
We arrived in Ketchikan at around 06:00 on an overcast and drizzly morning. The scenery was very similar to the Scottish highlands, as was the weather. As is typical we found out later this was the first rain that they had in many weeks, and the locals were very happy!

Downtown Ketchikan

Downtown Ketchikan

We had booked a tour to a local native village, Saxman, where there are also a number of totem poles standing around the Great Hall. We were pleasantly surprised when we were picked up to find we were the only ones on the tour, so we had a local native guide all to ourselves. At the village we got a tour of the great hall and an explanation of how it was built, together with a display of native dancing.

Dancing in the Great Hall

Dancing in the Great Hall

Next on the tour was a visit to the carving house where there were three people working on carving a totem pole and other wooden sculptures. Finally we braved the elements and learned about the different types of totem poles and their meanings, and even why Abraham Lincoln was atop one of them. Answers on a postcard please!


Totem Pole

Totem Pole

Once we had toured the place we headed back to the ship as we only had a short stop there, we were setting sail at 14:00.

In the afternoon we headed down to the theatre for a talk from a Professor of glaciology, explaining all things about …… glaciers. We met up with her later at dinner as she was sitting at our table.

On the first night we found we had been seated at a table for two, rather than one of the larger tables, we were hoping to be able to mingle at meal times. Anyway, we were close enough to another table to sort of join in the conversation, and at the table was a German girl with her mother, they had requested a table for 2 as the mother spoke no English and felt a little self conscious sitting in a group. We offered to swap places, so everyone was now happy. We now have 3 Ontario couples at the table and a couple of Australian ladies.

The rest of the evening was spent in the theatre watch a performance by a violinist called David Klinkenberg, very talented and a great entertainer.

Next stop Juneau.

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