it to say, this was day 2 for the shorts.

Today was cleanup day, at least for Lyn. The laundry got done, and the trailer got dusted and vacuumed. I went out side to replace the kitchen hood vent, as I took it apart I realised that there was two ways to tackle this; remove the whole unit and then caulk it all back in place, or undo 2 screws, replace just the flap and call it a day. The latter approach won.

Today’s frustration arrived with the mail. I had ordered a 3D Printer kit as my latest “Toy” a couple of weeks ago; well it arrived today, but there’s little I can do with it until I get home. At best I may get to do some painting of the frame. Ah well.

After lunch we took a walk around the resort, and spent the rest of the afternoon lazing around and sitting out in the 27°C sun.

Posted in 2015, Casa Grande, Trips | Leave a comment

A Trip to the Past

Another boringly (but welcome) sunny with blue skies wake up. Night time temperatures are still around 8°C, but considering we are 1500′ up in the desert that’s no too bad.

We decided it was time for a day out, so the plan was to head up to North of Phoenix to visit a Pioneer town, dating from the late 1800’s. This was well before Arizona became a State. It was the last of the contiguous States and joined the US on Feb 14, 1912.

The town wasn’t bad, but there no people there acting out the part of the towns people, and  the “stores” and “workshops” were not open. Evidently there will be a number of volunteers there tomorrow acting out roles, but there will also be over 500 schoolkids there.

DSC04190General Landscape Around the Town

DSC04172Undertakers With Coffins Outside


DSC04184More Cactus

DSC04180 Typical Cabin

DSC04178 Church

DSC04177 Wheelwright

DSC04176 Pumping out Water to Pan for Gold

DSC04174 Ranch House

DSC04171 General Town View

DSC04188Covered Wagon

DSC04187Large Saguaro Cactus

The saguaro cactus can live for over 200 years and grow to 60ft in height. These cacti are unique to Arizona, parts of northern Mexico and a few stray ones in California.

After the visit to the town we headed out to the Deer Valley Rock Art Centre. This an area of many large boulders, most of them bearing petroglyphs. A petroglyph is a marking carved into a rock usually using a stone tool. Some of the petroglyphs were made 10,000 years ago. These petroglyphs  were made by American Indian people over a period spanning thousands of years.


Posted in 2015, Casa Grande, Trips | Leave a comment

Tidy Up Time

Another beautiful day in Arizona! Wake up temperature around 10°C, maxing out at around 25°C this afternoon.

After breakfast I wanted to do a little work on the trailer, for some time I have been meaning to try to block off a hole in the bathroom floor. This hole is where the hot and cold water pipes come up from the basement, When they built the trailer they decided a 2.5″ hole should be just about big enough for 2 half inch pipes to go through. We brought some expanding foam the other day, and today seemed to be a good day to fix it. We needed to tidy out the basement area as it was quite a mess down there, so we pulled everything out for later sorting and that gave me the access I needed to fix the hole.

While this was being done, Lyn decided it was time to do some more sewing….. outside.

DSC04169Across the road from us are a number of “pickle ball” courts. Pickle ball is a cross between badminton, squash, tennis and racquet ball. It certainly seems popular as there are four courts here, and they seem to in use most of the time.

DSC04170After lunch we sorted out the basement contents and put them back much tidier than when we took them out.

We headed out for a walk later in the afternoon and dropped by our friends RV for a couple of minutes. About an hour and a bit, and a glass of wine, later we headed back to the trailer! At least we walked nearly 1.5 miles before taking the break.

Tomorrow we are heading out to visit a couple of places on the north side of Phoenix.





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