We Did It!

A warm sunny start to the day, around 20°C, which stayed pretty constant through out the day, although the clouds moved in during the morning.

After breakfast we spent some time to track down a parcel that should have arrived for Lyn. It was mailed from Washington State on the 18th and should have arrived yesterday. We managed to get the tracking number for the parcel, which shows it is still at the accepting post office; however the sender checked with the post office and it is no longer there. The conclusion is that the tracking label came off, but hopefully the address label is till on, so there is still some hope.

Yesterday, one of the strong wind gusts broke the latching mechanism that holds the main door open. The mechanism is plastic, like many things on the outside of the trailer, and has been weakened by exposure to the sun. After lunch I headed down to the local parts store and picked a replacement part. Eight screws later and a little caulking and the job was done.

Later in the afternoon we headed off around the resort for our daily walk. We actually managed 4 times around (see yesterdays comment!!) for a total of 2¼ miles. These daily walks are going to be tough to maintain when we first get back home unless there is a very quick thaw.

Time to batten down the hatches now as we have 2 days of rain and thunderstorms heading our way.


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