Disaster Strikes!

That title probably caught your attention. Well, yesterday afternoon Lyn was ironing some of her quilting fabrics with the A/C on and lo and behold the power went out. We only have a 30A circuit to the trailer and the breaker popped.Reset the breaker and all was well.Actually all wasn’t well, we went to watch the recording of Coronation Street last night and it wasn’t there!! Seems the Satellite box gets a little temperamental when the power goes out.

Today was another hot and humid day, it seems that this is unusual weather and in fact a new high for this day was set. We did some local grocery shopping this morning, the size of the fridge / freezer requires a couple of trips to the store each week. After lunch we went off to the pool for a swim (the pool has warmed up considerably since our first visit) then back to the A/C. Later this afternoon a couple of heavy showers went through, and the temperature dropped from 30 to 23 over a couple of hours. Hopefully we can now open the place up and get some fresh air inside

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

Hot and Humid …..Still

Another hot and humid day, seems this is their equivalent of an Indian summer. Tomorrow has thundershowers in the forecast followed by a drop in the temperature to about 21C.

The place is beginning to fill up, 1 ON and 3 QC rigs arrived today. This weekend there is a college football game of some notoriety taking place, and some ardent supporters have arrived complete with a potful of decorations including windsocks, windmills, blowup mascots, lights etc. The game is between Florida and Georgia and has been going since 1903…. seems they get quite passionate about it.

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 2 | 2 Comments

One Week

Hard to believe we’ve been here for one week! Much like yesterday, the weather is hot and humid. It’s more comfortable to stay in the trailer with the A/C on!!

Having said that, we braved the elements and headed into Brunswick, unfortunately the best thing I can say about Brunswick at the moment is that they have a great PR guy writing up the description of the town! We were expecting well kept large plantation type houses and quaint shopping streets. In reality we found a fairly run down main street and small houses that really didn’t look too well kept.

After much driving around we finally found Wal-Mart, so we could get a few items we needed.

It seems that there is a fairly large tidal swing here, probably 6 or so feet form high to low. Many of the areas we passed the other day that looked like dried river beds were fully flooded today.

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment


Seems it does rain here. Temperature has been up in the high 20’s (C) and humidity in the high 90’s giving a humidex of around 38C. There were a couple of short sharp showers, and in the early evening a fantastic light show courtesey of a lightning storm.

Another day of rest and relaxation!

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 1 | 1 Comment

Day of Rest?

Well, all of the major setup work has been completed. Actually washed the truck today. The humidity is starting to rise giving a humidex of 34C, the A/C got a good workout throughout the day!

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 1 | 1 Comment

On the Bikes

Yet another warm, sunny day!! being the weekend it was time to relax 🙂

After cleaning Lyn’s bike yesterday it was time to do mine. That took me to lunchtime…. after lunch it was time to try and get an antenna up for my radio gear, unfortunately the plan to mount the antenna on top of the roof ladder failed initially, but a quick trip to the local hardware store for a length of ABS piping and a couple of U clamps solved the problem. One antenna is now up, and another will be going up next week

Once it started to cool down we went for a bike ride around the local area for about 35 minutes.

This evening we went to the local Steak & Seafood house and had a superb meal to celebrate our 34th anniversary.

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

Jekyll Island

Finally got around to unloading the bikes this morning, even got as far as cleaning Lyn’s, which was quite a haul as we have not used the bikes since we moved house. After lunch we decided to embark on our first trip out today as I finally figured I could get back into the truck!

Destination was a small island on the coast about 5 miles a way. To get on the Island you pay a $5 “parking fee” which goes towards the upkeep of the place. Obviously the money is spent where it should be as the place was very well kept.

We then walked on a  long beach with very fine sand, good enough to rival any Caribbean beach.  

In one of the small parks around the island there were no signs warning that alligators lived there, nor were there any warnings that alligators could be bad for your health, just a solitary sign saying

so much for the nanny state.

The island also had a number of very large houses (referred to in many cases as cottages”) from the turn of the last century. Also many equally old trees!

Also on the Island was a Sea Turtle Rescue centre that was well worth a visit.

Sitting on the wharf by the Restaurant was a Great Egret

On returning home, the evening meal was flame broiled burgers!!!

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

Settling In

Another warm day, up to around 28C, drops down to about 14C at night. The front of the trailer appeared to have inherited about 50% of all the bugs in Georgia, so off to the local hardware store to get hose pipe for the trailers first ever shower. Got the hose all connected up, climbed up onto the back of the truck so I could reach the high spots ( the beast is about 13ft high, which needs to be remembered when filling up) switched the water on and sprayed the trailer, turned the water off and the hose connector commits suicide, water everywhere! Back to the hardware store for a replacement, guy looks at hose and says words to the effect of “Well I ain’t not never seen nothing like that before”, so given there were four negatives in that sentence, does it mean he has or has not seen the problem before??

Anyway, back with a new hose, and back to cleaning. It really is quite amazing how deeply embedded some air kill can get.

Following the cleaning (of which only a third of the trailer got done…. got to save work for another day) it was over to the pool for another refreshing dip.

The trailer is pretty well sorted out, all I have to do now is remember where Lyn has put everything. Now I have has a couple of days free from long distance driving, we’ll probably head. out tomorrow to find the coast

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment


The camper is now all set up with lifes essentials, cable TV, water, sewer, hydro (which for some obscure reason is known as electricity down here, hydro is an unknown word). Spent the morning assembling the satellite dish and getting it pointed in the right direction, using approximations when you are trying to point a 75cm dish at a 3m satellite 22400kms away makes for difficult life, got it working on the second attempt though. Managed to get the phone working as well, so the home phone number will now reach us. Lyn’s cell phone doesn’t want to work down here!

After all the hard work it was time to head over to the pool, which was only a tad warmer than the lake, but it had the desired cooling effect, and as only Canadians are brave enough to enter such frigid waters, we had the pool to our selves, reserving loungers with a towel at first light is not a requirement!

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

We made it!

We started EARLY, up at 7AM (remember this is us, and we’re on vacation!). We drove for about 5 hours, had lunch and then the final hour to the campsite. Average fuel consumption was 11.8 MPG for a distance of 1881kms / 1175 miles.

The campsite is amazing, one year old, nice flat concrete pads for the rig, and picnic table. Spotlessly clean, and the washrooms  and showers are amazing, again spotlessly clean, ceramic tiled showers, marble sinks etc. I think we are being spoiled here. Temperature pretty close to 30C, A/C is my friend!

Posted in 2010, Georgia, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment