
An even warmer wake-up call at 18°C, and partly cloudy. After breakfast we were sitting around when I looked at my watch. Somehow we had lost an hour, then the light went on (figuratively). We had forgotten to spring forward, we only found out because my new super-duper eBay watch had automagically changed to DST. This put the pressure on Lyn as she had planned to head over to the laundry first thing (our definition). She was now an hour late! Anyway she found the place empty when she got there, so maybe there were a few more forgetful people around. While Lyn was away I put together our home made drying device that hangs from the ladder at the back of the trailer. Once that was done I finally got around to debugging the trailer. Debugging in this case is not a software term, it refers to removing all the flying things that were inconsiderate enough to kill themselves by flying into the trailer while it was traveling down the interstate.

Once lunch was finished I started tidying up “my corner” of the trailer. I’ve done pretty well in the tidyness department, but occasionally it gets away from me. As usual I start on one thing and finish up doing many other things instead. This time as I was tidying I started thinking how I could reduce the clutter of electronics and their associated wires. I now have a plan! This should reduce the gizmos on the counter top down to the PVR, the box that hosts our movies / TV programmes from the web and the telephone. All the rest of the stuff, including all the power supplies will shortly take up residence in a cupboard, and hopefully the satellite cables will connect to newly installed connectors outside rather than being poked through a small gap by the slider and run across the floor.

We decide to stay here today, so we just walked around the resort. We still managed just over a mile. Once back from the walk we sat outside and enjoyed the warmth for a while, before trying to Skype with Paul, Amanda and Noah. Unfortunately the internet here is not as good as it was in Georgia, and the connection was not really good enough to continue. We did manage to connect a couple of hours later though. Evidently Noah has discovered the word “why”!

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