At Sea

After being awake for 21 hours straight we had a good nights sleep last night and shook off any jet lag we may have had. Today was spent at sea, travelling north up through the inside passage towards the Queen Charlotte Islands. It is currently 10PM and it is still daylight out side as we pass abeam Prince Rupert B.C. As usual on a cruise, the food is way too tempting, but we are trying to offset the extra calories with some walking, we managed over two miles today and the use of elevators is forbidden, so there is plenty of stair climbing.

We spent the day doing what we do best…. very little. We checked out the whole ship, with it’s various restaurants, bars and other public rooms. We also proved how little we knew at a couple of quiz shows. One fact that surprised me was that there are more Australian passengers on board than Canadians! Tonight was a “formal” dining night, theoretically requiring suits or jackets for men an glitzy stuff for women, although there were quite a few men who got away with just collar and tie. As we had chosen not to bring any “posh” stuff we ate in the buffet lounge, same good food, just had to serve ourselves.

After dinner we headed off to the theatre were the entertainment group puts on a nightly show. So far the two shows we have seen have been pretty good. After that we headed into the casino to watch people lose their money, there did’t seem to bee to many winners!

We lose an hour tonight as we cross over into Alaska time, which puts us 4 hours behind Ontario. We dock at our first port of call, KetchiKan, tomorrow at 06:00.

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The Beginning

Seems there have been problems with logging into the blog! Unfortunately lack of reliable and fast internet up here meant that I could do little to fix it. I finally got around to phoning the hostog compan today, and they fixed the problem in a couple of minutes.

Another trip starts, this time without the trailer. I aam not sure what internet access we will have on this trip, so blog entries may be sporadic!

We had originally planned to travel to Alaska in the trailer, but after giving it some serious thought we decided to take a different approach. The cost of diesel alone to get the trailer up to Alaska from Alabama and back would pay for a flight to Vancouver, a 7 day cruise to Anchorage, 10 days car rental and a good chunk of our hotel costs. Given the wear and tear that would be inflicted on the truck and trailer the decision was pretty obvious, that is why I am sitting 40,000′ over Manitoba writing this.

It’s going to be a long day, we left home at 05:00 this morning, which will get us into Vancouver around 09:00 local time. We can’t start boarding te ship until 12:00 so we he some time to kill in Vancouver. Unfortunately we will have our suitcases with us, so that makes walking a little inconvenient, however there is the Skytrain which travels around Vancouver and the suburbs on an elevated track, so we will probably take the “scenic” rote to the cruise terminal on that. The ridiculous thing is, it won’t cost us to travel the extended route; the fare from the airport to the terminal is $4.00 PLUS a $5.00 airport “convenience” fee. For the same price you can buy a day pass, which is not subject to the fee. Must be a west coast thing!

After heading out to New Westminster and grabbing a snack we took the train back to the Cruise Ship Terminal. Although we could see the ship from the station, finding the terminal was a little more challenging. Finally we found it with a little help, and successfully cleared US Customs and got checked in. The cruise terminal was somewhat underwhelming compared with previous ones we had used in Florida.

The ship was much smaller than previous ones, it only carries 630 passengers compared with over 2000 for the others.

There was a Disney cruise ship at the terminal as well, and for some reason it seems we had to wait for it to depart before we could. We were due out at 16:00 but we left an hour later. As soon as the Disney ship set sail, we moved off minutes later.

Disney under Lions Gate Bridge

Disney under Lions Gate Bridge

We headed N.W. out of Vancouver, around Stanley Park and under the Lions Gate bridge. From there we continue N.W. in the channel between the mainland and Vancouver Island. At some point later on to night we pass through the narrowest part of the channel which is only 140 feet wide. Our cabin is directly under the bridge (the one where the driver sits, not the Lions Gate one!) so we get a good forward view, if you go to and find the Bridge Cam tab, then select Pacific Princess you will see what we see from our balcony.

View frm Balcony


We also had a rare sighting of a floating Canadian submarine!

Canadian Submarine

Posted in 2015, Alaska, Trips | Leave a comment

The End

Well, we covered a fair few States on this trip, on the way south we went through:

NY, PA, MD, WV, VA, DC, TN, GA, AL with a side trip to FL

Then on the Way to California:


and on the way home


So, 23 States and DC plus 3 countries, Canada, USA , Mexico, with a distance of 15,700 Kms or 9,755 miles.

It was different this trip as we were moving a lot more, I think both of us prefer being a little more settled, but we will continue the tour next April when we head out to California to pick up the trailer. After that I suspect the trailer will remain in Foley AL.

I think towards the end I used more pictures than words, was this a good thing?

So, the usual question, who has been reading this?

The next blog (if there are enough readers) will start at the end of May (WiFi permitting) as we cruise from Vancouver to Alaska, then meet up with UK friends in AK for 10 days.




Posted in 2015, Trip Home, Trips | 3 Comments

A Day Early but Thank-you

Even though April Fools day is tomorrow, I’d like to thank all those who were involved in organising the 6″ of snow that fell overnight!

The snow wasn’t too bad on the roads, and we sailed through customs, didn’t even have to stop before getting to the booth! We had taken the northerly route through Port Huron and Sarnia rather than through Detroit. It was a good move. The snow stopped by London and we maintained 100kmh or greater right through Toronto. Back home by 4:15.


Posted in 2015, Trip Home, Trips | 1 Comment

Almost There

Made it Port Huron, Michigan, just across the river from Sarnia Ontario. Another long drive, but the end is nigh. Nothing really interesting to day, had to slow down a bit as the max speed lime was 70, with a few sprinklings of 65.


Time to sleep

Posted in 2015, Trip Home, Trips | Leave a comment

Too Much Pressure

A warm and cool morning, around 3°C. We headed out in the Interstate and immediately started climbing up to 8,640 ft. After spending about 10 or so miles above 8000 ft we started a gradual descent over the next few hundred miles down to about 900 ft. There was very little in the way of outstanding scenery, the further east we got, the more cows we saw! Given we had 660 miles to travel to day, the usual fuel consumption measures were thrown out of the window, and we cruised at 75 MPH for most of the day. Tomorrow is about the same distance but we seem to have said good by to the 75 and 80 MPH limits, and come down to 65 and 70 limits, so it will take a little longer.

A coupe of things I didn’t mention yesterday; one stretch of the I80 went 48 miles in a straight line both horizontally and vertically i.e. no bends and no hills…. very boring! The other occurred at check-in at the hotel, an elderly lady was complaining at the front desk, but all I heard was “I don’t want my body abused like that” and she was wanting to speak to the manager. Me being me said we’d like to check-in provided the hotel didn’t abuse my body. The clerk rolled his eyes, and when the lady was out of earshot, explained that she was complaining that the person in the next room was using a smart phone and the noises that it was making was causing bruising on her arm!

Time to sleep.

Posted in 2015, Trip Home, Trips | Leave a comment

Altitude Sickness?

Up and away by 0830 this morning, heading out of Nevada into Utah and then Wyoming. We “lost” an hour as we crossed into Utah, and we will continue to lose an hour in each of the next two days. We saw a variety of scenery, including snow, salt flats and many rock formations. The high desert changed to high plains, to wooded mountains to grazing meadows and the altitude bounced between 4800 ft. and 7850 ft. with the average around 6500 ft. Quite a way up! Just checked Google and the two highest interstate elevations are in Colorado at 11,192 and 10,666. The third highest at 8,640 ft, is about 10 miles east of here on the I-80 so we will be there tomorrow. As it is getting late, here are a series of pictures taken out of truck window.

We passed a series of snow fences along the interstate that would put any in Ontario to shame. They were 8-10ft tall and solidly constructed of 1 x 6 wood, rather than the bright orange plastic or “roll up” fencing used at home. At one point about 80 miles of the I-80 were closed to lightly loaded high sided vehicles due to 65mph cross winds. We experienced the effect of those winds when a tractor trailer we were about to overtake got blown half way across our lane!

As it is getting late, here are a series of pictures taken out of truck window.


Snow or Salt?DSC04884 DSC04885 DSC04886 DSC04887 DSC04889 DSC04890

We arrived in Laramie, WY. after 1060kms taking just over 9 hours of driving, we have about 30kms more tomorrow. Amazingly we both feel great, a testament to the comfort of the truck.

Posted in 2015, Trip Home, Trips | Leave a comment

A Loooong Day

Damp and misty as we fell out of bed at the ridiculously early hour  of 0730! After breakfast I headed outside to connect up the trailer and disconnect the utilities while Lyn worked on the inside. We were on the road by 0845, and not too sure what to expect. We had about 100 kms. of cross country travelling to do to get tho the storage area, and the map suggested there were a number of windy mountain roads. There were a couple of spots where I was thankful there wasn’t too much traffic and was able to swing out into the oncoming lane to get around a couple of tight curves, but apart from that it was OK.

We got the trailer backed in and parked pretty quickly, filled in the paperwork and were back on the road again within 30 minutes. Again we had a few twists and turns to negotiate before hitting the I-80 about 75kms down the road. Without the trailer on the back we could travel fairly well at about 55 MPH for the trip. Once on the I-80 we cruised along just under 70 MPH, and will stay on this road until reaching Chicago on Monday.

Most of the trip was over the high desert, climbing up to 7200 ft at the highest point, average height was around 4500 ft. Now it’s time to get some shut eye and do it all over again tomorrow.

Posted in 2015, Trip Home, Trips | Leave a comment


A little cool over night, but a bright and sunny day to follow. The day was spent cleaning, packing and getting the vehicles ready.

By late afternoon most of our stuff was packed in the truck, and the truck was ready to go. All that is left now is to connect up the truck, and disconnect the water, sewer and hydro.

This evening we walked to the local restaurant, a Mexican,  and had a good meal there.

Tomorrow will be an early start with a 100km trip to the storage site, then another 800kms to our first night stop in Elko, Nevada.

There will be at least one more blog when we get home, depending on my physical / mental state after 10 hour driving days there may be interim ones.

Posted in 2015, Bodega Bay, Trips | Leave a comment

San Francisco

The day dawned clear and sunny with an expected high of 24ºC. We got moving quickly this morning as we were heading about 70 miles south to San Francisco. We decided to take the scenic route down the PCH; scenic it was, fast it wasn’t, but well worth the drive.

As we got close to the Golden Gate Bridge traffic started to build, I am not sure whether it is always busy here, or whether March break may be causing an increase in tourism.


First View of the Bridge

The bridge was completed in 1937 and is 1.7 miles long and 220 ft above the water. There is a $7 toll to cross southbound, but free for northbound traffic. There are no toll collectors, the toll is either collected electronically via a transponder, or in our case they photograph the licence plate and send a bill. There is an option to pay on-line, but they don’t accommodate Canadian license plates. Hopefully they may not bill us!

We’ve decided that neither of us are city lovers, so we did our old faithful hop-on hop-off bus tour.


Colourful House


TransAmerica Pyramid

Iconic Cable CarDSC04865

Entrance to China TownDSC04858

China TownDSC04852

City Hall


Sold Recently for $3 millionDSC04846

Victorian HousesDSC04843

Into the Hippy SectionDSC04840 DSC04837

Botanical GardensDSC04833

Sycamore Trees at the Science MuseumDSC04823

Guess WhatDSC04814

Tall Ship off Pier 41DSC04871

Seals Taking over the Moorings off Pier 39DSC04872

Seals or Sardines?DSC04879A  Store for Our Son, Paul

Although we came home the “fast” route, it took just as long as the trip down, even the 10 lane freeway out of the city slowed down to a crawl.

Tomorrow is clean-up, pack-up day ready for an early(ish) start ob Friday.

Posted in 2015, Bodega Bay, Trips | Leave a comment