Day 1

Weather is a lot cooler, topping out at about 70F today.

Pretty much settled in, one more antenna to go up and some tweaking of the stupid Virgin 3G connection for the internet, although the campground WiFi is pretty good here so it is not as important as it was at the last site.

A walk around the park today confirmed our first impressions yesterday that this is a good place to be. There is an outdoor pool, unfortunately unheated, but there is also a hot tub.

The nearest shopping is about 5 minutes away with big box stores, and the beaches are about 15 minutes south of here.

Grocery shopping was the order of the day, and the recommended store was Piggly Wigglys (only in Alabama!!). The store was as large and as well stocked as any large supermarket chain, but their pricing was a little odd. Their slogan is “Our Cost plus 10%”, so the displayed prices look good, but you have to ad 10% to them. Even after the mind numbing calculations, the prices were still better than the other stores we have shopped at.

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