I May Have Miscalculated Slightly.

Another warm night, but not a warm day, again we just made it to 20°C. We did manage to spend sometime sitting outside, but it was cool (for us).

My apparent miscalculation involves the next place we move to, Williams Az, next Tuesday. The current forecast has 50cm of snow falling between Friday and Sunday, with night time lows around -8°C. That may not be low at home where there are big furnaces and well insulted double glazed houses to keep you warm. In a not so well insulated, propane heated trailer it is bl**dy cold. Hopefully the forecasters will be wrong yet again!

Lyn headed off to the craft group this morning. Unfortunately it was still too wndy for spray painting or quadcopter flying, so I spent some time with Excel trying to get it to do what I wanted and not what it thought I wanted. I won, eventually.

I have a gizmo in the truck that monitors and displays various engine parameters that I use primarily for measuring fuel consumption. It is about 5 years old and I have never updated the software in it, primarily because you need to send it off to the US for the update (and pay $25!). I finally decided to do something about it, but found out that the turn around time wouldn’t guarantee it would be mailed back before we left, BUT I discovered the factory was only about 20 miles from here, and I could go up there and get the upgrade done in 10 minutes for free. Guess where we’re going tomorrow.

After crafts Lyn spent some time on planning the Alaska trip, we suddenly realised it is not that far away!

We went for a walk around the resort after lunch and we even got a few drops of rain to keep us company.

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