An Indoor Day

Another cold snap on its way through. High today was just about 10°C, with below zero temperatures forecast for tonight and tomorrow night.

We put off our walk until the afternoon in the hope that the temperature would warm up a little. While Lyn did some house cleaning inside, I went out and worked up a sweat waxing and polishing the back of the trailer, only one side left now!

After lunch we headed out for the walk; walking one way the sun was really warm….. very pleasant. Walking the other way into wind, not so.

After getting back and sitting in the trailer for a couple of hours restlessness set in. I decided to go outside and do a simple job – replace the leaky water coupling on the city water hose into the trailer. This was a mistake for many reasons, first and foremost was the fact I was on the windswept side of the trailer. The connector was awkward to reach and I could not get any tools in to unscrew it, so I tool the whole connection panel out to work on it inside where it was much warmer. Even with the whole panel out I could not unscrew the offending part, I had one adjustable pipe wrench, but needed a second to get a firm grip. By now there was no way I could put it all back together and not flood the place, so off to the hardware store for the wrench. Hardware store was closed, not looking good, no wrench = no water. Next stop the supermarket, sometimes they have a small tool section, but not this one. Last chance stop was the dollar store, after a bit of hunting I found what I was looking for.

Back to the trailer, but even with two sets of wrenches it was still difficult to separate the connector, but finally it gave in. I connected the new piece in and quickly connected the hose up and it worked. Tomorrow I’ll put it all back together “properly”


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