A New Continent!

As the title suggests, South America will be a new continent for us, only leaving Antarctica to be conquered. I suspect with the high prices demanded for those trips it wil remain unconquered!

We headed out from the trailer this morning, courtesy of our friends Jim and Ruth who gave us a ride to Pensacola Airport. After a slightly bumpy ride we made it to Houston Texas, where we are now waiting for our next flight to Lima Peru.

We’ll spend a couple of days in Lima, then pack up the bags and make our way to Machu Picchu and the surrounding area for a few days. We will then fly back to Lima and then on to Santiago Chile to board the Sapphire Princess for a cruise along the Chilean coast and Fjords, around Cape Horn to the Falkland Islands, then to Uruguay and finally Buenos Aries, before flying back to Pensacola.

I am not sure what the internet access will be throughout trip, but I’ll attempt to keep the log going, although there may be times it will published late.

And my usual disclaimer, I am using a tablet with a small keyboard so there WILL be spelling mistakes, grammatical errors etc. Sorry you’ll have to live with them!

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