Last Day

Again it was overcast when we woke up and the humidity was still with us. By mid afternoon we reached about 30C with a humidex 5-10 degrees above that.

This morning was spent getting things cleaned up and put away as this is the last day of our long trip as far as touring is concerned. The next few days will just be driving to get home, albeit via a rather circuitous route.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day with just over 800km to drive to Lake Village Arkansas, the following day we head down to Foley, Alabama where we will spend two nights then a 3 day drive back to Ottawa. There may or may not be blogs on that trip, there probably won’t be too much to say, but I will write a wrap up blog, probably next Monday.

This afternoon we braved the heat and humidity and went for a 1.75 mile walk to pick up two more geo-caches. After that it was back to the trailer and more tidying up and dismantling ready for an early start tomorrow.

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