Shopping Therapy

Well, I have cooled down a little from yesterdays rant, in fairness the camping area of the camp ground is still a dump, but there is a nice indoor pool, hot tub and sauna. There is also a list of 48 rules that each camper must abide by. Such gems as:

Any cracked windows in RV’s must be replaced intermediately, cardboard is NOT to be used as a repair method.

No rust on any vehicles

NO repairs to vehicles to be carried out on site

Any fluidĀ leaks must be repaired immediately ( how does that fit in with the one above?)

And probably my favourite, if any of these rule are not enforced by management, this lack of enforcement is not to be construed as a waiver of any rule.

Still can’t wait to leave.

The rain continued on the wet coast (just like the UK I remember!!), so what to do …… shopping. For a change I wanted to go shopping, as well as Lyn, so I dropped her off at JoAnn fabrics and I headed out to Home Depot for a couple of items, and then across to Best Buy. I had decided it was time to buy a new camera. Although the current one takes good photos, it has one major and annoying flaw, the screen is not bright enough to see what is in view, in bright sunlight it is often a case of point, shoot and hope.

The new camera is no bigger than the old one, it will still easily fit in a pocket, but it has greater resolution (18.2MP), greater zoom (30x optical. 60x digital) WiFi connectivity to download pictures but best of all a digital viewfinder! In addition there are about 4000 other bells and whistles on it that I have yet to discover!

Well my shopping was a success, Lyn’s, not so much.

We headed of to WalMart for some other stuff (including an air freshener for the wash room (see yesterdays blog!), then back for lunch.

After lunch Lyn headed over to the laundry for the weekly wash, this place got another black mark; the cost of a load in the machine was shown as $1.50, however after putting in $1.50 the machine demanded another .25c before it would do anything, this place definitely nickel, dimes and quarters you.

While Lyn was enjoying herself I forced myself to go shopping once more. There is an electronics store in the States called Fry’s. I was a very regular customer of theirs when I used to travel to LA every couple of weeks. Not only does it sell computers and other gizmos, it sells lots of electronic components for hobbyists. After about 30 minutes I had to leave, there was so much to buy, but no justifiable reason to buy it!

The Sunday traffic around here was about as bad as the Saturday traffic, I dread to think what the weekday traffic will be like. Tomorrow we head about 30 miles north for our sole reason of stopping in the area. Stay tuned.


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