Settling in

The world got a little larger today as the trailer next door moved out. If no one goes in there we will have quite a bit of room. Coincidentally since he moved out the campground WiFi has become more accessible, or is that because I bought the USB device?

This morning was the weekly trek to do the shopping, we took the back roads and my legendary navigation skills came back to haunt me. For some reason at this place I can’t get my built in compass to work, hard to explain but my navigation is worse than usual, so out came the GPS.

This area is covered in orange groves, all up the back roads to the stores were orange trees, we’ll have to stop one day and borrow(?) some of the fruit.

After the shopping was done, it was back for lunch and then Ln went off to explore the laundrette taking a basket full of clothes to keep her company; she must have had a good time as she was gone for over an hour 🙂

The laptop started playing up a couple of days ago, kept crashing…. normally when using Firefox, decided I had to re-install windows. Now all I have to do is track down all the passwords that my browser had so kindly memorised for me.

It appears we are the “talk” of the RV park at the moment. Apparently we have one of the largest trailers on site, and  evidently there was quite an audience when I was parking it. Even two days later we’ll be sitting inside and people will go by talking about the size of the trailer.

Time to go find those missing passwords

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