Route Check

A dull and cool morning to wake up to, around 12°C. Looking on the bright side, these cooler temperatures are acclimatising in preparation for the trip back home.

Today we had to get some stuff to prepare the trailer for storage, and there is nowhere around here to get it. The nearest town with the stores we needed was about 30 miles away across a small range of hills. I wanted to make this trip so that I could determine whether the road would be suitable to take the on when we move it to storage. I am glad we made the trip as the road was not suitable for the trailer. We came back a different route which was far more suitable.

After lunch we (mostly Lyn) treated all the wood in the trailer to help prevent it drying out while in storage. After that we went for a short (just under a mile) walk, back through the area with the bells memorial. A couple of days agoe when we were there we looked for two geo-caches, but only found one. Today we found the other one, it was well hidden!

While in the area we took a few more photos of the memorial.

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Locals Added Their Own Bells on a Nearby TreeDSC04802

Memorial PlaqueDSC04803

Lyn was Excited to See “English” Daisies in CaliforniaDSC04804Trailer on Site

Tomorrow we are heading off to San Francisco.

Posted in 2015, Bodega Bay, Trips | Leave a comment

The Russians Were Here

A much clearer start to the day, blue skies and sunshine but a little cooler at 11ºC.

Today we headed north up the Pacific Coast Highway to Fort Ross. On this trip the PCH ran close to the ocean for most of time, giving a good view of the rocky coast line.DSC04799

DSC04789Fort Ross was a Russian Settlement on the California coast up until the mid 1800’s. The settlement was originally located where we are staying in Bodega Bay, but was moved further north to get away from the threat of Spanish / Mexican invasion. The settlement was established to supply provisions to the Russian settlements in Alaska (which in those times was still part of Russia). The fort was run by the Russian America company, very similar in some respects to the Canadian Hudson’s Bay Company. One of the main products was otter pelts to make clothing for the Alaskan seal hunters. So many Otter were hunted that the company banned further hunting to allow the otter to re-populate; one of the earliest cases of population management.DSC04787

General View of Fort RossDSC04798

California’s First Windmill


Russian Orthodox ChurchDSC04784

Inside the Church


Looking up the Tower (Cobwebs and All)


The Managers House

This was the first house in California to have glass windows.


Decorative Woodworking


Decorative Woodworking CloseupDSC04781Interesting (to me at least) Way of Joining Timbers

DSC04797Turkey Vultures (I think)

We stopped at a couple of lookouts on the coast, and Lyn managed to spot a seal in the water. We took a wander down to one of the beaches, the sand further north was much coarser than the other beaches we have visited.


Posted in 2015, Bodega Bay, Trips | Leave a comment

Looking for Whales

Another misty morning, around 14°C. As usual it was a slow start to the morning, mainly because there was no need to rush! Gotta love the pressures of retirement.

We found out from the office staff that there is a path through the fields and woods down to the beach, so we headed off in search of it.

Very close to the campground on, the way to the beach, is memorial called  “The Children’s Bell Tower”.  It was erected in memory of a seven year old Bodega Bay boy, Nicholas Green, who was killed by a highway robber while on vacation in Italy in 1997. His parents agreed to donate his organs to seven Italian recipients.

From the memorial  hang 140 bells, almost all of them sent by Italians; school bells, church bells, ships’ bells, mining bells, cow bells etc. The centerpiece is a thirty inch high bell, from the Marinelli foundry in Italy, which has been making bells for the papacy for a thousand years. Nicholas’ name and the names of the seven recipients are on it, and Pope John Paul II went to the foundry to bless it.
The Bell Memorial

After the memorial we headed across a couple of fields before following a road in search of the beach. We finally found it hidden behind some high sand dunes. These dunes make an excellent wind break as it was quite blowy in the beach area, but very calm back at the campground. As this is California, there were the mandatory surfers on the beach.

We headed back cross country rather than follow the road, who needs roads when you have a GPS and a geo-cache to aim for. We walked through some redwood groves, the trees here were massive, and obviously very old. We successfully found the cache hidden inside a redwood.

We made it back to the campground after a 2½ mile walk and ready for lunch.

Mid afternoon we drove out to Bodega Head, a few miles down the road. From here you can view pods of migrating whales. From the information that Lyn read, the migration continues through to April, but the information at the headland said the migration ends at the end of January. No whales  today, but a few views from the headland.

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Flowers Grow AnywhereDSC04768

Back at the trailer I started to sort out what of my “toy collection” stays here, and what goes home. I have also sorted out the route home and booked the hotels, we stop in Nevada, Wyoming, Iowa and Michigan.

Just had a strange thing happen here. Turned on the TV and no satellite reception. It was raining lightly, but not enough to kill the signal. After a little thinking, I realised that we had put the trailer awning out earlier in the day. It wasn’t the awning per se that was causing the problem, but the 18 ft. metal housing at the end of the awning was perfectly aligned with the path to the satellite. Brought in the awning, picture returned.

Posted in 2015, Bodega Bay, Trips | Leave a comment

A Trip to the Village

A cooler day than we are used to. The day was partly overcast  with a lot of sea mist hanging around, the temperature only made it up to around 15°C.

We hung around the trailer this morning, Lyn was quilting and I went outside to try and “debug” the trailer. Unfortunately California is suffering from a prolonged drought and washing of vehicles in not allowed. After the travelling we have been doing the trailer is pretty dirty, and the front was caked with dead bugs. I used some bug solution on the area and it cleaned up the mess pretty well. The rest of the trailer will have to wait until next year I guess.

After lunch we walked down to the local village, about a mile away and 100′ below. The village is very small and sort of “yuppy”, that’s about the best way I can describe it. There was little in the village apart from a couple of galleries and a couple of small general stores.

Back at the trailer I got the 3D printer kit out, and finished off painting the rest of the parts.

Apart from a day trip out to San Francisco, this will be a quiet week, followed by 5 full days of driving back home.

Posted in 2015, Bodega Bay, Trips | Leave a comment

Last Stop

Much to our amazement we were packed and on the road by 09:15 this morning. It was partly cloudy and 14°C when we left, although the temperature did climb to 22°C inland it dropped back to 14°C as we got nearer the coast.

The area we passed through on the way north was obviously very fertile with lots of vineyards and fields producing lettuce, cabbage etc. Again manual labour was in use, even in fields of many acres there were up to 50 people working the land with hand tools. I guess migrant labour from south of the border is very cheap.

We headed north through silicon valley, and the traffic started to build even though it was only 2PM. We had a couple of slowdowns which seemed to be caused by nothing other than volume of traffic. Once we got north of Oakland /San Francisco we had to cross a body of water on a toll bridge, $5 for cars, $20 for me, because we had 4 axles…. not amused!

Once off the 101 highway we had to drive through a fairly busy downtown area, then it was onto small country roads for the last 45 miles or so. We finally made it here around 4PM, about 30 minutes later than we expected due to the traffic.

We got the trailer set up pretty quickly, I even managed to get the satellite tuned up in a couple of minutes with no help from the TV setup channel.

The camp ground and the town of Bodega Bay in general seem to be lost in the middle of nowhere, so apart from a trip into San Francisco we may be having a quiet time here.

Posted in 2015, Bodega Bay, Trips | Leave a comment

Time To Move North

A warmer night leading to a warmer day, we got up to 24°C on the coast. This is our last full day here, tomorrow we head about 450 Kms. north to the other side of San Francisco.

We headed out to do some grocery shopping this morning. After lunch Lyn headed over to do some laundry then we took our first, and last, walk around the campground. Unlike any other we have stayed at there was less than 5% out of State trailers parked here. Most other sites have less than 5% in State trailers. The place was pretty full, and there are two trucks here that spend most of the day moving trailers to and from the storage area.

After the walk Lyn went over to put the laundry into the dryer, and I started getting stuff ready for tomorrow. The air compressor earned its money again when I had to re-inflate the truck tyres!

After our last BBQ we headed down to the beach to see the sunset.

DSC04759DSC04761There was the grand total of 2 entries in the prizeless competition to name the flowers, thanks Marie and Anne.


Posted in 2015, Pismo Beach, Trips | Leave a comment


A little warmer today, getting up to around 24°C this afternoon.

Today we decided to head south down the Pacific Coast Highway. The name is a bit of a misnomer as the PCH got nowhere near the coast on this trip. The area to the south of us is very agricultural with a lot of vegetables being grown. I have never seen so much activity in fields as I have here, there isn’t much automation beyond basic tractors, but there is a lot of manual labour.

Our destination was Lompoc, a town that has a large number of murals on building walls. On the way there we drove past Vandenburg Air Force Base, which is part of Space Command. Vandenburg launches a number of military satellites, unfortunately none were due to launch today and there was nowhere to get a good view of the area.

We arrived in Lompoc and went walkabout looking for the murals. Below is a selection of some of the photos we took. Some of them feature Vandenburg.

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Monarch Butterflies are Prevalent in the Area

Below are a series of garage doors featuring local flowersDSC04739



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The two murals below really transformed a plain brick wall into a building.DSC04737


DSC04735 The mural below depicts the founding women of the town who were against alcohol, hence the man trying to push them back.DSC04730

DSC04723 The two murals below were fantastic, they really had managed to project a great 3D effect, both in the bow area of the large boat as well as in the wooden area. Unfortunately my photography left a lot to be desired as part of the boat is missing.DSC04722

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A Novel Use for DrumsDSC04734

A Street in Lompoc

We came home via a different route which went through vineyard country. There were miles and miles of vines, probably the greatest concentration we have ever seen.

DSC04757Trailer on Site

Posted in 2015, Pismo Beach, Trips | 1 Comment

A Lazy Day

Cool again this morning with overcast skies. We made it up to 21°C this afternoon at the trailer.

Today had been declared a lazy day, I played around with some programming on the computer. This was something I had been avoiding for the last few weeks as I really wasn’t too sure how to do what I wanted to do. In reality it all went well, so more programming is on the horizon.

Meantime Lyn was busy trimming 128 pieces for a quilt.

After lunch we headed out for a walk around the area. Pismo Beach is one of the places that the monarch butterflies stop at on their migration. There is a group of eucalyptus trees about a mile from here where the congregate.


Eucalyptus TreesDSC04711

Eucalyptus Trees

Unfortunately all of the butterflies have left now, if we were a couple of weeks earlier we would have seen 10’s of thousands of them.

We continued our walk along a boardwalk with the intent of finding a few geocaches. Unfortunately we only found one, most of the others had been reported as missing, at least we got some exercise.

We left the boardwalk and came back along the  beach at the waterline where we found lots of sand dollars.

DSC04712A Stack of Sand Dollars Found on the Beach

DSC04714Sand Dollar With Embedded Shell

We left the hard packed beach and continued walking on the soft sand of the dunes; that gave us quite a workout! We finished up walking about 2¾ miles, the temperature down on the beach was noticeably cooler than it was back at the trailer even though it was only a couple of hundred metres a way.

Posted in 2015, Pismo Beach, Trips | Leave a comment

A Prizeless Competition

Another coolish, overcast morning with the temperature struggling to rise to 20°C along the coast. Today we planned on heading north along the scenic PCH (Pacific Coastal Highway) aka Highway 1. This road runs along the coast from California, through Oregon and Washington states to the Canadian border.

Once away from the beaches of Pismo the coastline became a little more rugged.

DSC04673We stopped near the village of Cambria and took a walk along the cliff tops, there were a number of wild flowers there that we (Lyn) couldn’t identify. My flower identification gets as far as yellow = dandelion and red = rose!  So if anyone can identify any of the following please let us know.






As we were driving north, a number of cars were pulling off to the side of the road, for no apparent reason. There was a small rise at the edge of the road with a large field beyond. We climbed the rise and saw a sight we were not prepared for in California, or even the American continent. In the field there were about 20 zebra!

DSC04694Evidently there used to be a zoo in the area, and the zebra were part of it. Nowadays they live wild in the fields.

From zebra we went onto elephant seals. There is a large colony that call this coastal area home. We were lucky, as in a couple of weeks all the seals will have left and gone out to sea for a few months. The beach area was full of seal pups, with only a couple of adults

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Three Pups and a Male

There was also an adult female on the beach, who was much larger than the pups, but much smaller than the male. Males can grow to 16ft in length and weigh up to 5000 lbs. The females reach about 12 ft and 1200 lbs.


One the way back we saw a couple of guys on surf boards using kites to propel them through the water.DSC04706

Talking to people along the way, it seems we are lucky at the moment; normally Pismo is besieged with strong winds and blowing sand. So far we have been lucky with hardly any wind. Long may it continue.

Posted in 2015, Pismo Beach, Trips | 2 Comments

Sunday…. A Day of Rest

A little cool this morning, around 15°C, climbing up to 24°C under sunny skies later in the day.

After we’d got sorted out after breakfast we set out for a walk into the town of Pismo Beach, about a mile away. The town isn’t quite a Wasaga Beach (or Clacton), but it does seem to be a city dweller tourist area with a slightly hippy influence.DSC04666

 There is a pier in the town which was fairly popular with fishermen,

DSC04671and also offered a good vantage point to watch the local surfers.

DSC04665 DSC04669 DSC04663 DSC04668We managed to pick up one geo-cache on the way. The second one we were looking for was on the pier, but there were two many people around to log it. Maybe during the week it will be quieter.

The campground emptied out quite a bit today, presumably everybody is going back to work (whatever that is) tomorrow.

This afternoon we just hung around the trailer enjoying the warmth and the fresh air. Lyn was having problems with her Android tablet not connecting with Pinterest. After an hour or so of gnashing of teeth and muttering, the problem turned out to be the date. The tablet thought it was 2009, when I reset the date to 2015 all was good!



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