
Our final morning was cloudy, warm and dry. After breakfast we packed up, said farewell to our hosts and headed off to the mainland. First stop was the Confederation bridge, where we paid what I would guess to be one of the more expensive bridge tolls around at $44.50. At least it was free coming onto the island.

We finished up on the Trans Canada highway until we hit the town of Woodstock NB, where we picked up the road to the US. Customs was painless, and we were back in the US.

In a few years time all the days we spend in the US will increase my pension! Under some weird archaic agreement, between the UK and Canada, my British State pension which I have contributed to over the years can be collected while I live in Canada, however it will NOT be index linked. Because such an agreement is not in place with the US (or practically any other non commonwealth country) should I be living in the US or one of the other countries, my pension becomes indexable for the number of days I was residing there. Go figure, you can be sure that each and every day will be recorded and claimed once we reach 65.

Rant over, plus there wasn’t much else to say today!

We stayed in Houlton Maine, which on first seeing the place (and the motel) left us wondering what we had done wrong. Normally I manage to pick semi reasonable night stops. In this case I was “forced” into getting into the US for this evening to give me the extra time out of Canada so I could claim my full duty free allowance. Anyway, the motel room is fine and we found a fantastic restaurant in the town centre so my record remains intact.

That it for today, next stop is Stowe in Vermont. So far only two people have confessed to reading the blog, surely there are more!

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