
We anchored around 07:00 at Skagway, and even when anchored there was still some movement throughout the ship due to high winds and a choppy sea. The good news though …. no rain, and even patches of blue sky. We docked about a half mile walk from the town centre, so after breakfast we braved the strong winds and headed into town.

Main Street Skagway

Main Street Skagway

This was by far the best town we had visited so far, although there were still a number of “tourist trap jewellery stores” there were also normal stores, and you got the feeling that this was a lived in town, rather than one that had been designed around the cruise industry. of course there was the obligatory quilt store as well.

Skagway Tour Bus

Overall we walked about 5 miles today, which was good as I (we) are falling victim to the good and plentiful supply of on-board food.

After lunch, well actually we didn’t have lunch we borrowed a couple of sandwiches from the buffet, we headed back down the pier to board the White Pass & Yukon Route railway.

The Train we didn't Take (unfortunately)

The Train we didn’t Take (unfortunately)

Our Train

Our Train


Train Heater

Train Heater

This trip took us 20.4 (track) miles inland and and across the Alaska border into Canada. The railway was built at the end of the 19th century at the time of the gold rush. In the 20+ miles we travelled we climbed nearly 3000 feet in elevation. It was a well worthwhile trip, made even better by the clearing skies and and a guest appearance or two by the sun.

Trestle Bridge

Trestle Bridge

The Bridge we Didn't Coss

The Bridge we Didn’t Coss

Back on the ship, this picture shows how light it was at 11PM

Light at 2300

Light at 2300

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