Well, despite the pies that were forced upon us last night an excellent nights sleep was had. In fact if you allow for the fact we crossed into the central time zone we slept til 0945 body tine, 0845 local. After breakfast we headed out on a warm and sunny morning, destination Chamberlain South Dakota. Hopefully this is our last “travel day”. Today’s trip is the shortest of the 3 so far at “only” 750Kms (465 miles).
The further west we went, the flatter the land got and we went from forested areas to farm lands.
The title refers to the fact that after today there is only one US State I haven’t visited, Hawaii. North Dakota has been conquered!
I have now visited all Canadian Provinces and Territories and 49 out of 50 US States, not bad for a Brit!!
Once in the Dakotas the land flattened right out and dairy farming and corn fields were the norm.
On the upside, the Interstates were quiet and it was perfectly legal to drive at 80MPH (130Kmh), which we did! As we approached our destination the sky ahead turned an ominous dark grey and about 10 miles from the hotel lightning appeared. We made the hotel before the rain, but we were greeted with sirens going off. We thought at first it was a tornado warning, but a quick check with the receptionist confirmed that it was only a severe thunderstorm siren, tornado ones play a different tune.
If the rain eases we may head out after dinner as there is a 150ft statue of a native with a quilt just down the road that is lit at night and is meant to be worth visiting.
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