OK, so I am running out of titles, all may become clear later! There was no great rush to get moving today as we weren’t being met until 1045. Needless to say we didn’t rush. Once at the airport it was busy, but everything kept moving. I wish airports would standardise what needs to be done to keep the security dragons happy. Sometimes belts need to be taken off, other times shoes, sometimes both. Sometimes a watch has to be removed. We were hungry at the airport, but couldn’t be bothered sorting out the local food, so it was a Burger King lunch!

We got on the plane, which closed it’s doors and pushed back 20 minutes early… unusual! The flight was fairly turbulent, and more so as we started our approach. As we descended about 3 miles from the runway it got quite bumpy and dark. About 350 ft above the ground the engines fired up and we started climbing. The pilot had hit the TOGA switch. TOGA is part of the auto throttle system and stands for TakeOff/Go Around. On take off it will set the correct thrust and if the aircraft has to abandon the approach TOGA will set the correct thrust for the manoeuvre. I suspect the pilot lost sight of the runway due to a heavy downpour ahead of us and had to abandon the approach. Despite this and going into a holding pattern for 15 minutes we still arrived 5 minutes early.

We were met by a guide who escorted us through immigration. With all the paperwork we had filled out I was expecting a very thorough entrance process. Instead the guide took us to the immigration officer and told to go through and stand behind the booth while he sorted things out with immigration. No pictures, no fingerprints they didn’t even check our faces against the passports.

We then had our bags picked up for us and went off to meet our guide and driver for a 40 minute trip to the hotel.

The hotel is set in some woodlands and seems to be ok EXCEPT for the bathroom. Although it is part of our suite, it is open to the elements in that there is no roof to it! Given that this is the hottest place yet at 38C (100F), I am not sure I am keen on the setup!

Tomorrow we are of to a temple that occupies 250 sq. miles.

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