Wet Land

Woke up to a dreary morning and headed out toward Seward via Walmart –I needed a screwdriver repair kit for my glasses! From there we headed south, and stopped at a wildlife area called Potter Marsh. This area had about a mile of board walk, and we managed to see a beaver and numerous Canada geese chicks. The rest of the wild life was obviously having a lie in.

Canada Geeslets

Canada Geeslets

Next stop was the town of Girdwood to ride the cable car up the mountain, unfortunately just as we got there they decided to close the ride for the day due to strong winds! Obviously it was going to be one of those days. Looking on the map for a replacement activity we saw the town of Hope, with a name like that we figured it must be worth a visit after the previous disappointments. We headed off there along a very scenic route, and found an old village with log cabins, a bar, restaurant and gift shop. We had a lunch of excellent seafood chowder, then took a walk around the area. Our wildlife sightings for the day were increased by one as we watched a moose walking across a nearby fields.

Hope Community  Cente

View from Hope

View from Hope

Restaurant at Hope

Restaurant at Hope

From Hope we backtracked towards the (2 lane) highway and continued on to Seward. The weather deteriorated and we finished up with continuous rain.

We arrived at the motel in the late afternoon and checked in, the motel seemed pretty good, maybe not as good as the Alaskan prices suggest it should be, but it was OK with one exception ….. the internet. I am now firmly convinced that all the old modems and phone equipment that operated in the lower 48 20 years ago has been shipped to Alaska where they believe 4800 baud is blisteringly fast. In fact compared with the motel internet 4800 baud is blisteringly fast.

The forecast doesn’t look too promising, we will jut have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.

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