Hot, Humid and Tired!

This going to be a short entry as we are both pretty tired both from the travelling yesterday and wandering around a hot (30C / 86F) humid Lima. As as I said earlier we booked a tour for the afternoon to see the highlights of Lima, unfortunately the majority of the highlights appeared to be traffic jams!

In between traffic we sort of saw the main plaza, unfortunately the people of Lima like to protest often, which leads to many streets and the main plaza being close off by the police. Today we saw the riot police in all their gear and shields together with a closed off plaza. So instead ,off we went to try a Lima delicacy, the churros. As we are south of the equator, there were absolutely no calories in this. It is similar to a donut in taste and consistency and is like a long roll stuffed with chocolate! Ours were straight out of the cooking oil soft, very fresh with melted chocolate in the middle. Delicious! Having tasted the food, we now had to try the local drink, Pisco. Pisco is distilled grape juice, it comes in many varieties from plain through flavoured with various fruits or honey. We had to try four different types!

I’ll probably add more to this tomorrow at the airport as we will have a couple of hours to spare before the flight.

Dream on! A couple of hours spare time was not to be had. This is being updated about a week later on the ship! Lima is a busty place with an horrendous traffic problem! Although there are a few modern areas in the city, the majority is old and in places bordering on run-down. Lima is home to 11million people. Below are some general views of the city.

Huaca_Pucllana the Pyramid ruins we could see from our room.
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