What Happens When ………..

Clear blue skies and warm this morning. We decided to spend the day at the resort, can’t be going out every day!

Lyn was doing her sewing stuff, and I started on a project that will eventually see a few modifications to the rear of the trailer. I want to put a rear view camera on the trailer, as starting next year we plan on driving a lot more, and I just feel happier if I can see stuff directly behind me. Also I’d like to put a couple of weatherproof connection boxes on the back so that I can connect antennas to them rather than poke the wires through little gaps in the sliders.

Today I started on running power to the area where the camera will be mounted. The plan is to use a wireless connection from the camera to a receiver in the truck. I tried it a while ago, but used an el-cheapo radio setup. It worked intermittently, but wasn’t usable. With better equipment now, I am hoping it will work better. The wiring went well, so that is stage one completed.

After lunch it was time to drain the septic tank, unfortunately when I was back-flushing it with fresh water I decided to make a phone call,  the call went on longer than expected. Do you know what happens if you leave the back-flush running too long? Well unless your favourite colour is brown, you probably don’t really want to know.

We walked around the park for a mile to get our daily exercise, and then this evening we headed over to the clubhouse for the Friday evening jam session. It was better attended than previous years with about 9 people playing. Good entertainment!




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