Sunday is a Day of……….. Chores

Another coolish night with temperatures down to 2°C, and cloudy in the early morning. The day cleared up and the temperature rose to 18°C with sunshine. This morning we headed out to do some shopping, Lyn needed some wool and I needed a mouse for the computer (the old one got left behind!). We also needed some batteries to replace the ones in the fire and CO detectors.

Back at the campground we stopped off at the office for some change for the laundry machines, there was also a package waiting for us there. The US still has a Saturday mail delivery. The package contained a repair kit for one of the window blinds in the trailer; the chord broke as we left last year, and now it’s time to see if I can repair it.

After lunch Lyn headed over to the laundry and I set about taking the blind down. I managed to get it fixed, and put it back up. Although it worked, it was not as smooth as it should be in operation plus there was a length of chord left over that shouldn’t have been there! A search on the internet suggested that I had not threaded the system correctly, so down it will come tomorrow and hopefully it will be fixed properly.

Next on the agenda was to check out the heating. The hot air vents in the floor seemed to be putting out far more air at the back of the trailer compared with the front. This resulted in a cool bedroom and cold bathroom. I couldn’t find any obvious blockage, but I did move an adjustable vent cover closer to the furnace and blocked off some of the air to the back of the trailer. So far tonight it hasn’t been cold enough for the furnace to come on, so I am not sure if it has made any difference.

With my jobs done and the laundry finished it was time to go for our daily walk. The resort seems to have a lot more “one nighters” rather than long term stays so there is plenty of movement throughout the day. With the walk over it was back to the trailer for afternoon coffee; for once it was warm enough to sit outside and drink it, although the wind of the last few days was still blowing.

That wind may have blown the satellite antenna out of alignment as we had no signal tonight. Hopefully it is just a matter of re-aligning the antenna and nothing more serious.

With all the work done today we’ll need a holiday tomorrow. Coincidentally there is a holiday down here, it is Martin Luther King day. I don’t think it is a full blown public holiday, but important enough for kids and government workers to have the day off!


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