Done That!

A little later than expected, but here is the last entry for this trip.

We made it to the ferry terminal with a couple of hours to spare; we were due to sail at 23:45. but they started boarding about 90 minutes before that. As we got onto the boat, they were loading all the cars way down in the bowels of the ship, luck was with us though as the car in front was directed along the main deck to the far and, and the #1 spot for dis-embarkation. We followed and got the #2 spot. We headed straight up to our cabin and were asleep before 23:00… perfect for the long drive the next day.

Next morning we were up at 06:30, and off the boat by about 07:15, there was a slight panic as all the passengers showed up for the car in front but no driver, no driver = stuck on boat. He turned up a few minutes later and all was good.

We headed into Edmundston for the first night, then home by late afternoon the following day.

All-in-all another great trip, the weather in St. John’s was poor, and remained that way for most of the time we were on the island. Other than that the weather was mostly warm and dry, although we did have to scrape ice off the car on the last morning!

I think we (I) have finally realised we need to do less travelling per day and either more local sightseeing, or more time in the hotel to relax, particularly if we can find hotels with pools / saunas!

Next trip for me will be the UK in 5 weeks for a quick, blogless, visit. Then we head off to Washington state to pick up the trailer sometime next April.

In the meantime it’s time to get my eyes fixed, glasses and changing vision have been driving me crazy over the last couple of years. The thought of sticking contacts in my eyes does not appeal, and laser surgery is out due to a combination of age, ever changing vision and a couple of long PhD words I don’t understand. The remaining option is to get new lenses, for my eyes not the glasses! I had the first eye done yesterday, took about 5 minutes for them to dig into the eye, break up the old lens, suck out the pieces and stick a new lens in. Rather weird sensation as you are fully awake as they do all this. The second eye gets done next week, one has been corrected for reading, the other will be corrected for distance and the brain sorts out the resulting mess!

It must be working, as last night only 6 hours after the operation I managed to do something in bed that I hadn’t been able to do for the last 12 years …………. read a book without glasses on!!

See you in April

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