Lights and Sirens

Another lazy day in the warm Florida sunshine!
About mid morning, we heard sirens on the highway, but instead of going by they got louder then stopped. A couple of minutes later a fire truck pulls up across the road from us. A couple of guys sauntered out and ambled over to the home opposite (always amazes me how they come speeding down the highway with lights and sirens going, then just stroll around when they get to destination.) Five minutes later the ambulance arrives in a blaze of lights and sirens, and again the crew amble out as though they are on a sunday stroll! Half hour later they come out with the guy on a stretcher, hang around form 5-10 minutes doing paperwork, then take off in a blaze of lights and sirens again.Fund out later the guy had a history of heart problems and was suffering from chest pains, seems he was going to be ok.
Lyn wanted to do just a “little more” shopping in the old downtown area, so we headed out there late morning. Once the shopping was done, we went to a small French style cafe we had seen a couple of weeks ago for lunch.The food was good, but the music playing in the background kept reminding me of the cafe in ‘Allo ‘Allo!
After lunch it was time for the weekly shopping, then back to the campsite. Just so happens a little gizmo I had ordered on the internet had arrived, so I spent the rest of the afternoon fine tuning my new antenna.
I may have to tweak the satellite dish as well, the picture has been breaking up and “pixelating” the last few days, and I don’t know why 🙁
This entry was posted in 2011, Florida, Lake Wales, Trips, Week 4. Bookmark the permalink.

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