All Play and No Work!

Someone stole the sun! However it still reached the mid 70’s.

This morning we headed South then East to Bear Marina to join a dolphin watching cruise. This cruise was organised by the campground, and apart from this giving us 10% off the price for the cruise and lunch it had other advantages. As enough of us had signed up, we got a boat to ourselves, that in itself is not important. What is important is that a second boat was running for Joe Q Public! Why is this important you (should) ask? Read on.

We boarded the boat which is advertised as a 50ft Navy boat. It was new and clean which is always a good sign. There is a control position on the main deck, then a flying bridge about 20ft above the deck. Once we were all aboard we headed out to the bay and the skipper transferred up to the flying bridge. After a few minutes he appeared to be having an issue with the engine speed; apparently one of the passengers had hung her purse from the throttle lever on the main deck!!!

Once that issue had been resolved we increased speed and within a few minutes we were joined by a dolphin swimming behind us and jumping in the wake, however after a couple of minute he gave up playing. We continued searching for more dolphin activity, but there was very little, just a couple of fins in the water. We did manage to glimpse a manta ray just under the surface though. By this time I was wondering if we would see any more dolphin activity.

The second boat had joined up with us by this time. he boats ran parallel with each other about 50ft apart building up speed. As the speed increased so did the wake thrown up by the boats, where the wakes collided there was a mound of water about 6-8ft high. This turbulent water was soon to become the dolphins playground! Three dolphins emerged from the wake, and started jumping and skimming the water for a number of minutes. As we were seated in the stern on the same side that the other boat was on we got a great view. Taking pictures on the other hand was a little more difficult, my digital camera has a noticeable delay between hitting the button and the picture being taken, however I did get a few shots where the dolphins were actually in the frame and not back under water.

After this the boats split up again to go in search of more dolphins, again we saw a couple but they stayed below the surface. The boats joined up again and built up speed and very soon we were joined by 6 or 7 dolphins skimming and jumping, great fun to watch!!

After the cruise we had lunch at the marina where it was warm enough to sit outside and look across the channel… life is so tough sometimes!

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 4 | 2 Comments

All Work, No Play

As usual, Warm, Dry and Sunny

I think the realisation has just hit that all good things must come to an end (at least until next time). With less than 2 weeks until we leave, there are still a few jobs that need to be finished.

I did the final caulking on the bathroom tiles today to finish that project. Last week I ran a cable from one end of the trailer to the other for the back up camera, then got no further! Today I soldered the correct connectors on the cables, mounted the transmitter in the depths of the wardrobe, connected power and lo and behold all the lights that should come on did come on! The real test was whether I could receive a picture in the truck. I went out to the truck and plugged in the receiver…. It worked!!, in fact I drove the truck about 20 yards away and the picture was still on the screen, think I’ve finally got it sorted.

Last but not least, the painting of the model aircraft kit I was building was completed with the exception of a couple of touch ups that will be needed. Then all it will need will be the application of the decals.

Today was the first day we did not leave the campsite for a long time, too much work to do!!!!

We’ll make up for that tomorrow with a trip out.

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

I’ve Run Out of Titles

No change in the weather!!

Finally got the tiling I was doing in the bathroom finished and grouted, hopefully the movement of the trailer on the way home won’t disturb it too much.

This afternoon we headed out to a new walking trail we had seen a few days ago, it was a loop, about a mile long through the trees and along the coast. Unfortunately not much wildlife to be seen, guess it was siesta time for them. Lyn started collecting pine needles for her basket project, it looks as though quite a few more trips will be needed!!

Back at the campground there has been a constant movement of trailers and motorhomes as Spring Break comes to a close (and the screaming little brats go home) and also many of the people who stayed over the winter start moving north.


Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

I escaped, but was it worth it?

The usual weather!

Got up early (0810) for the weekly breakfast. After that Lyn headed off to a craft show and a store called Fabric by the Pound. I figured off I was far safer staying behind. Unfortunately, I had a flash(?) of inspiration and thought it would be an ideal time to clean the roof. The trailers have a thick rubber type membrane over the plywood roof, and it’s a good idea to keep it clean and generally look after it!

By the time I got up there the sun was already beating down but now I was there I may as well get to work. 90+ minutes later it was done, and so was I!  Next time I’ll hit the electronics stores and Lyn can do the roof!

After lunch we just hung around the site and read, there was a nice cooling breeze outside under the awning. We then did our walking tour of the site, by the end of that we were ready to relax again!!


Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

A “Secret” Beach

Warm, Sunny….. you know, the usual stuff.

Did some work around the trailer this morning, and after lunch we headed off following a tip Lyn got while she was at the craft group the other morning. There is a place known as alligator alley, and at the end of the road there was meant to be a beach.

We found a road, which had plenty of signs pointing out the pitfalls (and punishment) for feeding ‘gators, so we figured this was indeed alligator alley. We drove to the end of the road where there was a small car park and a wooden bridge over some dunes to the beach.

As we got onto the beach a number of things struck us, how deserted it was (considering the state of the other beaches in Spring Break), how clean it was, how soft and white the sand was and how many tractors there were!!! Evidently this area must have suffered from the BP oil spill as the tractors were accompanied by about 30 workers and some equipment. They had come from some way down the beach, and I guess there was still a clean up operation in progress down there.

Walking along the beach, you would not know there had been any oil, and there was an abundance of jelly fish, so some marine life was OK!

Back at the campsite, it was time for dinner and then off to the Friday night jam session and another good evening of music

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

One of Those Days

Weather same as yesterday but warmer.

Woke up to a dry throat, blocked nose and sore knee! Not a good start.

The knee I blame on getting through all the submarine hatches yesterday, I think I managed to twist it. The rest I put down to a bout of sinus problems that don’t want to go away.

Shopping day today, so off to Piggly Wigglys to get the goodies, for some reason this week we seemed to have very bare cupboards which was reflected in the cost of the groceries.

Once we got back I dropped into the office and there were 3 parcels there, my birthday came early this year! This should be the last of the “essentials” for the trailer. A WiFi printer / scanner / copier / fax with some ink and an external antenna for the 3g modem stick. The ink was a bargain, the printer takes 1 black and 3 colour cartridges each costing about $10 from the manufacturer. I got 4 Black and 2 each of the coloured ones for $9.50. Ridiculous mark up on the original inks

I got the antenna into place and it was worse than useless, it actually degraded the signal! I looked at where the antenna was and I had managed to place it way too close to my ham radio antennas so I moved it about 6 ft further away and raised it a couple of feet higher and it now seems to work.

Once the antenna was taken care of, it was time to tackle the printer. Suffice it to say, the auto install didn’t. Some 6 hours later I now have it working, how the average Joe Q Public could get this working using the software and instructions provided is beyond me! Anyway, we are now able to print out JoAnn fabric coupons for Lyn(!) as well as print out tour routes etc.

Time to hit the sack and wake up to a better day

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment

Battleship Park

Yet again a bright sunny day, although a little cooler first thing. We eventually climbed into the low 70’s.

This morning we headed about 40 miles NW to Mobile (pronounced Mobeel), in search of the USS Alabama, a WW2 battleship. It wasn’t quite where the TomTom said it should be, but we were close enough that we could find it.

Driving into the parking lot we were greeted by an number of out door exhibits including tanks, fighter jets and bombers. There was a B52 there, which is a pretty large 8 engined bomber, I have no idea how they got it there, but there must be an interesting trip report somewhere.

The main attraction was the Battleship weighting in at 35,000 tons with 9 16″ guns and countless smaller guns all over the place. Three designated tour routes were laid out within the ship which took you through the living quarters, combat areas, galley, engine room etc. The sleeping quarters for enlisted men were an eye opener, bunk beds 4 high packed into any available space below decks, no privacy or personal space at all. The exhibit was very well done, with very little added display areas, they simply showed the ship as it was.

Next stop was the aviation hangar, this houses mostly fighters ranging from WW2 through to present day. In addition there was an A-12 Blackbird, which was the predecessor to one of my favourite planes the SR-71 Blackbird, a reconnaissance aircraft capable of Mach 3.5and flying at over 100,000ft

Next stop was a tour of a submarine. After seeing the accommodation on the battleship, I figured it must be much worse on a sub! Although the sub was small, and every piece of space filled with equipment, the living / sleep area seemed more spacious.

The hatches between each of the compartments was only about 2.5 ft by 4ft, with the bottom of the opening about 18″ off the deck. Finally manged to get through them without damaging my head or shins!

All in all an excellent set of exhibits, well worth visiting.

As we were now in the big city of Mobile, there just happened to be a few craft shops that Lyn had noticed in her Internet searching. Luckily I had been pre-warned and brought a book with me!!

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 3 | Leave a comment


Another clear, blue sunny day in Southern Alabama!

Midway through breakfast there was a knock on the door, the previous two times this has happened it has been someone telling us there is a tornado warning! This time it was one of the ladies from the campsite that makes small banners from beads to hang outside the trailer. We had ordered a Canadian flag version a few days ago and this was it being delivered,

Later on in the morning I took a trip into home depot, the el-cheapo Chinese taps they install in the trailer were playing up. The kitchen ones we got replaced under warranty, now the bathroom ones were the problem. They weren’t leaking, just squeaking and getting stiff to turn. As usual, buying the taps was the easy part, removing the old ones and replacing them took a lot longer…. there’s just no room to work in a trailer!

Lyn spen the afternoon at a craft group and came back thinking about a new project. There are pine needles around here that are 10″-12″ long. Evidently baskets can be made from these and Lyn is thinking about trying to make one.

We’ve both decided we like this campground, so on our daily walk around the park we dropped into the office to see how early we would have to book for March next year, turns out there are only 3 sites left! We decided to book one there and then. Next years plan is most likely to be a trip down to the Texas Gulf Coast after Christmas for 7 weeks or so, and then a drive along the Gulf Coast back to Alabama.


Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 2 | 1 Comment

Spring Break

Another warm and sunny day, seems last weeks poor weather is a thing of the past.

This morning we made a quick trip to Home Depot to get some stuff for my toys and Lyn’s plants. The rate antennas are going up here we need to rename the trailer “El Erizo”

After lunch we headed south to the beach, the road was busier than we had seen before, then it clicked, Spring Break! We got to the beach and found the usual parking lots were full, or charging more than normal, supply and demand at its best. Once on the beach we found it mobbed, last week there were about 20 of us on a half mile section of beach, today it was wall-to-wall students. We took a walk along the water line for about 40 minutes, must say, the scenery had improved from last week!!

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

A Time for the Arts

Another warm, partly sunny day into the mid 70’s

This morning I finished up routing the wiring for the rearview camera, next I need to change a few connections then try it out. Also fixed the gas problem by switching everything off then turning on the tanks sloooooowly.

A few times while working in the gas area there had been a smell of gas, which I had put down to some being vented by the regulator, but I wanted to make sure there were no leaks. So off to the local WalMart to buy a spray bottle, which then got filled with a solution of washing up liquid and water. All the connections got sprayed, and lo and behold one started to bubble. What was interesting/disturbing was that the leaking connection was not one that had been touched when I had the regulator replaced in Florida. This must have been like this since day 1 :-(. I disconnected the fitting, cleaned it up and put some yellow PTFE tape on it, reconnected it and showered it with soap spray…. no more leak.

This afternoon we headed back to Orange Beach to an Arts Festival, this must be the cultural side of RVing! The show featured artists from Florida, Alabama and Mississippi as far as I could see. There was a mixture of painting, pottery, glass ware, jewelery and even iron pouring which was a first.

Lyn managed to buy a couple of articles, a pottery mug and a wind chime made from a wine bottle!!

On the way home we noticed many stores with signs out welcoming Spring Breakers, so we may have to lie low for the next few days!!!

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment