Arrived….. just ahead of the weather

An early start, for us. We were on the road by 07:30, under overcast skies and a temperature of -1C. The news was full of the approaching frigid weather that would hit the region in the next couple of days. Right down beyond the Gulf Coast and into central Florida they are expecting temperatures to drop overnight to -10C or lower, with wind chills in the -15 to -20 region. I know that isn’t that bad for Canadians, but it will be pretty brutal for the residents of the deep south. Many schools are either closed or starting 2 or 3 hours later to allow the heating to catch-up and have the students travel in later in the day when it may have warmed up a little.

We arrived here around 1530 having stopped to do our weekly grocery shop on the way through Foley. When we arrived I had a present for the owner, a genuine Canadian snowball! There was still a few inches of snow in the bed of the truck.

The rig was already on site  so all we had to do was unload the truck a little setting up. Lyn did the inside setup, and got to work outside.

All went well, except for the satellite, which for some reason didn’t want to play fair. I finally won the battle though as I was determined to get it set up in the remaining warmth of the afternoon rather than the cold of tomorrow.

Now it’s time to eat and then sit back and relax after 3 days of driving.

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