We’re Going to Pay for This

A warmer night last night, and a dull overcast morning to wake up to, but it was warm. By mid morning we were up to 22°C. The threatened rain was still a long way off, so I did some more work on the trailer while Lyn did some of her crafts.

Today’s project was to install a couple of connectors for the Satellite TV antenna cables. Usually These cables are just squeezed through a gap where the sliders are and then routed across part of the living area floor. A couple of weeks ago, I routed the cables up through the trailer under-body directly into a cupboard, but just left them hanging underneath. Now that e-Bay has delivered a couple of new fittings to me, I spent a couple of hours drilling holes in the trailer and fixing them on. As jobs go this one was surprisingly quick and easy. Here’s the end result.



Lunch was an outside meal, enjoying the warmth before the next Arctic Blast reaches us; would you guys please keep this inclement weather up north where it rightfully belongs!

After lunch we headed down to the walking trails in Orange Beach to get some more exercise and do some geo-caching. This was a new trail for us, and like all the others it was in great shape with a hard tarmac surface.


The shot above was taken just off the trail at the start of a bridge. There was a cache hidden in the under structure of the bridge.


That’s what a cache looks like, well the bigger ones anyway. A little further on we had to leave the trail for a hundred feet or so to find another cache. The picture below was taken from the cache site, we had the same view for 360° around us, you wouldn’t think there was a path nearby.


We stopped off at a shopping centre on the way back looking for Christmas ideas, alas nothing jumped out at us. Much to Lyn’s surprise I saw a couple of sweaters I liked, so we bought those as a consolation prize. Much to my delight an extra large size is way too big now, a large is a comfortable fit. The weight is still coming down, even though I am not consciously trying to lose any more, today the weigh-in showed I had now lost 40lbs since we started exercising and eating healthier.

So much for 1″ of rain today, we have had three quick (less than 10 seconds) showers all day. They are now calling for thunderstorms overnight. I am not holding my breath.

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