Cleaning Day

A much cooler wake up this morning, probably mid 50’s. The installation of the stabiliser yesterday was well worthwhile, as no one gets motion sickness now when the other person rolls over in the bed.

After breakfast I headed outside to gather stuff for cleaning the roof. The roofing on the trailer is plywood covered with a thick white rubber matting, replacement of which is somewhat expensive so keeping it in good shape is a good idea. I had put off the cleaning over the last few days as the wind had been rather strong, and walking around on a wet and slippery roof was not my idea of a fun sport.

The rain down here has obviously not heard about clean air acts as the roof was pretty filthy, it took a couple of hours to clean it up. Now all the dirty water has run down the sides of the trailer adding to the already dirty condition. An RV owners work is never done.

While I was doing the roof, Lyn was busy with the vacuum cleaning the inside of the trailer,   so we have a nice clean place to do nothing in!

After lunch we took our usual stroll around the place, this time we were on a mission. Friends of ours had put their trailer in storage here, but when we looked for it yesterday we couldn’t find it. Today we checked all the stored trailers, but there was still no Ontario registered ones in the main area. We walked a little further and their was an overflow storage area. Vicki, we found the trailer, it’s still in one piece!

Lyn spent some time sewing after the walk, and I continued working on the purchase of a new toy! This time I have move away from computing ( slightly) ans am in the market for a small milling machine. I had always wanted to do some metal working, in particular working model engines. I had found just what I had wanted, but some research showed that the dealer was a little “suspect”, so after a few chats on a forum I was put in contact with a known reliable dealer. Together we worked on putting a package together that suited my needs, at a price similar to the previous deal I had found. The reason I put slightly in brackets earlier is that the mill will be controlled by the computer!!

We’ve just had a cold front go through with some heavy rain and a 15-20 degree drop in temperature, let’s see what tomorrow holds.

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