Here We Go Again

Just a quick entry to ensure I still know how to use the system!

On Wednesday, October 17th, we head down to Australia for just under 5 weeks. We are taking the scenic route, i.e. longer distance and time gives cheaper comfy seats up front. We route Ottawa-Montreal-Beijing-Sydney. We will spend a few days in Sydney then fly up to Brisbane and rent a car to drive up as far as Port Douglas.

Next test to see if I can still add photos! Today, Sunday, we took the MGB out for it’s last trip of the year. We went with about 45 other old British cars (mostly MGBs with a few MGAs, MG-TF’s,MG Magnette, a few Jags, a Lotus an Austin Healey, a mini and somehow a Nissan Pathfinder as well!) on a run through Western Quebec to see the fall colours.

A few of the Cars on the Ferry

A few more cars at a rest stop

Some Scenery!

Apart from being a little cool (1C / 34F) when we started (with the hood down!) a great trip was had.

Not sure when the first blog entry will be, it depends on what internet we can get in Beijing.

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