It’s the Weekend!

Blue skies, no wind and 70F today.

At this campsite the community breakfast is on a Saturday, and it runs to 9AM, so we could go without getting up early!!!

Yesterday some cable arrived that I had ordered from eBay, so I spent part of the day installing it. The rear view  camera that I installed before we moved to Alabama worked fine when we were stationary, but was useless once we got moving. I suspect the problem was the distance from the rear of the trailer to the front of the truck (50ft) was too far for the wireless signal.

The new plan is to put the transmitter in the wardrobe at the very front of the trailer and connect the camera to it via a length of cable. Unfortunately it is not possible to run the cable inside the trailer for the whole length, and conventional wisdom prohibits drilling holes through outside walls, evidently they are guaranteed to leak however well you seal them. I finally managed to route the cable the length of the trailer with only one hole drilled, and that hole was inside a weatherproof compartment into the wardrobe. Next job is to connect it all up.

This evening our old enemy the gas problem returned. After changing the switchover from one tank to another we nearly all gas pressure, even though both tanks had plenty in them. Of course this happened in the middle of BBQing dinner! Luckily dinner was cooked enough to eat 🙂

After dinner I went back outside and after much swapping of tanks and playing with hoses, I got one tank working. Once I got back in I did some research on the web and found that this is not an uncommon problem. It all stems from the multitude of safety devices built into tanks, pipes and regulators. One of these devices will prevent a cut hose or uncoupled hose from leaking gas at high pressure. If the system detects a high rate of gas flow it will switch to a low flow / no  flow mode which may provide just enough pressure to run a gas burner at half power or not at all. The system, it appears, will also go into this mode if the tank valves are opened too quickly. Sometimes safety is a bit too smart!!

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

A Trip To The Wildlife(less) Refuge

A clear, Sunny, Breezy and coolish day (60F)

We decided to take a trip to BonSecour, a State wildlife refuge on the Gulf Shore. We drove south to about a mile before the coast then west for about 12 miles.

We found the refuge welcome centre, looked at the maps and chose a walk. The walk started a couple of miles from the centre so we decided to drive to the end of the road first. The geography of the area is like a H lying on its side running east- west. The small line running north-south is the main highway that continues northwards. South of the H is the Gulf of Mexico, between the the two bars are a couple of lagoons and north of the H is a waterway… confused?

The end of the road led to a car ferry that crossed the southern end of Mobile Bay and also housed an old fort, probably to keep the Brits out of Mobile. I was surprised at the number of oil drilling platforms just off the coast, both to the north and south of us. The other thing that has be surprising has been the fact that there is no evidence of last years massive oil spill (unless you count a large bill board at the side of the road inviting clean up workers who may have after effects from their work to contact a particular law firm)

After watching the waves for a while we headed back to the walk around the wildlife area. We had high hopes of seeing a multitude of wild life in their natural habitat, we were highly disappointed. The sum total of animals was 5 ducks, 1 seagull, 1 pelican, a 3″ lizard and an unidentified bird 🙁

At least we got some exercise on the 2 mile walk.

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

A Quiet Day

After yesterdays weather, today was a quiet, cool sunny day. Lyn did the laundry, and I took one of the gas tanks down to refill (cold weather tends to empty them!) then it was off to the shops for the weekly refill.

After lunch we took our daily walk around  the site and dropped in for mail. The new SIM card had arrived for the phone, so I got that set up. The theory of using our home phone connected through the Internet has never given consistently good results so I went hunting for a new cell phone plan. Finally found one that seems to cost 5¢ for every thing. 5¢ texts and 5¢ per minute for USA, Canada and Europe. The home phone is forwarded to the cell now.

Spent some time playing with the ham radio now it is all set up, and then did some work on a spreadsheet I am working on……. such a tiring life!

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

Our New Waterfront Site

This morning started dark. Most mornings do, I know, but at this time of morning it should have been light. The sky to the west was black, not dark but black. In fact the only time I recall seeing a sky similar to this was on the day the tornado hit Barrie. Thunder was rumbling around the sky from all directions.

Just before we had breakfast Lyn answered the door; it was our neighbour saying there was a tornado warning just issued for the area, and that a lot of people were moving to the club house.

We elected to stay in the trailer, partly because we hadn’t had breakfast yet and partly because we didn’t believe the clubhouse was really robust enough to provide much more protection.

A quick look at the radar showed very heavy precipitation and thunder cells just off to the west, together with a tornado signature that was going to track slightly  north of us. During breakfast the wind increased and there was a lot of lightning activity, but not as much rain as I expected. The weather radar showed that the tornado had passed north of us, but that there was a lot more storm activity to come.

Lyn had a hair appointment at 11:00, so we sat around watching the storm (and the radar). The thunder and lightning were ceaseless, and the rains increased. By the time we had to leave the rain was in full swing, the roads were showing signs of flooding and the lightning was doing its thing. As we drove through one set of traffic light there was a bolt of lightning and we could see all the lights in a city block go out…. including WalMart

I dropped Lyn off at the hairdressers and waited in the truck for her. At this time the heavens just opened for about 20 minutes, the lightning was more like a strobe light, never stopping. The road flooded over and at the junction of the side road it got to about 12″ deep. By the time Lyn came out the rain had eased quite a bit but was still very heavy.

Back at the campsite there large puddles on the road, but overall the drainage seemed to be holding its own, when we got to the trailer we noticed a river flowing behind us that wasn’t there before!!

The New River

The rain finally stopped at 1230, in the three hours since it started 3″ had fallen (equivalent to 75cm / 2.5ft  of snow). By this time a state of emergency had been declared by the State Governor due to flood and tornado damage. The tornado I saw on radar destroyed 8 houses in one of the small towns we drove through on Monday.

Once again the trailer stayed dry on the inside, thankfully.

On a different note, I have had to put a small verification process on the page when you register or leave a comment. I am getting an increasing number of comments being left by web bots (robots) which are nothing more than advertising. Hopefully this will keep them at bay. Drop me an e-mail if it is causing a problem.

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 2 | 1 Comment

Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday

24 hours without the heating coming on, must be summer.

We hung around the campsite for the morning then headed off to Orange Beach, about 15 miles away for their Mardi Gras parade. After some initial navigation error (due to someones overuse of the word assume) we found the parade route.

We managed to find a space in one of the shopping mall parking lots and joined the masses lining the parade route. All generations were represented, parents and kids, groups of teenagers and the more mature members of society!

The 2PM parade got under way about 2:30, by which time the younger kids were getting a little impatient. At the head of the parade was the only marching band, the local high school, all the rest of the participants were floats. The one thing that no one told us to do was to wear protective clothing. The “in thing” to do at Mardi Gras is “present” on lookers with bead necklaces. The presentation is in the form of people on the floats throwing one or more necklaces into the crowd, some you see…… some you don’t. I have no idea how many necklaces are presented, but Lyn got 20, and most people had way more than that.

Apart from necklaces, moon pies also get propelled from the floats. You can google the origins of moon pies, suffice it to say they are a choclate covered marshmallow centred sponge.

The parade lasted about an hour, and one of the floats was entered by our campsite. On the way home we drove beside an inland waterway, they were having their own parade with a flotilla of boats dispensing necklaces to the onlookers.

Back at the campsite, the sites entry in the parade was doing a lap of honour dispensing its remaining goodies.

At the Parade

Back at the Campsite

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 1 | 1 Comment

Large Yellow Object Spotted in S. Alabama Sky

Once we cleared the condensation off the windows this morning we noticed a distinct lack of grey stuff in the sky. As the morning progressed the sky turned a nice shade of blue and the sun emerged. We actually got close to 60F today!

Spent the morning playing with clamps and putting an antenna mast on the back of the trailer, got the antenna mounted on the mast, should raise a few eyebrows!

After lunch we headed off to the town of Fairhope, about 20 miles away to the West on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. We drove cross country to get there and noticed a huge difference between rural Alabama and rural Florida. Florida had a dry parched look with sand as the basic soil, lots of trees but very few crops or animals. Alabama is much greener with cultivated fields and a lot more cattle. Also, the housing looks a lot better here, les trailer sites and more brick houses that look better cared for.

Fairhope was a little like Merrickville-on-the-Sea, numerous antique stores and restaurants, old but well cared for buildings and tourists! They were preparing for their Mardi Gras parade, many people are wearing long strings of beads in the Mardi Gras colours of Purple, Green and Gold. I didn’t realise until today how big an event Mardi Gras is; schools are closed for two days, some businesses closed and decorations. All we got in England were pancakes with lemon juice!!


Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 1 | 1 Comment

I want my money back!

This may be the best campsite to date, but the weather sucks. Heating is back on, with forecast lows tonight around 5C. This morning was pretty dreary and cool so we headed off shopping for a while. Came back to the trailer and the sun finally showed its face, dragging the temperature up to around 15C in the afternoon.

I went out later in the afternoon on a hunt for the elusive new SIM card for the phone to be used in the States. After finally deciding on the best plan, trying to find the SIM card has proved impossible. I was about to order one from the carriers site for $10 + $5 shipping when I made a quick detour to eBay where the same card is 1$ + $1.50 shipping with a free 50 minutes of air time! All I have to lose is $2.50 if it doesn’t pan out.

Also put more diesel in the truck, the price is now up to $3.70 / gal, has been as high as $3.93. When we set out in October is was around $3.18.

One good bit of news, I checked my bank statement on line after taking out some cash and the amount I took out in US $ was greater than I was charged in CDN $…..

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 1 | 1 Comment

Wet, Windy, Thundery etc

Cloudy, wet, windy 68F

Today was a bit of a washout. We went into the local town, Foley to see the Mardi Gras Parade (seems to be a big thing here in the south). Found a parking spot quite easily on the parade route and waited. At the designated start time someone knocked on the truck window to tell us the parade had been cancelled due weather :-(.

On the way back into the campground we dropped into the office to get some books, and one of the campers dropped by to say there was severe weather on the way.

Back at the trailer I checked the weather radar and sure enough New Orleans was getting clobbered and it was heading our way. Shortly after, we heard funny squealing noises on the radio station we were listening to (turned out to be an emergency weather bulletin) announcing that there was a tornado warning in effect, followed by other broadcasts for thunderstorm warning / heavy rainfall / strong winds.

We made sure all was secure outside, then came into watch it all. We got some thunder and lightning plus heavy winds and rain, but nothing like the weather we experience in Florida when we had similar warnings.

The rain has just started again, but the front has pretty well passed through now, so we can look forward to cooler temperatures.

At least I had plenty of time to research new cell phone plans…. unfortunately after much research I am no closer to finding the right one for us!!


Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment


Cloudy again with a few spots of rain and up to70F

Today was our first day looking around the area, we went about 8 miles south to the Gulf Coast. The beaches were excellent, fine white sand stretching in excess of 10 miles. We did a little walking on the beach but the strong winds made it a little cool. The winds also whipped up 6-8ft waves along the shore. There were quite a few washed up jelly fish on the beach, mostly clear with a light blue with a light blue colour and a thin red stripe along the back and dark blue tentacles.

We drove along the beach road for a number of miles, there were plenty of beach house built high on stilts, I guess as a precaution against high seas in hurricane season.

We headed back to the campground (Hazel, skip to the next paragraph) when I spotted a store called Sweety Pies. As it was coffee time we decided to pay a visit, as well as coffee there was a fantastic assortment of home made pies, the ones we had unfortunately tasted fantastic so we’ll have to go back and try some of the others!

After dinner we took a quick walk around the campsite and dropped by the rec centre as there was a jam session in progress. We popped in to listen for a couple of minutes and finally left 45 minutes later when they quit. There were 2 keyboards, 2 electric guitars, 2 acoustical guitars, 1 harmonica and a banjo. Quite good entertainment!

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 1 | 1 Comment

Day 1

Weather is a lot cooler, topping out at about 70F today.

Pretty much settled in, one more antenna to go up and some tweaking of the stupid Virgin 3G connection for the internet, although the campground WiFi is pretty good here so it is not as important as it was at the last site.

A walk around the park today confirmed our first impressions yesterday that this is a good place to be. There is an outdoor pool, unfortunately unheated, but there is also a hot tub.

The nearest shopping is about 5 minutes away with big box stores, and the beaches are about 15 minutes south of here.

Grocery shopping was the order of the day, and the recommended store was Piggly Wigglys (only in Alabama!!). The store was as large and as well stocked as any large supermarket chain, but their pricing was a little odd. Their slogan is “Our Cost plus 10%”, so the displayed prices look good, but you have to ad 10% to them. Even after the mind numbing calculations, the prices were still better than the other stores we have shopped at.

Posted in 2011, Alabama, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment