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Woke up to a warmer morning, 51F (the new outdoor temperature sensor has arrived) together with blue skies and sunshine. The few empty sites started to fill up, and some of the trailers that had been empty during the week were now occupied. I suspect that some people have trailers rather than cottages, and use them only at weekends.

Being the weekend we decided to take it easy! A couple of small jobs needed doing, coincidentally both involved oil. One was a recurring problem with the TV. If you recall  comments from last year, the TV is installed within a cabinet at the rear of the trailer and is raised into position above the cabinet top as required. Being as we are getting old and decrepit manual activity is kept to a minimum and the TV is raised by an electric motor. The whole mechanism needs periodic lubrication or else the motor stalls. That was this mornings job!

Once that arduous task was completed, it was time for a stroll around the campsite. Old and decrepit as we may be, we still manage the daily stroll on foot, unlike a number of residents who take their daily exercise in a golf cart.

The temperature climbed up to 64F, which was warm enough to have lunch outside once more. After lunch it was the turn of the barbecue to be disassembled. The heat control kept sticking making it impossible to turn the heat down, bringing a whole new meaning to charbroiled. After taking the valve to bits and cleaning it, I managed to put it back together with no bits left over at the end; as a bonus the valve now worked as advertised.

The BBQ was put to use for cooking dinner, although it was a little too cool (and dark) to eat outside. It was a clear night and there wasn’t too much light pollution, so I put my Night Sky app on the phone to use and identified a few planets and constellations. If you’re interested in that sort of thing the app is quite neat, you hold the phone up with the camera lens pointing in the same direction and elevation that you are looking, and the phone screen shows the same view as you are seeing with names of the stars, planets, constellations and satellites on it.

If the weather holds, it’s off to the beach tomorrow.


This entry was posted in 2013, Folely,AL, Trips, Week 2. Bookmark the permalink.

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