I want my money back!

This may be the best campsite to date, but the weather sucks. Heating is back on, with forecast lows tonight around 5C. This morning was pretty dreary and cool so we headed off shopping for a while. Came back to the trailer and the sun finally showed its face, dragging the temperature up to around 15C in the afternoon.

I went out later in the afternoon on a hunt for the elusive new SIM card for the phone to be used in the States. After finally deciding on the best plan, trying to find the SIM card has proved impossible. I was about to order one from the carriers site for $10 + $5 shipping when I made a quick detour to eBay where the same card is 1$ + $1.50 shipping with a free 50 minutes of air time! All I have to lose is $2.50 if it doesn’t pan out.

Also put more diesel in the truck, the price is now up to $3.70 / gal, has been as high as $3.93. When we set out in October is was around $3.18.

One good bit of news, I checked my bank statement on line after taking out some cash and the amount I took out in US $ was greater than I was charged in CDN $…..

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