Over the Passes

The good weather disappeared last night after a late night thunderstorm and heavy rains. We woke up to cloudy skies and the temperature had dropped to 10°C overnight. At least the visibility was good after the cold front had passed.

After breakfast Lyn made a picnic lunch and we headed off to cross a couple of passes. Initially we were on the I-90 for about 20 miles, then we headed off to the north-east to cross the Dobson Pass. This is a pass through the Cabinet Mountains that climbs to just over 4000ft at its summit.

The northern part of Idaho seems to have more trees per square whatever than any other place I can think of, if there is no road the surfaces are all tree covered.

View 2

View 1We picked up the road for the Thompson Pass, which was higher at 4900ft, but was a much gentler climb. Again, trees, trees and more trees. I am guessing the air must be pretty pure and well oxygenated around here.

We did pass a few small meadows, and in one we saw a group of turkey’s strutting their stuff. Time to play with the new camera and its zoom!

Turkey 3

Turkey 1

Turkey 2

We also tried to find some caches, but everyone seems to think a great hiding place is a small tube hanging from a pine tree branch. We are useless at finding those when there is only one pine tree involved. Here we didn’t stand a chance. We failed to find four in a row!

Along the side of the road Lyn spotted a couple of mule deer off in the distance, time to play with the camera again!

Deer in Woods 2

Deer in Woods 1

Across from where we had parked were some interesting (in my mind at least) rock formations

Rocks 2

Rocks 1

We had a couple of showers on the way, and went through some low cloud, but overall the weather wasn’t too bad. The temperature dropped to 5°C at the higher elevations, and there was still some snow along the edge of the road.

Back at the campsite it was time to debug the front of the trailer again.

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