Washing Day

Woke up to a cloudy / misty day and 13°C. What happened to the California heat? In reality we are on about the same latitude as south-western Ontario.

We headed out into the next town to the south, Eureaka, to catch up with the shopping. Also managed to get in a trip to a non fabric store for a change. This time it was Harbor Freight, something like Princess Auto on steroids.

When we got back Lyn had some laundry to catch up on, so I thought it would be a good time to give the trailer some TLC. It has been well over a year since we have been able to wash it, the drought in southern California has put a ban on auto washing. I checked with the office here, and to my surprise there is no such ban this far north, there’s plenty of water. First job was to clean and condition the roof, it was amazing how much dirt and grime came off. By the time the roof was done some showers moved in, couldn’t possibly wash the rest of the trailer in the rain!

After the rains moved away we took a walk around the RV Park; unlike many places we have stayed at about 99% of the trailers here are from California. Maybe tourist season hasn’t started yet.

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