Wet, Wet and Even More Wet

It was 18°C when we went to bed and 21.5°C when we woke up. As we prepared breakfast the first few drops of rain fell, then some more, then some more heavy ones, then a lot more etc, etc. Finally we got some nice thunder and lightning activity and a tornado warning thrown in for good measure.

In between the really heavy bouts of rain Lyn walked back and forth to the laundry. Problem was the rain had let up when she left the trailer, but inevitable intensified when she was on her way back. There was a bright side though, no one else was using the laundry!

By lunch time over 1.5 inches of rain had fallen and the concrete pad that we are parked on had a couple of inches of water on it. After lunch the rain let up for a while and we took an abbreviated walk around the resort, there is a large fish pond at the back of the resort; it had overflowed its banks onto the road. There was a large pump there that was losing the battle to lower the ponds level.

Just after we got back the rain started up and is is forecast to hang around until sometime tomorrow.

A couple of weeks ago I asked the Canadians to keep the cold weather up north where it belongs, this appeal goes out to the Brits, please keep your rain to yourselves.

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